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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:23 pm

Belinda cried out but quickly stifled any more cries from herself as she bit down on her bottom lip and continued to bare with the pain of the painful armbar. She would narrow her eyes, kick her heels against the canvas a few more times...

She didn't want to submit here, but it felt as if her arm was about to be ripped out of it's sockets. As Manami's hips pushed up off of the mat even more. From that the Swede would have to either tap out or find a way free from this hold. 

She would shake her head as she would attempt to place her feet against the canvas, arch up from the mat herself and with a quick but powerful heave and roll try and roll Manami up and fold the green and white clad woman up in half. Locking her hands together to keep her rolled up like that. Belinda would attempt to lift Manami up, using her legs strength and all to raise Manami as far up off of the mat as she could before she would try and slam the wolf down onto the canvas and try to force her to release her with a heavy impact.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Tue May 01, 2018 2:50 am

Ah. For all her misgivings about the persistent northerner, her pleading cries were among the most invigorating Manami had the privilege to hear. The wolf wondered just how high of a pitch she could manage had managed to drag from those pretty pink lips of hers. She’d been content to simply lay on her back and soak in the euphoria that echoed steadily from Belinda’s mouth in terrifying waves. She tightened her thighs, pressuring her arm as best as she could.

Feeling the surge of energy at her feet, she turned her attention back to Belinda. It was merely a stir at first, but the next moment, Manami found herself bent over backward with her legs pressing down on her. For a moment, she was wondering if Belinda had simply forgotten the rules and gone for a pin attempt. Those thoughts were dispelled the moment her body was lifted, all one hundred and thirty pounds off the floor and she realized exactly what the Swede had in mind. She readied herself and, in an instant, had her back slammed hard against the canvas. A rough gasp escaped her lips, releasing the hold and arching her back instinctively.

There was no sense in simply laying down, however. She rolled off to the side and stopped just short of the ropes. Reaching out to grab them, the wolf began to rise to her feet, a tad shakily as she finally began to feel the effects of the impact. Seems she had some last bits of strength tucked away. Manami felt a tinge of excitement to see that this match still had plenty of entertainment left to give.

“Catching your second wind?”

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue May 01, 2018 10:24 am

Rising up and deadlifting the brunette off of the mat, up high before she slammed her down with that makeshift slamming escape. She watched Manami Kuroda roll away from her, as Belinda would stagger back. Creating a nice rift between the two opposing forces in this match. The Swede would shake her head, narrow her eyes and softly roll and move her arm about. It was in quite a deal of pain....but she'd have to manage. 

When Manami moved up and grabbed the ropes, starting to pull herself up towards her feet, releasing those words of hers. Belinda had only one real response. " Second? When did my first wind end?" Belinda said with a half-hearted smile towards Manami as she was glaring daggers at the wolf girl. The Swede would move forward, raising her arms up. 

She would take a deep breath before she would gesture for Manami to come at her. " For all that tough talk you keep spouting, for all the insults you throw, It's just gonna be all the more sweet when I get you trapped with those handcuffs." Belinda said as she would drop into her wrestlings stance. " Now, show me what you got Manami!" Belinda threw her challenge towards the Wolf girl, gesturing for Manami to come at her for that lock up which the Swede was offering.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Wed May 09, 2018 5:14 am

Manami cracked her neck as she stood back up to two feet. Strength was apparently another thing she’d underestimated about this one. From the looks of her slim build, she assumed her to be more centered around agility. Fancy flips and unnecessary theatrics that only served to make Manami’s job all the easier.  But no, there was plenty of bite to go with that arrogant bark she was howling her way. She’d have to take that flippant little tongue from her mouth and...

Oh. A lock up? With all that punishment her arm was surely going through? For all her persistence, Belinda was nevertheless a spirited individual. There was something about that admirable quality of hers that the wolf couldn’t help but find...appetizing.

Interesting. Very interesting.

“Bold words.” She said, raising her hands to equal Belinda's stance. “I hope they’re of good comfort to you in your hospital bed.”

The Wolf Girl widened her stance and approached the younger Northman with calculated steps. With a quick lunge forward, she locked hands with the Swede, attempting keep her grounded for a brief moment. Just long enough for her to line up her strike. Placing one foot behind her to seemingly keep herself balanced, Manami would shoot her knee forward as she yanked her adversary's arms towards her, looking to bury it in her adversary’s gut.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Wed May 09, 2018 7:39 pm

The two of them stood ready from the looks of it, neither of them seemed to want to back down from the much of a pragmatist anyone was. When the crowd was roaring, when two women were simply looking to show themselves as the better, there was no room for backing up or hesitating. It was a tall task to just back off from a lock up....

Belinda was more than willing to show Manami Kuroda wrong, to show this Wolf what happened when you poked the bear too many times. Though perhaps bear wasn't a fitting animal for Belinda. Maybe a Wolverine was a better animal for her.

She would step forward and go in for that lock up. The quick lung was met with a slap of bodies meeting, as hands locked up and the two of them were locked together for the lock up. There was a splash of sweat that came from their meeting, but Manami was quick to turn this lock-up into an advantage, as she drove her knee up into Belinda's gut. " Guugh!" the blond gasped out as air rushed out from her lungs and a few drops of spittle would escape her mouth and fly off towards Manami's face, as the blond quickly folded and doubled over in front of the Wolf Girl.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Thu May 10, 2018 12:08 pm

More than a few spineless indigants in the crowd were more than willing to express their displeasure at the Wolf Girl’s strategy. Barely a moment had passed in the lock But they had assumed she cared to best Belinda in a bout of strength in the first place. What did she have to prove by catering to the woman? Manami was more than happy to punish the Swede for her bullheadedness. To show her the limits of that sort of bravado.

The smack of her flesh rang out across the arena, earning a collective wince from the crowd of onlookers. The wolf grew a toothy grin as she brought her leg back down, releasing the lock up as the Swede lurched over, bringing her head into range and leaving her pristine little neck nice and exposed. She was of a mind of follow up with another strike, perhaps to a more sacred area, before Belinda handed her a more fruitful opportunity.

Manami went to wrap her arm around the Swede’s neck. As she did so, she went to reach down and snake her arm between her legs before shooting back up and hoist the woman up onto her shoulder. Holding her in the air for only a moment longer than efficiency would have it, the Wolf Girl would fall back, attempting to slam the Shooting Star into the canvas with a delayed vertical suplex. A bit more theatrical of a maneuver than she cared for, but one that would help define the gap in strength between them.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Fri May 11, 2018 10:40 am

Belina was left doubled over and coughing out as she found herself in a sore spot right now, weakened and stunned, unable to to fight back at the moment and Manami knew that all too well. She didn't waste much time though as the green and white clad fighter soon took a hold of the blond's head.

Pulled in under Manami's armpit, Belinda's hands quickly shot to the woman's hips, trying to grab and push off of it. Yet, to her surprise she was soon grabbed by her legs and hoisted up into the air. In a display of strength Manami Kuroda held her upside down in the air. Her blood rushing down to her head as Belinda weakly struggled in the hold.

Then suddenly she was brought down from that great height, hit back first on the canvas and flopped once. " Gah!" She cried out, arms and legs ending up eagle spread by the nasty delayed vertical suplex of the Wolf girl's.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Mon May 14, 2018 1:49 am

There were a couple, audible gasps that reached her ear from the seated audience as their shining star was kept suspended above the canvas for far longer than they’d expected from a woman of Manami’s size. A common surprise to anyone that wasn’t intimately familiar with her past endeavors. The underground didn’t allow for slimmer or more delicate builds in its ferocious roster of hardened criminals and lawless vagabonds. One was either strong, or they were not. Her powerful frame wasn’t simply a matter of choice, it was a necessity.

As if to accentuate that point, she began moving on to her next move. The wolf rolled onto all fours, stalking her downed prey with a hungry glint in her eyes. She stepped back up to two feet as she stalked around Belinda, stopping between her legs and cocking her head slightly to the side for a moment, reveling in her handiwork. But she wasn’t quite done with the Shooting Star.

“Now, now.” She said leaning down. “You haven’t earned that peaceful slumber quite yet.”

Wrapping her hands around the Swede’s thighs, Manami would press her shoulders underneath her opponent’s legs. Placing one firm foot in front of her and rising up to one knee, she would shoot up and arch her back to whip Belinda up and onto her shoulders. Having managed that, she would move on to complete the whiplash motion, throwing the young Northman forward as the wolf kicked her legs out, going for a sitout powerbomb.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Mon May 14, 2018 8:58 pm

That nasty delayed vertical suplex had taken both Belinda and the crowd by surprise and with it the shooting star had become a fallen star, flat on the mat with her arms and legs spread eagle upon the canvas. Downed, but still not out...she groaned and shook her head a little.

She hadn't the power to move yet as the pain from the move still racked her body. Manami and Belinda had been tearing into each other in this match so far, and it had the crowd more than a little excited! Belinda was soon stalked by the Wolf girl as she prowled around the blond and then stopped in between her spread legs. The Swede opened her eyes and looked up at Manami's impressive frame with the arena lights illuminating just above her head.

Then suddenly she felt those arms wrapped around her thighs and the shoulders of the brunette press against the back of her thighs. She was then hauled upwards in an impressive display of strength yet again as Manami Kuroda showed once more how strong she was, deadlifting the Swede up for a moment before she slammed her down in a brutal manner with that nasty sitout powerbomb! Belinda's body flopped upon impact, arms dangling in the air for a moment before the Shooting Star was brought down int a heap on the mat, her chest heaving with each breath she took, the ropes of the ring jumping and dancing because of the tremendous impact from Manami's powerbomb!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 6 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:14 pm

Down! Manami let out a fierce shout as her powerbomb finally reached its potential. The whole ring shook from the impact, rocking ever so subtly beneath them as her opponent cried out and finally fell still. A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face and fell from the Wolf Girl’s jaw as she threw one of the Swede’s toned legs to the side. She stood up at a somewhat slower pace. Belinda wasn’t quite the bulkiest of opponents, far from it in fact, but when so much of her hundred-thirty-odd-something pounds was dedicated to trained muscle even the strongest of wrestlers would have a difficult time executing as many taxing moves as she just had in one string.

Yet Manami managed it nevertheless. The golden girl was down, evidently worn beyond belief from being caught and whipped about in the wolf’s fierce jaws. She stepped out from between the younger Northman’s legs, striding easily to her side and leaning forward, her shadow obscuring the veteran’s bright face. “Your inane persistence bores me to tears, Northman.” She leaned back, pointing towards the fallen blonde as she started to turn. “Stay right there. Let me fetch you an aide.”

Pivoting on her front foot, she spun around and walked to the edge of the ring. Laying down, she reached over the edge, slipping her hand underneath the apron and rummaging around. This? No, too light. Hm, what was this? No, too soft. Let us see...ah, this will work. Manami gripped the object at her fingertips, pulling it out with a harsh grate and unveiling her discovery to the waiting audience. A heavy, lead pipe laid in her grasp, slightly rusty and its ruined shine flickering as she brought it close to her. Gripping the weapon tightly in her hand she stood up and, with an eerie smile, walked back over to her opponent’s side. Stopping for just a moment to take in her prey’s vulnerable form, Manami would reach down with the pipe, caressing Belinda’s face and brushing her hair away with its cold edge like a lover’s touch.

“Ahh. Such a pretty face.” Flicking her smile into a wicked smirk, she drew the pipe away and raised it high above her head. “My sympathies to your plastic surgeon.” With those final words, she brought the heavy pipe down, aiming its terrifying velocity with the sole intent of caving in Belinda’s beautiful, PR-friendly little features.

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