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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:25 pm

Belinda wouldn't allow Manami to get back up towards her feet, or even get back her senses as she saw Manami drop down onto one knee, looking to pay the wolf-girl back for her words as well as her moves and tactics, the blond would quickly try and lift her foot up from the ground, grabbing at Manami's head by that short hair and deliver a devastating upper aimed straight at the Wolf-girl's chin. 

Trying to knock Manami's senses for a loop and the green and white clad woman backwards onto her back. Belinda would then huff a bit, shaking her head as she would try and roll Manami over onto her front, grabbing a handful of those form fitting trunks and a handful of short brown hair as she would then try and pull Manami up to her feet and start to run, looking to ram Manami head first into the steel pole in the corner of the ring!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:26 am

Did that hit have some more power behind it than the last time around? Manami couldn’t put her finger on it exactly, but she could have sworn that Belinda had tacked on a certain ferocity to her strike, one that shook the wolf to her core as kept on one knee. Perhaps upsetting her wasn’t the best strategy at this moment. Not while she wasn’t in a position to capitalize.

Unlike other, less deserving parties, Belinda didn’t seem to falter quite as easily to this kind of mental prodding. She was a bit more fortified, a bit more sure of herself in her delusions of grandeur. Hm. This may have required a bit of a different approach.

There would be time to dwell on that soon enough, however, as Manami felt the Swede’s hands yank her roughly up, keeping her horizontal. With one swift run, the Wolf Girl’s face was sent colliding into the steel pole. Just barely managing to tilt her head away from hitting the pole squarely, Manami had managed to avert any damage to the bridge of her nose, but still felt the shock all the same. A stunning blow racked her mind from front to back. As soon she hit the floor, she rolled onto her back and brought one hand to the side of her face, the other scraping against her thigh as she went to numb the pain in any way she could.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:58 pm

It wasn't wise to start talking smack to Belinda, especially when it came to her older sister Cecilia. While it was true that she had a bit of an inferiority complex when it came to her sister. Feeling as if she was in the shadow of her sister at times, she was working very hard to make sure that she would be a light that could shine on par or even stronger than Cecilia's!

The young Swede was rather annoyed now though, as it seemed....rather clearly that Manami was trying to jab at that very complex of hers. Which only made Belinda want to beat Manami even more! She drove that lovely face right into the steel post and watched Manami slump down and over onto her back. Looking fairly dazed, the Swede would attempt to reach down for a handful of that hair again.

Yanking on it and taking another handful of those green thighs, as she would guide and try to roll Manami into the ring. Soon following after as she would climb the apron. Yet, she didn't enter the ring....instead Belinda would move towards the corner and start to climb up, aiming to get up towards the top turnbuckle and take to a stand, raising her right arm and waiting for Manami to start to rise up to her feet.

The Second that the Wolf-girl rose up, The Shooting star would attempt to dive right at Manami, aiming a to hit Manami Kuroda straight in the chest with a diving forearm smash!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sat Mar 17, 2018 5:09 pm

Manami was less than overtaken by her current situation. While she wasn’t particularly keen on letting her foe have her way, deciding where the match locale would be fought and when, she couldn’t deny the younger Northman’s prowess. In all honesty, the Wolf Girl found herself preferring this kind of Belinda over her usual healthy, competitive guise.

The aggression in her movements seemed better suited to her senior, and far more talented sister. It was good to see that she had managed to strike a nerve. At least, good for future insight. Currently, it merely meant more pain the longer she attempted to endure the Swede’s offense. It had grown from merely tolerable to an actual nuisance. She was going to have to put this Northman down sooner than later

As Belina made her descent, Manami hadan’t afforded herself quite enough time to make some distance. She went with her instincts and quickly formulated a guard with her forearms, attempting to cover her upper body as best as she was able. Her head was exposed, but thankfully it didn’t appear to be the target. The blonde’s elbow dug into her arms, the rest of her body following soon after and forcing the air out of her in a splash. At the very least, she avoided a direct impact, but her arms were going to be feeling that for a while. Whatever escape plan she had was going to have to be rethought. Quickly.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:56 pm

Belinda came flying down with that diving forearm strike and smashed it right into the white and green clad woman's arms, she had wanted to hit her in the chest...but this was good enough. Knocking Manami down onto her back as the blond landed on her feet, staggering and almost falling forward. She managed to catch herself though and quickly spun on her heels to turn towards the downed Manami Kuroda.

With a panting breath, Belinda would waste no time in making her way to the downed Manami Kuroda. Belinda would quickly try and reach down for two handfuls of that short brown hair. Aiming to guide Manami up towards her feet. Belinda was going to put this girl down! Looking to shove the head of Manami in between her her sweaty thighs. Aiming to then lean forward and wrap her arms around that waist of the Wolf Girl.

She'd try and heave Manami up, forcing the wolf-girl up on her shoulders where the Shooting Star would then try and brutally throw Manami back first into the mat with a brutal powerbomb!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:21 pm

At the very least, it appeared as though Belinda was slowing herself down a tad. That was the unfortunate thing about untamed aggression, there was always a limit to it. It wore the body faster than the mind could keep it up with it, draining the reservoir faster and faster it attempted to keep up with increasingly heinous demands. For all her disgust towards this loathsome federation, Manami did her best to ensure it never aggravated her too much. Cooler heads prevail, after all.

All the same, she couldn’t deny Belinda’s skill. A Northman was a Northman, no matter how you spun them. She had made it a point to not leave herself open, keeping up her offensive to ensure the Wolf Girl hadn’t been given the chance to reorient herself. She felt the woman tug at her hair, bringing her back to her feet

Not until she went for a power move.

Nothing wrong with that in itself, but techniques like that always had a larger windup, especially with someone of Belinda’s build. There was a split second in the motion where the Swede left herself open, and the wolf snapped her jaws down upon the vulnerability in the blink of an eye.

As the Swede raised her for the powerbomb, hoisting Manami onto her shoulders, the wolf would quickly clamp her thighs between the younger Northman’s head. Throwing her body back as she did, she’d attempt to send the blonde flying off the side with a hurricanrana.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:44 am

Belinda was determined to show Manami why you shouldn't really awake the anger in a Northman, and while it was going well so far, the Swede was starting to slow down a bit though, she needed to catch her breath but she knew already that Manami Kuroda was a dangerous woman and that she wouldn't be able to let her get back into the fight.

For the blond, she took a hold of Manami and rolled the green and white clad woman up onto her shoulders. Grabbing at the woman's hips as she was about to slam the Wolf Girl down, those strong and sweaty thighs clamped tightly around her head. Eyes widened for a second as she was yanked towards the mat by the brunette.

Crashing down on her upper-back first into the mat from Manami's quick thinking and fearsome hurricanrana as the blond bounced a bit on the mat and quickly tried to roll over onto her side, arching her back and gasping out a bit in pain.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:08 am

Seems that was enough of that.

Her hurricanrana had worked as well as expected, planting Belinda harshly on her back before she writhed about on her side in agony. It was something that would have brought a smile to her lips, if Manami were permitted to see it. Other things were holding her attention at the moment, however. Pain being the chief among them.

Whatever experience Belinda had conjured up during her time hadn’t gone to waste, evidently. As she went to stand back up, she clenched her eyes shut, wincing at the harsh treatment her body had been forced to endure. She could have only imagined the damage that would have been done had she allowed that powerbomb to succeed.

There was a tinge of regret in pressing that berserk button, but it at least allowed her to see what the youngest Northman was truly capable of when she threw away those petty ideals of restraint and respect. She was nearly intimidating, if a bit uncoordinated. It reminded her of this unimpressive lump from Iwate she had the displeasure of challenging back when she was a wide-eyed, oblivious youth.

Northern folk were always so rambunctious.

Putting those thoughts aside, the wolf knew she had an opening. The time to strike was now. She stood upright and brought herself behind the injured blonde. Manami brought her knee down, knocking it against Belinda’s temple and keeping it there to grind against her skull.

“...almost adequate.”

In a snap movement, she went to wrench the Swede’s arm away from her side, clamping it between her thighs and falling back. With a tight squeeze, she’d jerk the arm upright, putting Belinda in a brutal armbar.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:16 pm

Belinda groaned as she laid on her back, arching it off of the mat as that hurricanrana had been quite the surprise, with the angle it had been at it was almost more of a frankensteiner than anything else. Whatever you wanted to call it, it hurt like hell and she needed a moment to recover from that hit.

Though it didn't seem as if Manami Kuroda was going to allow her. The wolf girl was quick to step in next to the the blue clad wrestler and dropped down, driving her knee straight into Belinda's temple and eliciting a loud gasp of pain from the blond, followed by a low wincing groan of pain as that knee ground into her head. " Grrgh..." yet it was Manami's words that stung the most....this woman was without a doubt in a class of her own when it came to pissing Belinda off!

As the Swede was about to bring try and shove Manami off of her, the Wolf saw it's chance and struck. Her arms grabbed at Belinda's raised arm, and then those strong thighs wrapped around them and over her chest. Her arm was hyper-extended and pushed upward in an awkward angle by the green and white clad woman's armbar. " Aaagh!" Belinda cried out in pain as her legs started to kick against the mat and her head began to shook from the intense pain in her arm.


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:30 am

Oh, the crowds certainly detested this sight. Their grand heroine plunging back into dire straits with nary a glimmer of hope at escape. The younger Northman’s assault was fierce and exacted no small toll on the wolf’s body. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite enough to put her down. She had to make this woman suffer for that.

Manami felt a sense of elation overtake her at the sound of Belinda crying out, witnessing her kick her legs about in equal parts agony and frustration. It was everything she deserved. She’d been living in this fantasy for far too long, chasing a dream that will never come. If this hopeless halfwit was content in chasing the shadow of her older, better half, than in the shadows she could remain. The Wolf Girl had far bigger ambitions, which started with putting sheep like Belinda in their place.

Beneath her heel.

Locking her legs together, Manami would increase the torque on the Swede’s arm, bucking her hips to crank the hold for all it was worth, putting as much tension on the elbow as she could muster. Her thighs would constrict, accentuating her muscles as she went to surround the arm with pressure on all sides and wear it down even quicker. A dislocated shoulder. A broken arm. A small price to pay in her eyes for the consequences of inexperience.

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