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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by HighFly Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:27 pm

Alaina felt the ax handle smash her back before she was lift up, her body aching. She knew what was coming and as Cassidy took her steps forward she tried to tighten her legs around her neck, knowing that she had to try to counter this into a hurricanrana to save herself from a lot of pain as well as the humiliation of being power bombed... having a variation of her own finisher used against her!

It was too little, too late. Alaina was crushed against the mat with sickening force as she cried out in pain and held down for the pin!


Alaina was clearly in a lot of pain, her loud scream and the look of agony etched on her face said it all. Her entire body was aching, and she felt like she couldn't even move.


Alaina gasped for breath and barely moved as the referees hand went up and came back down... but just before it hit the mat she cried out and thrust her legs back to break up the pin just before the three count!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:18 am

Cassidy was being rather tactless the moment she had put Alaina to the mat with her running powerbomb. Her hands firmly and suggestively running the length of the woman's legs to hold her down, rolled up tightly in the pin. The way she draped her chest down across the other woman's thighs to add her weight to it all. Did she think she could seduce The Amazon with small bouts of frisky touches? No, not particularly. Though, she would have been delighted to find out if the girl was more susceptible to things like these.

In the end it was all part of how she was playing with Alaina, attacking her every way she could to throw her off her game. Everyone was different. Some folk got real fired up, other got sheepish, some just let it happened and begged for more. The reaction didn't matter, so long as one was there. It was about evoking emotion. Emotional people didn't think straight, didn't perform at the top of their game. An emotional person was going to make mistakes, and Cassidy liked to exploit that. She was a reason they called her Cutthroat Kidd and not Cuddly Kidd.

She almost felt like she was deserved some manner of recognition. It had been one of the prettiest damn powerbombs she could recall pulling off it it damn well might win her the match. She smiled down at Alaina through her legs, even flashing her a small wink.

Just before the final count hit, she was thrown up by the tremendous buck from The Amazon below. It had been so hard it actually popped Cassidy right back onto her feet and sent her stumbling back, arms flailing to balance herself. She let out a loud laugh and a whistle, genuinely impressed by her opponents show of force. It took quite a bit to actually surprise the cowgirl, and here Alaina was doing it anyway.

She mugged a bit for the audience as if she was upset by the kick out. In truth, she was pretty excited. This woman had style, power, looks… the whole package. What a great first match in the league. Her laugh slowed to a chuckle as she circled the ring to collect her hat again, dusting it off before slipping it back on. It seemed she was going to give Alaina a chance to get up…

But she wasn't. The moment The Amazon had started to rise, Cassidy backed up towards the ropes, bouncing herself off them to break into a charge. With long heavy strikes she covered the distance of the ring, rearing back with her right arm. She swung in, trying to take Alaina down with a massive run by lariat as she crashed on through like a stampede of bulls.

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by HighFly Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:54 am

Alaina heard the charging Cassidy before she saw her. Staying low and looking up she saw the rushing cowgirl and knew she had to do something. While dodging was good, she had been hanging on by a thread. Alaina had to establish herself in this match and show Cassidy that she was not to be trifled with. She had to counter in a painful way. Alaina tried to spring up, rising more quickly than Cassidy expected. She wanted the oncoming Cassidy to break against her like a big wave ineffectively crashing against a bigger concrete wall.

Alaina knew that Cassidy had range, but her arms weren't as long as the amazons legs. Alaina used the momentum of herself springing up to raise her right leg up aiming it right at Cassidy's oncoming jaw. If her big boot worked like she planned it would combine the momentum of Cassiy with Alaina's own power and spring as well as the placement against her jaw at the last second. All that would hopefully devastate Cassidy and create a window for Alaina to return the favor of the pain she inflicted on the amazon!

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:07 am

Cassidy galloped across the ring, primed to blow Alaina down and trample the Amazon here and now. As her foe sprang to her feet, there was a little voice in her head that told her to to stop and not try to run the other woman down. She ignored it. Where was the fun in being cautious.

With a shout and a loud laugh, she rode on, winding up her arm for a lariat she was hoping to take Alaina’s head off with. As she was just about to swing, The Amazons boot came up, catching her square in the face. Her momentum carried her legs out from under her as her upper body was knocked backwards.

Cassidy’s back slapped the mat hard, leaving her laid out on the ground with her hands to her face. She rolled from side to side, kicking her legs a bit, heels digging into the mat as she dealt with the pain.

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by HighFly Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:32 am

Alaina wanted to deliver the biggest, baddest amabomb she could later to Cassidy that she could.... Alaina needed to demonstrate the true power of what a real power bomb was...

However, that could wait. Right now Alaina was still hurting and had to capitalize on taking Cassidy down. Alaina bent down to grab Cassidy and turn her over onto her back. The amazon bent down, wrenching her arms in around Cassidy's to grab her as she attempted to perform a deadlift dragon suplex to Cassidy! If she pulled it off not only would it deliver a lot of pain to Cassidy but it would put her in a pinning position as well! Not to mention get a loud pop from the crowd....

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:09 am

Before she had much time to consider the size of the boot imprint pressed into her face, Alaina was roughly flopping her over onto her stomach.even through all of that she had somehow managed to keep her hat on this time. Regardless of how much she was hated by Alaina or jeered by the crowd for her less than moral tactics and behavior, that was somewhat impressive.

She had just begun to push herself up, reaching her hands and knees when The Amazon clamped her arms up under her arms. She had thought the woman was attempting to put her in a full nelson, in fact she was looking forward to it. It was a hold she knew how to take and escape well enough. She was a bit surprised when she was suddenly ripped off the mat into the air, decidedly NOT in a full nelson.

The second big suplex she had taken, this one had been leagues worse in terms of punishment, especially since it had blindsided her. The brim of her had was scrunched up against the back of her neck. It was hard to care this was going to leave a crease in the headwear. It was even hard to form a coherent thought at the moment. Folded up for the second time, almost as perfectly as the first.


With the German suplex, she had been ready to break the count. She landed the best she could, bided her time, and broke free just when it counted. This time, it was an actual struggle. Her hands pawed at the air, trapped in place by The Amazon’s flexed arms.


Her legs rocked in the first few attempts to free herself from this predicament to no avail. She was running out of time, fast. She brought her legs in, groaning as she reached the pinnacle of her flexibility. With one last hard buck, she kicked her up and to the side, getting a shoulder off the mat as she flopped to the left.

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by HighFly Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:53 pm

Alaina held the pin as best she could, but Cassidy managed to kick out! Alaina rolled to her side, working her way back up to her feet as she kept an eye on Cassidy. the silence was nice, but Alaina had to keep on top of the woman otherwise this was going to end badly for her. Alaina backed up and then ran at Cassidy, tying to rush straight at her as quickly as she could! She had just focused a lot on her head and neck areas so why not continue?

Alaina wanted to run at Cassidy and leap into the air, swinging her legs up as she spun aiming a spinning wheel kick right at Cassidy's face! It would be nice follow up to the big boot and dragon suplex provided it connected. Cassidy had proven to be a talkative woman, but she was cunning and gritty. The amazon was not going to be able to easily put down the cowgirl. She had to keep her focus, and maintain her momentum. Cassidy was gong learn that calling out and angering Alaina was not at all a good idea...

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:06 am

Cassidy's shoulders bobbed as she started to drag herself to her feet. Was she... yes, she was laughing. An awful lot for someone who had almost lost her match. Alaina was monstrously strong. There was no denying that. More impressive than she first imagined. Maybe it what that little extra fire she had lit in her, or many she was just always like this when she got moving regardless, Cassidy was far hardier than she may have appeared. She routinely brawled at the bar, had been thrown from pulls, and even been kicked square in the chest by a horse. The Amazon had some more work to put in if she was hoping to keep her down and out.

She had turned just in time to find her opponent flipping towards her, legs coming in fast. She leaned back, but not quite far enough. Alaina's boots clipped her head, sending her stumbling backwards. Before she lost her balance, she managed to hook an arm over the top of the ropes, anchoring her upright. Her hat sat askew as she grimaced, trying to shake off the blow that had just sent her reeling. She gnashed her teeth a bit, taking a few testing bites at the air to make sure her jaw was still sitting right after taking that kick.

"Feisty, but that's how I like'm."
She leaned off the ropes, placing a palm under her chin to slowly force her head to tilt to the side giving her neck a small crack. She threw her head back in the other direction, popping it again. She rolled her shoulders, drawing in a deep breath through her mouth. Her nose was a bit stuffed up from taking that big boot. The soles of her boots slipped across the canvas as she lowered herself a bit into a bracing stance bringing her arms up. "Tch... alright. Alright. You got my attention. We'll do this right."

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by HighFly Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:15 am

Alaina saw Cassidy reset herself and she did the same. She wanted more than anything to wipe that cocky look off the womans face. "Okay then." Alaina replied to Cassidy. She shook her head and slowly approached. Alaina wanted to try to work in a good, solid submission hold on the cowgirl. Nothing like a hardy hold to humble someones attitude. However, Alaina needed to soften her up first.

Alaina tried to step in and swing her leg around attempting to catch Cassidy in the side with a swift mid-kick! This woman was proving to be far more competent than Alaina originally thought. She fought many women who were all clout and show only to be sub-par in the ring. Cassidy was not like that at all. Her actions were matching her annoying mouth. Alaina had a far easier time respecting such qualities when she wasn't opposing her in the ring.

"The Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Friction
Suzumi Ishikawa "The Tsunami"-Friction
Peggy McIntyre-Friction
Hikaru Sawazaki-Friction
Rosa "Crusher" Cabrera-Friction
"JJ" Janella Johnson-Friction
Raquel Masters-Friction
Lauren Fredericks-Friction
The Irish Amazons


Posts : 8787
Join date : 2014-03-11

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Wed Apr 18, 2018 7:46 pm

Cassidy stared Alaina down, grinning like a wild coyote, starting to circle as her opponent inched in on her. She saw it out of her peripheral vision, and shifted her body to anticipate. Her hands snapped down around The Amazon’s ankle, catching her kick as she stepped back. Her foe however, was a wild one, so hanging on too long would get her an enziguri to the face, of that she had no doubts. Almost as soon as she had grabbed hold, she throw her arms to the side to give Alaina a hard spin to keep the other woman's momentum going while she was stuck on one foot.

Stepping in, Cassidy drew back her arms as she charged forward swinging her arm wide. He muscles tensed as she sliced a lariat through the arm to slam into Alaina’s back as the other woman spun, trying to take her to the canvas. "Yeehaw, time to dust you up good!"

If she had brought the Amazon down, she wouldn't stop, carrying her momentum into a run towards the ropes. Throwing her back to the cables, she sprang back the way she came. Barreling down at her for, she briefly left the ground with a short hop. Her straightened out, thrusting her boots out at Alaina’s face with a low dropkick.

"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 JTYmfg2

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd - Page 3 Empty Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs Cassidy Kidd

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