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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:14 pm

Allison said nothing during all of Violate's talk about guns, but looked at her and around the room with a look of mostly concealed disinterest. She raised an eyebrow, though, at the implication of the damage this toy had caused. She raised her hand, almost reluctantly, and offered it palm down to Violate while she got to her feet.

"I must say that I liked you more when you spoke less. I may fall in love with you if don't speak at all." Allison remarked as though slightly bored. "Though I must ask, what have I done? I call you pretty and you call me droll. Have I not earned more than that?"

A hint of a smile flickered across her face. "Now, dear jackal, here I am. What do you have in mind?"

Last edited by 1167 on Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:34 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:04 pm

Violate leaned forward as she clasped Allison's hand and bent down, pressing her lips against it before standing back up and eying Allison coyly. "Oh my." She said with a wink. "Mum's the word then. Can't be tiring you out and making you bored now can we?" She said with a little chuckle. "And I have praised you thoroughly. Such a fine woman you are, still picking out the one perceived sleight. I meant no offense dear Allis. You have fallen into a pit. The word has been used sarcastically for so long that people think it can only be used with that tone in mind. I assure you I spoke it with all sincerity."

Violate stepped forward after Allison spoke and spun around, gracefully as she looked over the woman. 'Fufufu... Let's not waste the opportunity we have been given. This place is populated with a whole flock of tender young veal." She brought her fingers up and made a grabbing motion with them. "Shall we peruse the selection and maybe have a sample?" She said as she raised her eyebrow curiously.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:56 am

Allison thought for just a moment that this woman was a bit weak willed. So quick she was to apologize and justify herself and make amends in whatever way she thought necessary. She was maybe too eager to please. But that wasn't it, was it? Allison smiled. This girl had finally piqued her interest.

"Lead the way, gentle Violet. I couldn't be more exicted." She said, not sounding terribly excited. She did find the thought of breaking a sweat with new girls rather enticing... She even had parts of her ring gear on under her clothes, sort of, if it came to that.

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:57 am

Violate mused at Allison's words. "Gentle?" She said with a wry smile. "I don't believe I have been called that before. perhaps I am being too dainty for your taste?" She smiled and marched out of the cafe. She led them back towards the gym of the Afw and talked with Allison while they walked. "So, Ms. Wrestler." She began. "When choosing out a particular melon amongst the bunch, what determines if they are ripe enough for you to enjoy? When you squeeze one of those melons, what do you expect to find that would make you say, of course, this is perfectly delicious!" She said as she raised her fingers.

Violate then grinned. "Fufufu. Or maybe I should say when you have a whole wine cellar to choose from, what attracts you to a particular bottle?" Violate was pleased with herself. "We must retreat to a place where we can indulge ourselves properly once we have finished with our little endeavor."

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:57 am

Giving it little thought, Allison said "I would say one that challenges the palate. I like to taste my food and experience my wine... Life's too short for White Zinfandel." She looked over to Violate and smiled. "I'd quite like a challenge. After all if my hands aren't dirty by the end, what's the point?"

When Allison smiled, there was never any clear indication of motive or of a singular emotion. No matter what one understood about Allison, she always gave the impression that there was more behind that, unrevealed. This time was no different. Like the complexities of a good Cabernet, Allison liked for the situations she placed herself in to have no one clear flavor or feeling. She didn't like certainty, she liked intrigue. She also very much liked to fight and sweat and to hurt and be hurt, it was exhilarating. For all of her decadence, though, she didn't let her expensive tastes get in her way in a fight. She fought fiercely, to win.

"Are you looking as well, darling? Have you yet to make the acquaintance of anyone suitable? I do recall you saying that you were new here. I'm sure that whoever we run across, though, we won't be left without entertainment for the evening. Eh?"

Last edited by 1167 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:53 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:12 am

"Perpetually, my dear. Fufu." Violate said as she looked at Allison and winked. She was similar to the Brit in that it was impossible to read her true motives. Her playful attitude was meant to be enticing to pull people in. Prey would be seduced by Violate's charm and be drawn to her. While others, like Allison, would be naturally wary of it. Or see some sort of weakness. Either way, Violate appreciated everything she cultivated.

She then smiled wryly at Allison. She would reach out and try and take er by the arm and lean her head against Allison's shoulder for a brief moment. "If we are taking your words literally then I have already found a suitable acquaintance.' Vi would then pull away and smile at Allison. "But to answer your question truthfully? I have barely looked. My residence is filled with enough of those who are both eccentric and delicious to keep me from being bored. One in particular has piqued my interest but it's always a race to see if I can get to the girls before my employer." Violate sighed ever so slightly. "So here I am with you, dear Allis. I will look for something a bit fresher. Pluck the koi straight from the pond, as it were, fufufu." She said with a wink to Allison.

"Oh." Violate said with a sudden curiosity. "Have you found time to experience this place yet? It has its charms if one cares to look for them." Vi then studied Allison carefully. "Though... you do seem to be a woman who knows what she is after. I imagine beyond this facility you might not find interest in the land at large. or doth mine eyes deceive me?" She chuckled at her words, finding her own humor to be quite pleasant.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:53 pm

"I've only just arrived. But I'm quite interested in finding out about this place." Allison said, with just a hint of irritability. "May I ask, where are we going? The one 'of interest' to you, what hold does your employer have to do with her? I don't know if our preferences are compatible, but I'd be interested to meet this one."

Allison began walking very slightly faster. She was not a patient woman. "I dare say, Vi, if we don't find something to do soon, you may find yourself acquainted with my years of experience. I'm not sure if you'd enjoy it. Depends on the strength of your stomach." She said, giving Violate a sly, almost sinister look and tapping her on the stomach with the back of her hand.

Last edited by 1167 on Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:05 pm

"hmmm.... " Violate pressed a finger to her lips. "I've never worn one of those kimonos before. Would you accept a regal elegance in this country's style? I think it may be interesting to see... at the very least." Violate seemed to be ignoring Allison's questions for the moment, slyly watching Allison's face. It was easy indeed to bring this tea kettle to a boil. That amused Violate especially. For the eccentric Portuguese woman, patience was definitely a virtue. "I think the right kind of make up and hairstyle and the right colors and you could be mistaken for this land's nobility." Violate then stepped forward. In front of them was the AFW's gym entrance.

She stepped forward and swung the door open and stood in front of it and waved Allison in with a gesture. "After you, m'lady. fufu." She looked up at Allison with a wink and strolled in after her. "Oh... and the person of interest. She is also works for my employer. She's the manor's poolboy, fufufu." She slid in past Allison and looked around.

There was a reception desk on this part of the gym and Violate flashed a card at the girl and winked, indicating that she belonged here. Beyond was a glass wall separating the girls from the normal 'exercise' part of the Gym. Bikes, treadmills, etc. were all lined up and there were a few girls taking advantage of them. In the corners of the rooms were huge flat screens that televised live matches and showed old matches, current events , etc. when there wasn't a match going on.

Violate then glanced around. "It is a feast and we've been invited." She said as she twirled around elegantly to face Allison. "Though...' She said looking the girl up and down. "I do find your suggestions intriguing, I'm afraid that your skill far surpasses mine in physicality. My work is done in other areas. Perhaps because of that, our combined efforts might work well together. Ah, but shall we peruse the dining table and see what is available to sink our teeth into?"

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:22 pm

"Being mistaken for this land's nobility would be an insufferable insult." Allison said with a degree of finality, as if she were stating the obvious. "And I don't think it appropriate for me to take your advice on my wardrobe."

Allison looked around with mild amusement at the room Violate had brought them to. She would be forced to use the facility in the coming months, since she could not at present afford to build a facility of her own. It was annoying, a little, but she also liked the idea of being able to see her competition at work, even if it disgusted her a little to have to mix sweat with them.

"Yes, yes, very nice," She said shortly. "Let us peruse. Peruse away, darling."

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 2 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:42 pm

Violate chuckled at Allison's words. "My style is impeccable." She said as she tilted her top hat. "I'm the envy of every Victorian Dandy, fufu." She then strode forward and looked around. Some girls on exercise bikes, one running the treadmill. A bigger girl lifting weights.. Violate wrinkled her nose. "Come come, dear Allison. This lot is hardly worth out time." She strode past the girls and towards the gym portion of the facility. It was huge and had even more workout equipment, mats and rings. It was an amazing spectacle.

Violate then scanned the ring. There were some girls sparring, some spotting each other on the mats. But in the back, working over a heavy back was a girl who seemed content to be on her own. She was dressed in some Lycra shorts that clung to her body and and a sweat stained shirt that had the sleeves cut off, showing just a bit of her black sports bra. Her brow was furrowed and she seemed to be hitting the bag with anger.

"Oh my, fufufu." Violate said as her eyes fell on the girl. She then turned to Allison and nodded. 'Shall we? She looks positively scrumptious.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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