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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:25 am

"Mmmm..." Allison purred while she slunk over to the girl. She casually leaned against an adjacent heavy bag and put one hand on her hip while she watched the girl work.

"I admire your work ethic. I also prefer to train alone, but I generally lack your enthusiasm." She said, her voice like velvet. Her whole body language had instantly shifted into a sort of predatory sensuality. "Glad I'm not dressed for the occasion. I'd hate to be your sparring partner, bloody hell. Might I ask, what's got you so worked up?"

Last edited by 1167 on Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:26 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:10 am

Violate watched as Allison crawled forward. She smirked and carefully remained some distance away to allow Allison the initial contact. It would be interesting to see how this played out. "Fufufu.' She chuckled to herself. Allison's eagerness proved to be in the dapper woman's favor.

Meanwhile, Maricarmen was so focused on her punching bacg that she barely noticed Allison lean up against the nearby bag. It wasn't until she spoke that her eyes widened and she turned and looked at Allison.

"E-Excuse me?" She said wondering why anyone was even talking to her. She looked the woman over. She was far too exquisitely dressed to be in this gym, that was for sure. "Uh... yeah." Maricarmen said, turning her head away from Allison's gaze for a second. "I just don't see why I should half-Ass practice and then expect to full-ass a real match, alright?" She said as she turned back to Allison. Her cheeks were a bit flush. Her tone was accommodating, not snarky. As if she were saying, 'I answered your question is that good enough to get you to leave?' But now she couldn't concentrate and looked over Allison. She looked tough, that was for sure. But there was a regal authority to her as well. "S-sorry but was there something you wanted? I can't really concentrate with you standing there."

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:23 pm

"Oh, don't worry, I hear that all the time." Allison said. She took a step toward the girl. "You seem very tense, darling. Your aggression toward that bag is exemplary, but you should also know that proper training demands that you be relaxed."

She reached out and took hold of the girl's wrist. She slowly extended the girl's arm until her knuckles rested against the bag. "Relaxation until the moment of impact, darling, isn't that the way of it? Perhaps that's a lesson that would benefit you. Would you like me to assist you?" She asked with a polite, well mannered, and ever-so-slightly unnerving smile.

Last edited by 1167 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:59 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:56 am

Maricarmen looked over Allison with a bit of irritation and nervousness. She hadn't answered her question at all. Instead, the haughty woman grabbed her wrist.. She was about to get mad when she expressed an interest in helping her. Slowly pushing her hand against the bag. "I.. err.." Her cheeks were flush and she was about to pull her hand away when from behind her, Violate appeared.

"Don't frighten the poor girl now.' Vi said with a silky smooth voice. Maricarmen was startled by that alone and turned her head to see Violate tilting her hat. "You don't even know who this woman is and yet here she stands offering advice. Isn't that what you're thinking? Allow me to make things a little more clearer for you. You see..." Violate placed her gloved fingers on Maricarmen's shoulders and leaned in closer. "You see, I'm a fight promoter, manager, talent scout. Violate R. Placido- Maybe you've heard of me?" She obviously hadn't. but Violate didn't let Maricarmen answer. "Ms. Watson here is the finest my stable has to offer. We've come looking to take this league by storm and yet."

Violate pulled away from Maricarmen and looked at her with a quick and sly smile. "Even putting our best foot forward we still have to keep an eye out for talent, good talent. Ms. Watson has an eye as keen as myself and when I saw her wander over here I knew she'd sniffed out a good one."

Violate then slid over to Allison and put an arm around her. "But this certainly isn't the lottery. Around here an eye's for looking. Why don't you take up Ms. Watson's gracious offer and show her what you got? You never know when a simple work out could end up changing your life, fufufu."

Violate then leaned in close to Allison's ear and whispered in it soft and breathily. "Go get her, fufu." As Violate stepped away from the two, Maricarmen looked over Allison once more. "Well.. um.." Her cheeks were still flush. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least listen to some advice. I try and relax when I can.." She said trying to defend her actions a little bit. "I guess I'm just nervous since I'm new here."

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:13 am

"Well my dear girl, d'you know what the very best way to shake those nerves is? Getting your hands dirty." Allison said with a very nice smile. She turned to the nearest practice ring and gestured with her hand. "Would you like to climb in here with me? I'm quite experienced and I'm an excellent instructor, I'm quite sure I could help you with a thing or two."

Without waiting for a response, Allison walked easily to the ring, as though she wasn't at all in a hurry, pausing when she got there to remove her shoes. She climbed the stairs and slipped through the ropes. She unbuckled her maroon jacked and slung it over a turnbuckle. She removed her earrings, but left her necklace on. She'd always loved the feeling of being barefoot on the mat, and she wiggled her toes to savor it. She wasn't quite barefoot, though she still had stockings on.

Finally she turned to regard the new girl. "Since I know you're wondering, I'm called Allison. Are you coming?" She said with restrained anticipation and a terribly charming smile.

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:24 am

Maricarmen watched Allison carefully. "A spar might be nice." She said carefully as she watched Allison get into the ring. Especially against a tough girl like Allison seemed to be. She got into the ring and peeled off her shirt, revealing her modest sports bra underneath. She didn't want her baggy tabard like shirt getting in the way and she would be wrestling in similar things anyway so there was no sense in being modest. "Yeah." She said turning her head a bit. "I'm Maria-Carmen. Just call me Maricarmen or Maica... I don't care which.

She then rolled her shoulders back and pulled against the ropes. She was already plenty stretched but felt the need to do it some more. She then heaved a sigh and looked at Allison. So?" She said. "Do you just want to lock up a bit or?" She wasn't sure of Allison's intentions but Violate promptly chimed in. "Oh, why don't we just have a little match? Fufu. Don't worry, Ms. Watson will go easy on you."

Maricarmen then furrowed her brow. "I-I'd prefer not. I don't want to be treated like some newbie. I do have a little bit of experience." She had won a few matches in the indie leagues and built up a modest resume. Nothing to brag about but certainly not bad. Still they were against newbies and people looking to break into the big time like herself.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:45 am

"Oh, certainly, you look as though you've got plenty of experience." Allison said, nodding, obviously patronizing the girl. "And I don't think I'll call you any of those things..."

Allison seemed to become more imposing the less she wore. The confidence with which she carried herself only grew as she shed layers. She approached Maricarmen and stood directly in front of her. "How about we start with a bit of the getting to know you, I'd like you to be comfortable... So what I'd like you to do is hit me. Don't hold back, let's see your very best, eh?" Though her tone was even and polite, she came across as demanding. She curled her index finger, beckoning to the girl to come to her.

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:04 am

"nnn..." Maricarmen grunted softly at Allison's words. her eyes narrowed a bit. She didn't like the girl's new tone one bit. "Whatever." She said and then looked curiously at Allison's request. "What the heck? She said a little curious and slightly annoyed. "This isn't Fight Club, lady." She said. If Allison wasn't going to be nice then why should Marcarmen? But after a second, she sighed. "I'm not sure how this is going to be helpful but whatever." She bobbed in place and loosened up, giving another sigh before stepping on the ball of her feet, hopping up and dashing towards Allison. She reared back her fist and clenched it and threw out her arm as hard as she could at Allison's chest, aiming for the sternum. She didn't want to knock Allison out and so she avoided the face. And punching her int he stomach seemed to also be a little bit of bad form. A punch to the chest would show Allison her power without hurting her too bad.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Bluemouse Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:39 pm

As the girl ran in, Allison lunged forward and to the outside of the girl's punch. She avoided the punch entirely while swinging her arm out at the girl's neck in an enormous, powerful clothesline. She kept her momentum moving forward after the impact and fell forward onto her stomach to fling the girl down at the mat even harder.

She stood up, unfazed, and began to unbutton her shirt, gradually revealing the sleek black bra she wore underneath and her exquisite breasts and silky skin. "A for effort, darling, but an F for execution, I'm afraid. Do I appear stupid to you? If so, that could be part of the reason why you now look so very stupid yourself." She said dryly, her smile gone, as she shucked off her shirt and approached Maricarmen.

"I liked your thoughts on the intensity of your training. You may consider this a 'full-ass' training session." She said, her soft, posh accent polishing Maricarmen's words back to her.

Last edited by 1167 on Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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So Nice To Meet You... - Page 3 Empty Re: So Nice To Meet You...

Post by Tatyina Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:43 pm

Maricarmen was shocked by sudden movement of Allison. Her eyes widened and she lost a step in her footing. She couldn't throw the punch and almost froze as she saw the arm come out. Suddenly her throat got slammed hard and she was brought down to the canvas hard. She coughed and sputtered, kicking her legs as she brought her hands to her throat. "F..." She tried to curse but only a it of spit came out.

Maricarmen then rolled onto her hands and knees. She was coughing but managed to tunr her head a bit to glare at Allison. "What... hah... the ... hah... fuck... bitch." She spat and tried to slowly get up. This bitch had a serious problem and if Maricarmen could recover, she would show her a thing or two for sure.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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