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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Training for Real(?)

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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:34 am

Aiden was fidgeting from irritation as she heard Izumi's giggle, and when the woman crawled closer to her, she backed away slightly. Izumi's teasing was really getting into her head, calling her inexperienced and all. Sure in the experience department, the older woman would definitely had plenty above her own, but Aiden wasn't a total newbie, damnit! The lick on the lips, however, caught the redhead off guard and she temporarily froze on her spot for a second, allowing Izumi to push her to the mat.

"Aaah?!" she yelped before her back was slammed to the canvas. "T-that's cheating!"

Or was it not? They're still on the spar after all, a thought that just came back to Aiden's mind a bit too late. Izumi had no obligation to give her a break, and the redhead clicked her tongue as she realized her wrists were already pinned by the woman.

"Y-you...!" she hissed at her. "G-get off!"


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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:24 pm

Aiden was obviously the kind of girl who got easily flustered and frustrated when the match wasn't going her way. Sure signs of inexperience. But Izumi found it to be rather to cute to be honest. Her fiery temper matched her lovely fiery hair perfectly, and she loved taming wild, uncooperative little troublemakers. She had already gotten her to tap once, and she was barely even trying. If she could get her to submit to such a simple move, then she was sure that she could tame Aiden fairly easily.

Holding her down by the wrists, Izumi grinned down at the peppy red head before leaning down and getting her face close to hers once again. She was so cute when she was shouting. "Cheating? Last I checked, there was no ref here to tell me to stop," she said, giggling a bit before she would plant a firm kiss to Aiden's lips, taking in the taste of the younger girls skin as she did so.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:03 pm

Aiden gritted her teeth in further irritation as Izumi just had to rub in her mistake with her teasing. It didn't help that the woman was still in control of the match with her on top and pinning the redhead's arms. When Izumi began to lean towards her, Aiden could have guessed what she was going to do, and she turned her head to the side, giving Izumi her blushing cheek instead of her lips. She's not going to let the woman keep having her way with her, even if she couldn't do much about it.

"Nngh..." a mix of moan and grunt escaped the redhead's lips as she felt Izumi's soft lips planted on her cheek. "I'm n-not that easy...!"

Aiden would then began to kick her legs and buck her hips, to try throwing Izumi off her. It's probably futile given how she was still recovering from the earlier smother, but she couldn't think of anything better. Not when her head was clouded with her anger and embarrassment, the two obvious weakness of hers.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:48 pm

Izumi was a little irritated that Aiden wouldn't let her kiss her on the lips, but that didn't matter too much. She could still have fun with her. So, instead of kissing the red head on the lips, she kissed her cheek, and slowly moved her lips down to the girls neck, kissing passionately.

It wasn't easy to do so with Aiden struggling so much though. As much as she tried, Izumi wasn't going to let her go though. She was determined to have her fun with the younger girl, one way or another. "Stop struggling, it will just make it that much easier on both of us," Izumi said, stopping her kisses for only a moment to speak, only to go right back to it. She was hoping that, given Aiden's almost shy nature when it comes to being touched, she would be too distracted by what she was doing to fight back too much.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:55 pm

"Nnggh... N-no way..." Aiden gritted her teeth to prevent herself from moanin as Izumi kissed her neck.

In her current state she couldn't overpower the woman no matter how much she's struggling. In the end it's only draining her own strength even more, and the kissing of Izumi only further sapping down her resistances... quite effectively, even if she didn't want to admit it. Soon enough Aiden's struggle ceased significantly, reduced only to light squirming from being kissed by the woman, her face was blushing deeply.

"H-haaahh...!" she let out, arching her back slightly. "S-stop that..."


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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:08 pm

Before too long, it seemed that Aiden's struggles were finally coming to a slow halt. Iumi grinned a bit as she kissed the girl's neck. It took long enough. Despite Aiden's recklessness, she was quite a handful, and difficult to subdue. Of course, she wouldn't admit that to the red head. Compared to her, she had a lot to learn about not just rushing in and hoping that it will gain you any good results. A lesson she will learn right here, right now.

"You and I both know you don't want me to stop," Izumi teased, stopping her kisses once again. This time though, instead of continuing her passionate assault, she would nibble down on the red head's neck a bit, not hard enough to cause a lot of pain, but enough that it was definitely distracting.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:18 pm

"T-that's what you're think-aaahh?!" Aiden's protest were cut short by the nibbling on her neck.

If Izumi wasn't sitting on top of her like she did, the redhead could just jumped from that little surprise alone. Her squirming came to a complete halt as she froze on her spot for a bit. She glanced at the woman with a nervous expression, not knowing what to do anymore at this point. This sparring session now felt like worse compared to her last one. She could only lay a few hits on Izumi, while the woman could dominate her quite easily. It was frustrating, but when Izumi assaulted her like this, the frustration would quickly turn into something else... which, Aiden didn't really want to admit.

"A-ahh...! S-stop..." her voice almost sounded like she's moaning rather than protesting. "G-get off..."


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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:04 am

Izumi was having so much fun, tormenting the poor red head underneath her. Aiden's protests were so cute, and it made Izumi feel more powerful in a way. She had been dominating Aiden the entire time, save for a few moments where she got lucky, and still, she refused to admit when she was enjoying herself. Izumi didn't care though. She'd get her to admit it sooner or later.

"You'll have to beg if you want me to let you go," she teased some more. Still nibbling on Aiden's neck, Izumi would let one of her hands trail down the front of the red head's body, stopping at her breast for a moment to give it a firm, but gentle squeeze, then continuing to trail down until it finally reached the girls covered sex. "Time for the good part," Izumi would say before letting her fingers gentle tease the girl over her panties. Remembering just how riled up she got last time, she knew that this was something that would get to her pretty easily, and she was looking forward to seeing just how she got when she got under the panties.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:34 am

"W-what...?! Y-you wish!" Aiden used whatever remaining from her defiance to yell at Izumi when she asked her to beg to be released.

When the woman's finger starting to trail down her body and squeezed her breasts, though, the redhead almost jumped again, only to be held down by Izumi's weight on top of her. She gasped, a bit too shocked to let out a moan, but when the woman's hand reached her pantie, Aiden arched her back and her head would be slightly thrown back from the sensation.

"Aaahhn!" the red haired girl couldn't even think to hold back her moaning this time. "N-no! Not there... ahh..."

She never could really decide whether getting aroused a bit too easily was a good thing or not. In this kind of business, it's probably the later. Even if she had one arm free now, Aiden's will to keep resisting had already sunk down significantly. Still, she lifted her arm, trying to push Izumi away no matter how futile it would be.

"G-get your hand o-off... mee... haaahh..."


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Training for Real(?) - Page 5 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:00 pm

Feeling Aiden pushing on her with her now free arm, Izumi could tell that her touches were starting to have the desired effect. She could barely push her at all, so the older woman had no trouble keeping the red head down. "Hmmm, you seem to be enjoying this, no matter how much you tell me to stop," Izumi said, her finger still teasing the girls covered sex. But that was enough teasing for now. She wanted to hear Aiden moan for real.

Izumi would grab at the edge of the girls panties, and slide it to the side to reveal the girls sex to her. With a grin, she would the let her finger gently touch the red head's now vulnerable lower lips, and slowly slide one finger inside of her, taking her time so that she could enjoy every moment of it. Izumi silently wished that she had a toy with her or something. That would make this so much more interesting. Not that she wasn't enjoying teasing her new play thing, but still,it would have been nice to be adventurous.

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