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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Training for Real(?)

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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:21 pm

"Gh... S-shut up..." Aiden replied in frustration as Izumi's teasing really starting to get into her head.

The moment she felt the woman slided her slightly dampened pantie aside to expose her womanhood, the redhead froze again for a few seconds. Aiden fully realized where this was heading to, but she couldn't really do anything to stop Izumi. When the woman's fingers touched her lower lips directly, her resistances almost collapsed entirely.

"A-aahhn~?!" she let out an audible moan when one of Izumi's fingers entered her moist sex. "N-noo...!" she tried to protest, but her tone clearly gave away how aroused she was.

Her hand would reach for the woman's arm, trying to stop Izumi from going further. However, the red haired girl was already running low on her defiant fuel that she couldn't pry the woman's arm away like that. Part of her enjoyed Izumi's touch and wanted the woman to do a lot more to her, and it caused her legs to inadvertently open themselves wider, giving Izumi a better access to her sex.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:06 am

Izumi's smile widened when her fingers entered Aiden's moist sex. She saw how the red head's struggled ceased almost immediately, and the only resistance she put up, if you want to call it that, was to grab her by the arm and try to pull it away, with very little force. "What's the matter love? Nothing left?" Izumi said as she let her fingers do their work inside of her sexy sparring partner. She moved the slowly, in and out of the girls glistening sex, listening to her try not to moan.

"That's right babe, moan for me," Izumi taunted as she worked her over. It was so easy, making Aiden's body practically give in with almost no effort. What was more, the red head even started to spread her legs even more. This made Izumi giggle a bit. "Starting to like it are you?" she said, leaning down to nibble on her neck just a bit more.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2013 6:20 am

"Mmmh!" Aiden let out in frustration as Izumi kept teasing her, both physically and mentally. "Y-you..."

She couldn't deny her feelings anymore as much as she wanted to. Izumi's fingers dancing inside her wet sex effectively sapped all her remaining will to fight and she would only squirm lightly from the pleasure, her hand that was trying to stop the woman's hand eventually fell to her side. Almost as if she gave in to Izumi's taunting, Aiden began to moan louder. When she felt the woman nibbled her neck again, she gasped and shivered as she felt her orgasm was approaching.

"A-aahhhnn~" she let out as her back arched slightly. "I'll... I'll..."


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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:34 am

"Yes, that's right, cum for me baby," Izumi would tease as she watched Aiden finally give in completely to her touches. It had been entirely too easy. She got her to tap with almost no trouble, and now she was about to cum for her. Izumi was proud of herself, being able to show just how dominate she was in the ring, and how talented she was at the more sensual side of fighting.

Hearing Aiden's tone, she knew that she couldn't be too far from bursting. So Izumi picked up her pace, not letting up for even a second. Her fingers moved in and out of the read head as fast as she could manage, and she continued to kiss and nibble at her tasty neck as well, enjoying every minute of it, and every sound that Aiden made. This spar was hers.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:45 am

"Haahh... n-no... I..." Aiden let out as she became drowned in the pleasure from Izumi's assault. "Aaahh!"

When the woman increased her pace like that, there was nothing the redhead could do except to give into the sensation. With a loud cry Aiden's juices flew out freely as her body tensed. She continued to moan as she rode a powerful orgasm, her figure bucking off a few times until it's eventually ended. Aiden felt like her muscles were jelly for the moment as she lied on the mat, panting heavily. Her face was blushing deeply as she looked away, not really wanting to look at Izumi's face. She felt greatly embarrassed after being toyed so easily by the woman.

"Mmmhhh..." she moaned weakly.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:53 am

Izumi's smile widened greatly. Aiden was so close that it must have been painful. When she finally did burst, Izumi kept up her pace until her orgasm was finished, letting the girls juices flow onto her hand.

Once she was finished, and she just laid there, panting, Izumi removed her fingers from her dripping sex, bringing them up to her mouth and licking them clean. "Mmm, you taste good," she said softly, taking a moment to enjoy the taste before grinning down at the red head, who was avoiding eye contact with her. Well, that just wouldn't do. Izumi would reach for her chin, and turn Aiden's head so that she was looking her in the eye. "Was that so bad?" Izumi already knew the answer. Aiden must be embarassed beyond belief. But her embarrassment was bliss to the older woman. She loved the feeling of domination, and she had no trouble dominating the red head.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:59 am

Hearing what Izumi said, even without looking at her already gave Aiden an idea of what she did. She was glad that she wasn't looking at her, because that definitely would be an utterly embarrassing scene to watch, Izumi licking her cum on her fingers. The woman would soon reach for her chin and turn her face to force the redhead looking at her, though, and Aiden would a muster a glare towards Izumi despite still blushing.

"Gh... I-I'll swear I'll pay you back for this..." she said defiantly.

Obviously she overlooked the fact that the woman was still on top of her, in control. Aiden's mind was too clouded with her embarrassment to think clearly. As much as she wanted to get back at Izumi, she didn't really have the strength to do so at the moment. That orgasm took a lot from her after all.

Last edited by 10553 on Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:06 am; edited 2 times in total


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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:06 am

Izumi was having far too much fun just to let Aiden off the hook now. Besides, the red head was the one getting all of the attention. Grinning, Izumi got an idea in her head, especially after hearing her defeated opponent say she was going to pay her back. She didn't have a problem with that.

"Pay me back? Oh, by all means," she would say before slowly crawling her way up Aiden's body until she was straddling the red head's face, her crotch hovering just above her mouth. "You want to pay me back? Go right ahead love. Show me what you got," she teased. She knew that her outfit still covered her sex, but she wanted to see just what Aiden would do.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:14 am

Aiden's blush grew darker as Izumi straddled her face, bringing her crotch right in front of her face. This wasn't what she meant by paying her back! She glared at the woman, refusing to give what she wanted just like that, despite not being able to do much to topple Izumi off her yet.

"W-what do you think I am?!" she let said flustered.

Aiden would try to use her hands to push Izumi, not wanting to be the woman's plaything any further. From her position it was rather hard to achieve, though, and she would probably ended up touching Izumi's breasts instead.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 6 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:45 am

Stradling the red head's face, Izumi smiled widely. She knew that Aiden was going to fight her. It's just how she was. No matter how much the older woman dominated her in this spar, she would just keep being defiant. Admirable though it was, it was a tad annoying. Having any opponent who was willing to fight back no matter how much she was losing would be frutrating in an official match. Especially a normal match. She could see Aiden continuing to fight until she was out cold. Both a strength, and a weakness on her part.

"It won't be so bad. It's payback, isn't it?" Izumi would say, looking down at her pretty, red headed opponent. She expected her to do something, but she didn't know what. So when she grabbed her breasts, and began trying to push her off of her, the older woman let out a slight yelp, closing her eyes for a second. "Oh, babe, if you were that frisky, you could have just asked," she said, licking her lips. "Go ahead, keep going. I'm liking where this is going."

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