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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by LunarOcean Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:05 pm

"It is quite beautiful, very modern and colourful. Even more than Paris at night... or Nha Trang too." She gave Fallon a knowing smile, hinting at the other part of her heritage that would explain her ethnically mixed features. "How much you make here with contract? These shopping districts will not show bank accounts mercy but ah, so many treats, toys, treasures, things I could not buy in either of my parents' homelands."

Her english was slipping up just a little, the more Vietnamese side of her accent slowl gaining control. Linh though didn't seem aware of this, casually chatting with her with a happy look in her eyes. The more seductive side of herself had conveniently left the stage.

"Mmmmm, downloaded, torrent?" She clicked her tongue and waved an index finger warningly. "It is fine but Golden State... no clue. I came here because Aphrodite shut down. Here, people make their dreams real... at least that's what interview tell me. But enough talk... can show how ladies of AFW rumble, hmmmm?"

She nodded off at a few training mats lying around. The ring was empty but she didn't know if anyone else was planning to get on it as well.

Add me on Discord: LunarOcean#8452

The current Lunar Fleet

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by Daaharu Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:59 am

“Yeah, definitely. Very modern and colorful and stuff,” Fallon agreed. It was one of the more beautiful cities she had ever seen, and apparently it was even more stunning than Paris or…Notrang? Naterang? Fallon had never heard of the second city Linh Vuong had mentioned. She smiled back at the exotic woman, though she was afraid that she didn’️t understand the hint that Linh was trying to give her as to her origins.

When the woman’️s accent began to thicken, Fallon would do her best to understand. “Huh? Oh, no, I pay for all of my videos. Honest!” she lied. She paid for about half of them. The other half…well, she was smart enough not to torrent. That would get her in trouble! But downloading videos off of YouTube or equivalent sites wasn’️t really pirating, and it was impossible for the government to figure out that she was doing it.

Linh’️s accent kept getting thicker. Fallon fixed her gaze on the woman’️s mouth as she spoke, a small vein appearing on the Californian’️s forehead as she tried to keep up with Linh’️s increasingly broken English. Fallon was actually pretty good with accents. Her grandparents had Spanish accents, of course, and then she had had several foreign friends at school, from Mexico, China, Vietnam…

Vietnam! That was it! Fallon grinned and pumped her fist when she figured it out. “You’️re from Vietnam!” she exclaimed, before realizing that she probably seemed a little silly yelling it out like that. She turned red. “Sorry, I couldn’️t figure it out and it was killing me. But I got it!” She grinned. “So, you want to see how the girls of AFW wrestle? I guess I could show you…” She would give Linh a smile and a wink.

The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Join date : 2012-09-23
Age : 29

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by LunarOcean Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:44 am

"Ding ding ding!" she chimed, her face lighting up with a smile. Even her breasts bounced happily at her answer. "Born in Vietnam, but when around 10, move to France. Better living, good jobs, and always want to see 'le Gay Paris' in all her glory." There was a hint of nostalgia in her voice even if she seemed too young to be throwing on that act. She seemed oblivious to Fallon's bulging vein, eyeing it curiously. Was it something she'd said that had irked her? She hadn't said anything racy or demeaning, right? Maybe it was the teasing about downloading or watching videos online?

Alas, they had spoken too much. It was time for some action.

"Mmmm, you will show me now~" Linh leaned forth on one leg, one arm on her side, posing like some supermodel. "Just practice of course. The ring or the mats?"

Add me on Discord: LunarOcean#8452

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by Daaharu Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:56 am

Fallon chuckled as the older wrestler seemed to respond enthusiastically to the fact that she had correctly guessed her country of origin. “Oh, that makes perfect sense! I was really having a hard time there for a while, trying to figure out where your accent was from. But I got it!” She smiled and jabbed a thumb at her own chest. “I’️m good at guessing stuff like that. Your accent is a little Frenchy, though, too, so that threw me off.”

Fallon paid no attention to the fact that Linh was paying attention to the vein on her head. She had just been having a difficult time dealing with the woman’️s accent, and now that she had figured it out, the vein had disappeared.

When Linh asked to be shown some AFW style, Fallon would nod and point at the ring. “Ring is better. Let’️s do that.”

The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

Posts : 10658
Join date : 2012-09-23
Age : 29

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by LunarOcean Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:48 am

"You aren't first to have trouble. Most people, usually cannot tell other half until I tell them." She chirped, finding Fallon's energy and positivity to be infectious. She did seem to be among the younger wrestlers in their early 20's so perhaps that was why. Linh was nearly 30 but did not quite act like it yet. She was very tempted to pet Fallon on the head and see how she might react.

"And that we shall~" She replied, sauntering up to the ring. Here, the smell of sweat (and some more suggestives smells) was even stronger. It felt like there was an invisible audience in there made from the aftermath and byproducts of many intense, sensual matches. Moving to the centre of the ring, Linh smiled and looked all around her. While it was only elevated a few feet off the ground, being here made her feel like she was on the top of the world right now. The way the other practitioners watched her and Fallon closely added to that sensation.

Last edited by 12611 on Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Add me on Discord: LunarOcean#8452

The current Lunar Fleet

Ionel Thompson

Amandine Mayeaux

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Laurukka Koskinen

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by Daaharu Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:55 pm

“Well, I’️m really smart, so, y’️know, I was able to get it a little bit sooner,” Fallon said, putting her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest proudly, grinning a big, toothy smile as she and Linh made their way over to the practice ring near the center of the gym. Fallon hopped up onto the apron and rolled through the ropes, popping energetically up onto her feet once she was inside the ring. The smell of all the sexy spars the ring had seen was distinctly noticeable, even though it must be cleaned every night. It was a testament to the intensity and the sexual energy of AFW girls!

Fallon bounced on her feet, throwing a few shadow punches in Linh’️s direction to tease the older wrestler. She was also sort of putting on a warm-up show for the several other wrestlers who were watching them as they went about their own business in the gym. The first time she had met someone here, they had been largely ignored by the other gymgoers. This time, there was an audience, and Fallon wanted to make a good impression on all of them!

The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

Posts : 10658
Join date : 2012-09-23
Age : 29

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by LunarOcean Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:51 pm

Linh's eyes narrowed slightly at the mock punches, hint at some degree of tension but she obscured it with a giggle. She didn't want to seem too easily spooked this early on. Regardless, now that they had some... privacy, the kind of privacy only two dedicated opponents could share. She slowly spread her legs for balance, one before the other, and raised both of her hands. That was a simple way to start tings; the docking could wait for next time. The strong smell of sweat and cum felt like it was pushing her to simply feast on Fallon right away... but showing some restraint would take her a longer way, for now anyways.

"I don't suppose you have a good deal of experience under your belt..." She began, her eyes still nice and warm but sharpened by an underlying concentration. The odd pronunciation seemed to have faded suddenly.

Last edited by 12611 on Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Add me on Discord: LunarOcean#8452

The current Lunar Fleet

Ionel Thompson

Amandine Mayeaux

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by Daaharu Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:35 pm

Fallon winked at her new sparring partner as the woman giggled at her shadow boxing. Fallon liked to show off, and it was obvious that she had made a good impression on the French-Vietnamese wrestler.

“You ready? ‘Cause here I come!” Fallon sang out, bouncing forward towards the center of the ring. Watching Linh spread her legs and assume a balanced fighting stance, Fallon would do the same, planting her feet firmly on the canvas. She would raise both of her hands and intertwine her fingers with Linh’️s, ready to start out their little sparring match with a test of strength—a perfect way to get the ball rolling. She took a deep breath, taking in the faint scent of sweat and cum that swirled around the ring.

“Experience? Oh, I have plenty!” Fallon replied confidently. “Years of experience back home in California. Two matches here against a couple of the league’️s best. Oh, not to mention a really hot spar with this really sexy friend of mine!”

The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

Posts : 10658
Join date : 2012-09-23
Age : 29

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by LunarOcean Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:35 pm

Experienced fingers clenched around one another and the muscles behind them flexed. Now the ball had begun to roll! Putting on a quick burst of strength, Linh attempted to push her back a bit, wanting to make a good impression as more than a mere pretty face. What was unusual was her footwork; it was almost more like a boxer than a wrestler. She was constnatly pacing about, bending on one leg or the other, sliding them across the ground even. It was hard to tell if she was over excited or over strategizing.

"There must be many different kinds of experience you are referencing." Linh found the girl to be as toug as she looked, While her abs were the most prominent, it wasn't hard to see she hadn't slacked on the rest of her body. They seemed to be roughly equal in that regard, save for their legs. "This league, it seems to focus on both the physical and the intimate."

In that sense it wasn't too far from Aphrodite Productions, albeit with better funding and a much larger audience. If she remembered correctly, it supposedly was more profitable than many of the big name American productions.

"So, which one is your poison Fallon~?" She leaned forward to almost touch her nose to nose.

Add me on Discord: LunarOcean#8452

The current Lunar Fleet

Ionel Thompson

Amandine Mayeaux

Yahagi Fujimoto

Unryuu Kisugi

The (old) Lunar Fleet

Nagato Segawa

Laurukka Koskinen

Yuudachi Kunikida

Tatsuta Murasaki

Takao Okimoto

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The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person)

Post by Daaharu Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:25 am

Fallon took it easy at first, not wanting to commit all of her strength to this contest until she could see what Linh could do. Of course, she did not take the competition lightly; Linh certainly looked to be a very fit, very strong woman, and Fallon did not intend to let herself become overconfident. As she felt Linh begin to push harder, bending her back a little, Fallon would reply with a burst of strength, pushing forward and trying to force her opponent to fall back and cede some ground. Her feet pattered across the canvas as she did her best to keep up with her opponent’️s footwork. Their interlocking hands were still, of course, Fallon’️s main focus. The two of them seemed to be relative equals so far, but time would tell.

“I’️m experienced in everything,” Fallon replied simply, with a bright smile. “I’️m super-physical and super-intimate. I love them both equally; pain and pleasure both get me going. So…” She paused, then, as her opponent’️s face got closer, Fallon would lean in, closing the gap between them. Her nose rubbed against Linh’️s, and Fallon giggled, before finishing, a little more quietly: “So what kind of match are you looking for, huh? Physical…or intimate? Or maybe both?”

The Spider's Arrival (feat. Daaharu and that new person) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

Posts : 10658
Join date : 2012-09-23
Age : 29

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