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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:45 pm

Katori lifted and slammed Vikki down again with a Backdrop counter, which was during a moment of the rookie's cockiness. After slamming her, Katori rolled to the side to get back on her feet, looking down at the girl with a strict frown and with her fists on her hips while leaning over her.

"Don't get overconfident or not pay attention during a match, that'll make others take advantage of you." The angel said sternly, like an instructor would, while this may be an official match  Katori wants to take this chance to properly teach these girls the proper basics of wrestling to flourish their talent.

But lecture time was over, and it was time to press on. Katori will go over to Vikki's legs and grab them by the ankles to drag the girl to the center of the ring. From there, she'll lift the legs up and tuck them under her arms, which tells everyone what's coming next. Katori will then step over Vikki to roll her over onto her front and take a seat on her back to apply a simple Boston Crab submission hold on her opponent.

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:09 pm

Kelly watched on as Vikki lay there and was told off by Katori, even going as far as agreeing, "I keep telling her that" she muttered and clapped to try and encourage her tag partner to show a bit of energy and hustle in getting back to her feet. Vikki on the other hand went bright red, a bit embarrassed for embarrassing herself. She desperately wanted to impress Katori with her skill.

I know, sorry I just... WOAH!" She wasnt expecting to be pulled and with her legs up she knew what was coming. "AHHHHHH!" Vikki yelped as she felt the pressure on her back. Kelly watched on and thought about getting in to save her partner but the pair didnt cheat so she had a dilemma. Vikki again strained and moaned, "Aggghhh get OFF!" she was in a bad way.

Kelly couldnt bear it and went to jump in but then Vikki somehow pushed up on her hands and started to fight the Boston Crab. She managed to drag the pair one step, then another before coming to stop. Vikki was driven on by her desire to impress, but thankfully Katori wasnt a big fat girl like a few here in AFW, however it was still a strain for the cutie who was sweating hard now.

With her arms shaking she flopped back to the canvas and winced. Whilst this was a nice wrestling match with a nice rival, it was still a match, Vikki just hoped that her efforts so far had worked with Katori


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:32 pm

Katori keeps telling this to herself all the time, submissions just weren't her thing, and she cannot stress that enough as she'd rather be in the air then on the ground. But she always used them from time to time, as they really were useful in wearing down opponents. Or in some cases like this one, teach them some discipline in the ring, as the angel worked Vikki with the Boston Crab.

While pulling on her legs, from the corner of her eyes Katori was able to spot Kelly about to sneak in to help. It wasn't unheard of for a tag partner to come in during a submission to help free their partner, but they have to get out of the ring right away if they didn't want to get into trouble with the ref. She noticed Kelly stopped herself from coming in, Katori raised an eyebrow but soon got her answer as Vikki started to crawl towards the ropes.

Once this started, Katori looked over her shoulder down at her legal opponent to see the effort she was putting in to try and get to the ropes. **Not too shabby...** Katori thought to herself as she grinned with amusement at Vikki's determination.

But she ain't gonna let her off easy! "How about this!" Katori shouted as she released left leg, changing to a Single Leg Boston Crab, or the Half Crab, to up the pressure on the hold but at the same time giving Vikki more leverage to crawl if she takes notice.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:50 pm

The cutie locked in the crab had gotten a few hand-prints towards the ropes but had flopped down on her tummy.She wasnt exhausted, Vikki was not used to fighting out of submissions. Normally she would give or be worked until she was ripe for a pin. Kelly was getting more anxious on the outside, but she too really respected Katori, even though she hadnt even wrestled the girl yet, and so remained at her corner shouting encouragement to her tag partner.

Vikki felt one leg freed and opened her eyes. Yes her back hurt, yes she was still in trouble but there was more movement. She took a deep breath and powered up on her arms, they shook as she lifted both her weight and Katori's "Come on!" she muttered, and almost immediately with heavy hand-slaps she dragged the pair over the ring and towards the ropes.  Vikki was fingertips away as she crashed down again, breathing hard. "I just.... cant... I ..." she gasped, all red faced with the lights catching the sweat on her back.

Kelly meanwhile decided enough was enough and hopped down off the apron. She ran to the ropes and pushed them toward Vikki, blatantly interfering but hopefully Katori wouldnt see. Vikki saw and made a final grab for them, clutching the plastic coated cable in her hand.

she gasped and the ref girl duly informed Katori of the rope break.

Kelly meanwhile tried to sneak back to her corner knowing that she would have to face Katori at some point in this match and didnt want to be punished for being a cheater. As she approached the corner of the cuties, she prayed that Katori would be distracted enough with the ref


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:05 pm

With the change in positioning and increase in pressure, Katori maintained it enough to give Vikki at least SOME chance to allow her to escape. Her grin grew more and more as the girl under her took advantage of this and managed to drag both of their weight more towards the ropes. But just when it seemed Vikki would make it, she dropped yet again with a completely red face.

Katori's grin dropped at this, telling her she was done for now, not meaning she was giving up she just ran out of endurance stamina to escape. Initially, Katori was just gonna let her go as she leaned forward which loosened some pressure. But just before then, she saw Kelly again, outside the ring just in front of Vikki to help her grab the ropes.

This would normally be considered cheating, but the ref-girl didn't see this and was focused on Katori and Vikki. The angel raised an eyebrow and slightly grinned in amusement as she let this slide and happen, standing up immediately once Vikki grabbed the rope. **Almost had it, but points for caring for each other at least.** She thought to herself as she walked away from the downed girl to give her space and a breath unless she decides to tag out, as she leans on the ropes.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:17 pm

Kelly stopped looking like a rabbit in headlights, her pause making the sneaky rope break situation worse as her presence way from her corner made her really noticeable. She bit her lip and smiled sheepishly before climbing back up to her corner and gripping the tag rope as if acting by the rules now somehow made everything OK again. She was relieved that it had worked and Vikki was free, maybe now she wouldnt be so super keen in matches. However she was tired and numb and needed to recover.

Vikki finally gasped as she was let go and crawled back to her corner. She slapped Kelly's thigh to signify a tag to which Kelly hadnt fully noticed. The ref girl called TAG and the cutie blinked. "Oh... err...." She gingerly got into the ring through the ropes and smiled at Katori. "About the ropes.. I .... heh" she was a bit lost for words and cleared her throat. Kelly regained her composure and raised her hands, bravely moving out it seemed, although inside she was anxious. She had seen how good and clever Katori was. At least she knew she wouldnt be humiliated in this match, and that served to settle her nerves just enough.

"I wont be so easy.." she said to Katori waiting for the angel to make her move


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:26 am

Katori watched on the two girls with both stern and concern in her expression after letting Vikki go from the submission. She didn't overdo it at all with her, but she definitely needed to work on her endurance if she is gonna survive any more submissions. It wasn't long until Vikki finally made the tag and rolled out of the ring, with Kelly taking her place. Katori pushed from the ropes and strafed a bit as her new legal opponent tried to justify herself.

"Forget it." The angel said immediately, not putting any mind to it as she gets into her stance again to "begin round 2", as she'll put it and keeps her eyes on Kelly. Katori couldn't help but chuckle when the girl said she wouldn't be easy. It was easy to say it, but action speaks louder then words. "Show me." She said as she moved closer to the ring's center slowly while raising her open hand up and out towards Kelly, inviting her to a Test of Strength.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:17 pm

Kelly was relieved that Katori let her transgression slide. She shuffled and circled her rival looking for an opening. Her stance was good and that would earn her some bonus points but the offer of a test of strength was something she would gladly take. Kelly was by no means "strong" but she was stonger than her tag partner. Plus she had her speed and a little more knowledge to rely on.

Moving close and linking fingers with Katori she pushed and pulled, trying to gain the upper hand. It was time to make good on her promise. She pushed in hard to try and fool Katori, then suddenly yanked the other way, dropping to her small cute bottom and lifting her feet up. If it all went according to plan, Kelly would try and flip her rival over onto her back for a monkey flip.

"Is this showing you enough?" she giggled, which would sound really silly if Katori managed to block it or fell on the cutie.


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:45 am

Katori waited for when her current opponent would come over to her to accept her challenge to a Test of Strength, as the angel usually likes to start off a match with a new opponent by testing each other physically like this. She clamped her fingers together with Kelly's a put all she can into pushing. From the way it feels, this girl was slightly stronger, not enough to overpower Katori, but it was still not too bad at all.

Unable to hide it, Katori cracked a satisfied grin while pushing, thinking how these girls can really improve if trained properly. She was paying attention though, as she noticed how Kelly was pushing harder then before while she gave it her all as well. To the angel's surprise, this was a front as Katori was pulled into Kelly thanks to her momentum from pushing and was rolled then flipped over the girl with a Monkey Flip before landing on the canvas.

She laid on her back for a few before rolling onto her front, looking at Kelly with her grin widening, feeling more impressed. "Enough." Katori said while pushing herself to all fours, but wasn't on her knees but her toes instead. "But try and show me more!!" She yelled as she kicked off to charge at Kelly, quickly turning her body around as she got close to throw a Spinning Roundhouse Kick to the girl's upper chest like a Clothesline to knock her down!

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:31 pm

As Katori was flipped Vikki clapped to encourage her tag partner. Kelly also felt happy that she managed to pull the move off and also that she was doing better than Vikki had. Kelly soon rolled and looked to see where Katori was. Her face dropped a little given the experienced wrestler was up and not languishing on the canvas. "Awww phoohy" she exclaimed and set about pushing herself up to her feet.

She heard Katori and turned to charge to the ropes behind her. She felt the plastic cables against her back and catapulted back towards the angel. What she didnt bank on was Katori doing pretty much the same thing. Her legs were a blur as she moved and braced because she couldnt stop and this was probably going to end badly. It did! Katori connected with her leg and Kelly dropped to the canvas with a groan and a thump! She lay there clutching her chest and let out a soft "Gah!"

Vikki immediately started frantically pacing and shouted out to Katori as a means of distraction, again learning the ropes of tag team wrestling. "Hey! only donkeys kick! You aren't a donkey are you?" She giggled with a sassy comment and populously stepped up on the ropes to hang over the corner a little. An eye on Katori's reaction and also her partner who had thankfully started to move and show some signs of life


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