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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:18 pm

As Katori didn't really take an actual injury yet, it was no wonder how she managed to recover from the Monkey Flip so quickly. Having gotten back up and brought Kelly down hard with a very hard clothesline-like kick that was more effective thanks to the rookie's momentum from rebounding off the ropes. Katori hopped a few times after that, blocking out Vikki's banter but still letting out a small grin.

With the rookie down and open, the young angel takes this chance and quickly jogs to the nearest corner before climbing up it. Katori will stand up and raise her arms up to begin clapping in rhythm, which the audience rallies upon as it echoes throughout the arena. After which, the Mighty Successor will leap off the turnbuckle, angling her body to the side as she tries to hit Kelly with a Diving Elbow Drop across her chest.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:02 am

Kelly was breathing hard and blinking as she tried to get some feeling in body again She was unaware of where Katori was or what the angel was doing, or planning, but what she could heard was Vikki who was frantically calling something out. "" it didnt make a lot of sense and Kelly turned her head to the side. Through the fuzziness of her vision she saw Katori up on the turnbuckle post and then beginning her decent towards the cutie.

"Ahhhh crap!" she muttered and went wide eyed. Kelly waited until the last moment before rolling out of the impact area and paused to hear the bang of Katori landing squarely with the canvas and not her chest. Had she landed the move, one half of the cuties would have been toast but as they were learning, she figured that Katori wouldnt mind, and even be impressed that Kelly moved.... once she had gotten past the feeling of the landing.

This was a chance for the cuties, and both of them knew it. Vikki wanted to capitalize on this and called out, "Kelly, tag me!" to which Kelly looked at her partner. They sensed a double team of their own but would wait to see what state Katori was in


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:14 pm

Time froze for Katori while she was airborne as her eyes widen in shock. She was coming down from the air to drop on top of Kelly with an Elbow Drop from the Turnbuckle to show her aerial skills, which were her forte. However, this talent was turned against her as her legal opponent rolled out of the way to avoid the drop Only one possible thing will come from this, as Katori tightly shuts her eyes to try and brace herself for the upcoming pain.

A loud thud sounded as Katori's elbow collided with the ring, along with a pain filled grunt and the audience going "Ooh!" in unison. It hurt a lot, as Katori rolled onto her side to clutch at her elbow in pain. Right now her focus was just on her own pain, not heading to mind that she was left open for the sisters to take advantage of in this position.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:20 am

As Katori landed, Kelly heard her partner and glanced between them both. She reached down for the angel's legs and picked them up as if she was about to perform a Boston Crab again, but instead she scuttled backwards dragging Katori towards the cuties corner. It was some effort because Kelly wasnt the strongest, but she managed to shift the angel, who thankfully wasnt the heaviest.

As she approached her own corner, Vikki tagged herself in and climbed up the turnbuckle. Readying herself, Vikki leaped and looked to land a big leg drop across the angel's chest. Vikki felt exhilarated, normally they never got an opening in a match apart from the beginning. They never got the chance to double team a girl, so this was all new and special. Kelly meanwhile dropped Katori's legs and stepped through the ropes, eager to stay on the good side of the ref and to play fair.

If the leg drop landed correctly, Vikki would waste not time in shuffling to sit on Katori's chest for a trademark cutie schoolgirl pin attempt. Of course if Katori had the awareness to move, Vikki was heading for a huge bump on her cute little behind!


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:53 am

Katori just laid down on her side as she still was ravished with massive pain in her elbow. Hopefully it didn't cause a dislocation, but it should be fine for the rest of the match once she gets her bearings back together. Unfortunately that might not be soon. As the angel feels her legs being grabbed and tucked under Kelly's arms. At first she thought the girl was gonna do a Boston Crab on her as her eyes widen in shock, but instead she was dragged over towards the sisters' corner.

The angel had no way to react quick enough to escape and get out of the way of what the girls were doing, right when Kelly brought her over, Vikki tagged in then leaped off of the Turnbuckle to Leg Drop Katori. And since she was still held in the Boston Crab set up, she couldn't roll out of the way. "Ughh...!"

So now on top of subsiding pain in her elbow, now Katori's chest hurts too. Her legs were freed instantly after the kick landed and Vikki repositioned herself to be seated over the angel's chest to pin her. The ref-girl coming in to count.


Thankfully, Katori wasn't out of it yet. Once she heard the ref count, she pushed herself up to lift her shoulders to break the count. And since Vikki is smaller and lighter, maybe she can be pushed off as well from the effort.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:24 am

Vikki felt proud of herself, she managed to land a major move, which is something she never did and it usually backfired, but the cuties were working well as a team, which they hoped would have impressed Katori. As the ref girl counted the pin, Vikki felt Katori jerk and buck, there was no way the cutie would be able to keep an experienced wrestler down like this and sure enough she got pushed off, sailing over the angels head and landing on her hands and knees just ahead of the wrestler.

Vikki slapped the canvas in frustration and wheeled around, getting up to her feet, taking the time to adjust her outfit a little bit so nothing popped out or there were no wardrobe malfunctions! "You should never underestimate the cuties!" she commented, both at her tag partner who seemed to nod in agreement and at Katori. Vikki raised her hands again and out of respect waited for Katori to meet her, or attack, either way the smaller wrestler was brimming with confidence now


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:13 pm

While she wasn't out of it enough to be pinned out, nonetheless, Katori sighed in relief over breaking the pin. After which she'll sit herself up then get back onto her feet. As she was close to the opponent team's corner, therefore close to Kelly, Katori made sure to get some distance from it so the non legal opponent wouldn't grab her. Back up and away from the corner, the angel turns to face Vikki again.

Right away she noticed her adjusting her outfit, quickly giving an unamused expression, showing her disapproval of their outfits again before it changed to a competitive smirk at what Vikki said about not underestimating them. "Heh!" Was all Katori will say for now, as she goes over to accept the girl's offer for another lockup to teach her another lesson.

Once Katori goes and clamps her hands together with Vikki's, she'll make it seem as if she'll push her at first, but then she'll pull the girl in and deliver a quick kick to her abdomen. Right after that Katori will reach for Vikki and wrap an arm over her shoulder and another under her legs, gripping onto her shoulder blade and butt to promptly grab her as she flips her upside down then lifts her up over her head! "You shouldn't underestimate an opponent, period!" The angel shouts out while still smirking, as she throws Vikki back down onto her back to slam her with a Bodyslam!

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:45 am

Vikki readied herself and gladly accepted the grapple. Again the little wrestler pushed and pulled, trying to grain some advantage over Katori, but the angel was far too skilled for that to happen easily. The cutie was getting frustrated that everything she tried was blocked and let her guard down, sensing that Katori was simply testing her limits. Within seconds she felt the arm between her thighs and across her back. Vikki was lifted up and turned so she now faced the canvas. "OH! Wait.. Katori..... erm..." she panicked and wiggled, trying to get free.

BANG! The cutie hit the canvas and jolted. Kelly looked on concerned and clapped to give Vikki come encouragement, "Come on Vikki!" Meanwhile fighting through the pain, the cutie looked up and heard the angels advice. "Ugnnn thats.. a bit.. late.. now!" she cutely said and attempted to place her hands on the canvas to at least lift her shoulders off the canvas and potentially sit up. Being at Katori's feet she was wide open for a follow up and struggled to try to lift her body as the pain bolted and she flopped back down. She was worried Katori would simply jump on her, but she could at least know that the angel wouldnt be using any of the moves that most of the AFW roster used to humiliate her. The angel was a proper wrestler and more interested in the art of wrestling, than any erotic thrill.


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:15 pm

The loud thud that echoed the ring from slamming Vikki was a bit satisfying to hear for Katori, showing how effective the Bodyslam was. She looked down at the girl with her hands on her hips to see how the girl would do before following up on her. A grin formed as Vikki struggled to sit up, but it dropped a bit when she dropped back down. That wasn't really unexpected though given how she didn't have much stamina.

"Oh well~" Katori said as she shrugged, she wasn't disappointed and isn't gonna judge this. But she still needs to keep things up. In her current state, the angel can do so much right now. But for now, Katori will go to Vikki's side to drop down over her body and hook a leg up to pin her.


Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:53 pm

Vikki lay there wide open and gave a cute little gasp as Katori flopped over her in a classic pin position. Feeling her leg hooked she squirmed at the first count. She didnt want to be pinned so easily and wanted to take more of the lessons the angel was offering. It wasnt so much that Katori was heavy, by AFW standards and she lightweight, it was more that Vikki's strength and stamina was questionable.

The look on Kelly's face was one of concern, especially as Vikki was having difficulty kicking out. "Come on Vikki!" she called out to try and rise her partner. The count went to TWO and the angel was one handslap away from the victory. Kelly couldnt hold back, she stepped into the ring and took a few steps toward Katori. She called out implying she was going to charge in and break up the pin, if the angel didnt get off Vikki, Kelly would continue and try and stomp on Katori's back.

It would be a new move for the cuties, usually they never cheat but needs must in this instance


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