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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:29 pm

Katori laid over on top of Vikki, pinning her, as the ref-girl counted the fall. While it may not seem that way to others, this is actually a test to see if in her current state the rookie can break free of the pin. The angel had no intention to win this with the pin just yet, and waited to see how Vikki would react in this predicament. So far, it wasn't all that great for her, as Vikki was squirming a bit under her but not enough to break free of the pin, which made Katori frown a bit.


The ref called out, and by now Katori can hear Kelly calling out to her partner to help motivate her to free herself to no avail. Just before the ref made the third count, Katori dropped the leg and was about to get off Vikki, but before she was able to push off she felt herself kicked in the back. "Ugh...!" The force was enough to knock the angel off of her legal opponent as Katori rolled onto a seated position, rubbing her back as she sees Kelly in the ring with the ref-girl calling for her to get back out.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:42 pm

Vikki bit her lip as she just couldnt move Katori off her. She almost resigned herself to defeat and lay there, with the words of Kelly in her head. Suddenly she felt Katori move and saw Kelly who was being ushered out by the ref. Vikki smiled and sat her. "Yay! Thanks partner..." she beamed and turned her attentions to Katori.

The cuties were learning fast in this match. Yes it was a dubious move legally, but it broke the pin, and showed the angel that she would have to watch her back at all times. Vikki saw Katori sat there and immediately, Vikki bombed to the ropes. Her little legs seeming to thunder on the canvas as she reached them and bounced back towards Katori. Vikki had a renewed confidence and knew the numbers game could work to their advantage. She jumped and looked to land a dropkick straight to the angels chest to knock her down to her back


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Mar 14, 2017 8:29 pm

Katori sat on he rear rubbing her back after she was kicked off of Vikki by Kelly to break the test pin. It certainly should have been expected that that would happen since tag partners CAN dash into the ring to bust their partners out of pins and submissions, and have the opposite partner attempt to intercept the other partner to prevent the breakage. That's the ONE chance that the non-legal opponents can be inside the ring, and in this case, Katori should have seen it coming.

Slowly coming up from her seated position, Katori rubbed her back a little bit more until she snapped back to reality when she heard the sounds of stomping coming towards her. She looked up and saw Vikki dashing right at her then leaped up to do a Dropkick! Because of Katori's spacing, she had no time to dodge or counter.

So she did the next best thing, Katori will bring her arm up and cross them to block the Dropkick. While it will negate some of the damage, the kick will still knock her back. "Oof...!" She let out as the kick hit her arms with the force and momentum making Katori stagger back before falling back down onto her back.

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:45 am

As Vikki flew she gave a cute yelp at the impact and landed withe a bump on her back and bottom. The dropkick worked and Katori despite her knowledge in defending herself tumbled back. Vikki quickly scrambled up and moved over to the angel, she decided it was way too soon to be going for a pin of her own, so Vikki dropped to her tushy and grabbed Katori's head again. The cutie opened her legs and pulled so she could stuff the angels head between them clamping them down for a headscissor, her thighs pressing against the angels ears and Vikki made sure that the angel was facing her

There were a hundred different things the cutie could have done in this position, but Vikki didnt know them, or at least she couldnt think of them. With a proud smile on her face and looking at her teacher for the day she quipped, "I might name this the cutie crush! Or maybe the sugary scissor? Hmmm no thats dumb... wait....I'll get it" and gave a giggle as the ref girl hovered to check on Katori. Vikki was far more occupied with namng her move than applying it or concentrating. She also failed to notice they were both precariously close to the ropes.

Kelly watched on meanwhile from the outside, impressed with Vikki and how she was trying to get the win. She had saved her previously yes, but she knew that it was unlikely she could do that again and so urged her partner on. "Yeah Vikki, squish her heh!" Of course Kelly liked Katori a lot and didnt want to see the angel hurt, but winning was not something the cuties did a lot of


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:40 pm

After a quick attempt to block an incoming Dropkick from the cutie, Katori was knocked back and fell onto the mat from the force of the impact. Her arms hurt from the kick but at least they were braced and ready for the pain so it didn't hurt after a while. With Katori sprawled on her back she was left open, she tried to quickly push herself up to stand, but amazingly, Vikki pressed the attacked.

Before the angel was able to fully sit up she was grabbed by her opponent by the head and pulled as she was then trapped between Vikki's thighs in a Headscissors hold! The pressure of the squeezing made this a tough submission, if you keep your focus up and keep squeezing along with other things, which is something Vikki is not doing.

Katori listened as her legal opponent was muttering about what to call her Headscissor, which is not a good thing to do during a match. She looked around, seeing the ropes so close to her while the ref-girl asked if Katori gave up. She shook her head as the angel tried to scooch over to the ropes, then reach out with her leg to touch the ropes to Rope Break. "Geh... worry about a name.... AFTER the match...!"

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:52 pm

Vikki was pondering what to name her move and completely lost track of what she was doing. It was a rookie mistake that Katori would no doubt punish in her way as a teacher to the cuties in this match. Vikki suddenly felt the ref come to her and she looked. She saw Katori's leg on the rope and gave a sigh

"Awww phooey!" she said disappointed that the angel had managed to use her extensive ring smarts. The cutie broke the hold and scuttled back on her bottom before getting to her feet and making her way to the tag teams corner. Vikki held out her hand and made the TAG so Kelly would have a go. Vikki was not too tired but she knew Kelly was eager and it kept things fresh.

If she cuties couldnt out wrestle the angel, maybe the could outlast her?

Kelly got through the ropes and smiled. "I gotcha earlier you meanie, trying to pin Vikki like that!" It was surprising that Kelly seemed confident and raised her hands waiting for Katori to join her, going as far as offering a test of strength again


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:12 pm

Katori waited for her current opponent to let go of her head with the ref-girl telling her repeatedly to let go, as it seemed Vikki was still daydreaming for a name until she finally snapped to reality and let go. Once free, Katori would sigh in relief and took deep breaths to ease the pressure that built up in her head as she stood up. She looked up to see that Vikki had enough and switched with Kelly again.

Already her now legal opponent ran her mouth, which made Katori grin in amusement. "I was gonna get up before the third count, I was testing Vikki to see if she could escape in that condition." She said as she walked over to Kelly, who was offering for another Test of Strength.

At this point, however, Katori doesn't need to do yet another one. Once the angel came in she'll grab Kelly by the wrists to pull her towards her and throws a knee to her abdomen to make her double over. Katori will then grab the girl by her head to pull it between her thighs then leans over to wrap her arms around Kelly's waist. "Now, let's test you this time." Katori says with a grin as she lifts up Kelly so she's seated on her shoulders before dropping down to slam her with a Seated Powerbomb! Katori will pin down Kelly's arms with her legs and push down on her legs to effectively pin the girl, as the ref-girl comes to count again.


Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:54 pm

Kelly kept her eyes on the Angel who was undoubtedly more experienced as the match has shown, however since her sneaky pin breakup she was sure that her rival would try something as payback. Kelly wasnt disappointed as she found herself out smarted and her head stuck between Katori's legs.

"OHHH hey.... wait!" she gasped and before she knew it she was lifted up, her legs straddling the angels head and slammed down. "AGGHHH!" she cried out and squirmed trapped in the powerbomb. As the ref girl dropped to count the pin, Kelly was stuck and knew Vikki couldn't help her as they had already used their save and didnt want to get disqualified.

With the hand coming down for a count of TWO! Kelly mustered all the strength she could and flung herself to the left, at the same time trying to catch Katori across the head with her left leg

"GERROF ME! MEANIE!" she cried out uncertain if Katori would let her go just as she promised she would have for Vikki, but at the same time, it may well have impressed her even though she hurt from the powerbomb


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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by Cy_Man Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:21 am

In a quick swift move, Katori has caught her opponent with a Powerbomb and is seated in a sit down pin with her. The ref-girl came quick and counted, getting to 2 as Kelly was struggling to get herself free from the pin. Like with Vikki, Katori had no intention to pinfall Kelly and was testing to see if she could escape. But considering that the angel was pinning down the girl's arms and legs, it would surely be difficult.

It almost seemed as though Kelly wouldn't be able to break free, with Katori needing to release her. She didn't loosen her hold on Kelly's limbs, but surprisingly the angel suddenly rolls to her right as her opponent managed to roll herself to be free from the pin. "Whoa!"

The ref-girl stopped half way before hitting 3 and Katori pushes herself up while moving from Kelly after breaking the pin. It wasn't hard to see that the angel was impressed since she was grinning, and it certainly tells her between the two girls, Kelly is the more experienced and "serious" wrestler since she was able to break free from a seated Power Bomb pin off all things.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Adorable Cuties vs. Katori Kimura, 2v1 Handicap Match [FWC]

Post by PV Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:24 am

"Gah!" Kelly gasped and rolled to her side. She was sweating hard and panting like a dig on a hot summers day. Vikki gave a gasp also calling out to Katori, "I could have done that......" feeling a bit miffed her tag partner had upstaged her somewhat. The cutie slowly go up to her feet, looking a little wobbly on her legs now and took the time to adjust her bikini. Vikki reached out for the tag but Kelly shook her head. "I.. can go ... on.." and then turned back to Katori. "You are going to be pinned" she giggled in her cute way and approached the angel

Kelly was taken with the girl. This match, for both of the cuties had been an experience and very enjoyable which was testament to just how good Katori was. The cutie raised her hands and tried to cut down the space the angel had to operate. She was looking for a grapple to set things off again. It would be a battle between her stubborness and her desire to impress Katori. Vikki was much fresher, but Kelly wanted to press on


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