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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by Link-mon Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:51 pm

Layla held on tight and tried to pull on the bitches leg as far as she could. Wanting to take out her precious legs and then see how much trash the little princess could talk. "Come on Chloe let's see these legs bend huh?" she said mockingly.

Knowing that she was going for the ropes she wondered how much longer she could hold her there as she neared the ropes and eventually grabbed them. Growling she tried to twist her leg once last time before she let go.

Roster of Keyes
Layla Vale
Anna Ivers
Serena Bennet
Shooting Star sisters

any contact for a match must be made with the lovely Marissa Keyes first.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2016-12-02

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by BritBrat Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:23 pm

Chloe really did not want those legs of hers bending like that.

She was having trouble but was fighting to get to the ropes. If she could just get to them...juuust gotta reach them....

"Yes!" Chloe gasps as her hand grabbed onto the ropes, prompting the blonde to make a break. The dark haired beauty yelps as Layla torques the hold one last time before she let go. Now Chloe can breathe.

She checked her leg, feeling the effects of that ankle lock, grimacing as she uses the ropes to rise up to her feet, taking time to steady herself.

"You will pay for that, missy." Chloe growls as she stands, hobbling on one leg and holding on the ropes.


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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by Link-mon Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:40 pm

Layla simply shrugged and pranced around the ring at Chloe's' threat. Showing no concern for what she could do in retaliation. "Pay for using a submission move? I thought you wanted me to pay attention to those lovely toes of yours?" she said mockingly while watching her hobble. Maybe going for the legs was the right idea...

Once she was in the clear and Chloe was off the ropes Layla would spring at her once more trying to grab her head and lock her arms around it to control the flow and pace of the match as she tried to push Chloee in the corner.

Roster of Keyes
Layla Vale
Anna Ivers
Serena Bennet
Shooting Star sisters

any contact for a match must be made with the lovely Marissa Keyes first.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2016-12-02

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by BritBrat Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:38 pm

Of course, threats are just threats. She has to show that she follows on them. And with her, she has been good with that. Chloe had her trapped and her plaything for a while. She has to get her claws on her again.

While Layla prances around like a pony in a show, Chloe got off the ropes, still hobbling on that leg. Rolling the ankle to check how much damage she did. And then make a mental note to make her pay for it.

Layla springs back into action and grabs Chloe's head, the dark haired beauty raises her arms to grab at the arms around her. She needs to keep herself away from the blonde and having her close now wasn't gonna help matters. So as she gets close to the ropes, Chloe soon tries to fire a knee, with the leg that her ankle is hurting to her side. Hopefully that would stun her enough so that she uses that foot to place it on Layla's belly and push her away. Although that might be costly with a injured ankle.


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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by Link-mon Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:00 pm

Staying on the attack was crucial once you smelled blood. The less chance they get that pesky second wind and more likely the just wear themselves out trying to survive there unable to actually muster the strength to win. Just the way she liked it, grabbing onto her she hoped the the hurting ankle would be enough though her bribing her knee up and catching her side slowed her down.

"Gnngh!" the kick to her stomach pushed her back trying to grab at her leg if anything but not really suffering as she took a few steps back. Staying away for a second she tried to come back with a kick of her own to her thigh. "You can't stay back there forever."

Roster of Keyes
Layla Vale
Anna Ivers
Serena Bennet
Shooting Star sisters

any contact for a match must be made with the lovely Marissa Keyes first.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2016-12-02

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by BritBrat Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:28 am

Even with one good leg, Chloe was determined not going down without a fight. And she's not gonna let this girl bully her around. The knee drilled her opponent's side and then a kick to the stomach, the dark haired beauty grunting in pain as she uses the foot that was damaged. It was enough to get some space and breathe. Maybe come up with a strategy.

Unfortunately, Layla caught her leg before her lovely sole could kiss the mat again. Her eyes widened trying to pull her leg out until she took a hard kick to the thigh. "Agghh!" Chloe yelped in pain, her skin rippled for a millisecond. This was bad. She had to get out of this position. Or maybe use it to her advantage.

Chloe would try to pull her leg out from Layla's grasp. If she succeeded, the dark haired footfighter would then grab on to the ropes with both hands before mustering up some energy to lift both her legs up, both of her feet aiming to wrap around the blonde's neck, attempting an ankle choke, her legs crossed and both insteps pressing on the neck if it succeeds.

Hell, she's willing to do anything at this point.


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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by Link-mon Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:45 pm

If Chloe was hurt Layla needed to be there to work it to the bone. And though she was forced back by the girls attack she found the scream of pain she gave when she got hold of her leg to be all the confirmation she needed. Though that though was cut off by the girl pulling up and actually hooking her legs around her neck.

"Agghh!" the blonde gagged as the grip around her neck was locked in and tightened and her hands instinctively started pushing on the legs to get them off.

Roster of Keyes
Layla Vale
Anna Ivers
Serena Bennet
Shooting Star sisters

any contact for a match must be made with the lovely Marissa Keyes first.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2016-12-02

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by BritBrat Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:25 pm

Even though her ankle is hurting, the dark haired footfighter was using her favoured weapons to great use. She would take delight seeing the blonde gagging as her feet squeeze her neck but with the damage done to her, she'd rather watch her struggle with a snarl. "Gotcha bitch." Her black painted toes flexed back and she focused to put much strength on that choke, mostly because it isn't as effective like the sleeper.

However, putting strength comes at a cost of putting much pressure on her ankle, twisting it to even get the ankle choke locked in was a tad too much. And it is clear on her face as she winced and groan in pain, feeling it strain.

So Chloe did the logical thing and let go, her feet slipping away from Layla's neck. Not before trying to give a hard push with her left foot, the one that isn't damaged, towards her face.


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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by Link-mon Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:32 pm

Gagging Layla did everything she could on her feet to get free. Though she was making progress in part due to Chloe's leg still hurting from her ankle lock she couldn't quite separate from her. Still her hands kept at it and eventually Chloe herself backed out of the move and let go.

Gasping, Layla tried to enjoy her ability to breathe before she caught a foot to the face out of the blue. "Ngguh!" Stumbling backwards the blonde fell to the floor and landed on her ass. Holding a hand to her face as she tried to recover from the kick and the choke.

Roster of Keyes
Layla Vale
Anna Ivers
Serena Bennet
Shooting Star sisters

any contact for a match must be made with the lovely Marissa Keyes first.


Posts : 992
Join date : 2016-12-02

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Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale! - Page 3 Empty Re: Verbal submission Worship match!! Chloe Mason Vs. Layla Vale!

Post by BritBrat Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:32 pm

After the kick, Chloe landed with her feet on the ground. Not the best landing however, accidentally planting both feet on the floor and almost falling to the floor. If it weren't for Chloe hanging on those ropes, she would have fallen on their ass. Or flat on her face.

She hobbled towards the blonde sitting on her ass, her eyes narrowing on Layla. "Not saying much now,
bitch... Can't handle a little girl like me?"


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Age : 93
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