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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:50 am

Ouka tightened on the cross face as much as she could but in the position she was in, it was difficult for to pull back without Belinda's arm caught between her legs. In fact, that was what exactly what Belinda would do, now that her hands slipped from sweaty forehead of Belinda's. She would attempt to defend her arm but in the end Belinda managed to wrap her legs around the arm, locking Ouka up as she had her face pressed into the boob much more fiercely!

Her shoulder and neck were being wrenched, but she refused to scream out for Belinda, angrily muffled growling into the boob instead as she stomped her feet against the mat. Trying to think of a way out of this hold as air was becoming an increasingly hard resource with her face right in the tit. Ouka would attempt to use her arm trapped between the legs of Belinda against her as she would try and reach up with the free arm around Belinda's head again.

If she managed, she would try and shift her weight to her free arm's, trying to roll Belinda up for a quick pin!


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:05 am

Belinda had Ouka locked up tight now, having been able to break her rival's hold of her and pull her into that scarf-hold and leaning herself down more against OUka's head and neck, which had the benefit of her tit pressing down against Ouka's face. Which was a bit of a sweat revenge sort of thing as she was able to pay Ouka back in a sense for the tit attacking they had done in the match....though it had the problem of it causing her tit to sting a bit in pain.

The Swede groaned out as she then felt Ouka bring her arm around her shoulders and grab onto her rear with that trapped arm's hand of hers. The redhead then rolled Belinda up onto her shoulders for a quick roll-up pin. The Swede yelped out in surprise, the ref-girl was quick to slide in next to the two of them and start the pin count.

" One!....Two!..." The Swede would then kick out of the pin, which meant breaking her hold on Ouka as she would try and roll away from the redhead and get up to her hands and knees.


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:04 am

Ouka managed to roll Belinda up into the hold, trying to keep her opponent as tied up in a ball as she could to prevent her from fighting out of the pin. Even if she did, Ouka figured that it'd give her the opportunity to fight out of the hold she was trapped in. One count passed, two counts passed, Ouka was hoping for that third count for the most optimistic ending out of this but it was not meant to be as Belinda kicked out. This wasn't all bad, Ouka could still make the most out of this now that her head and arm were freed. She wiped her mouth as it was being shoved tightly into that tit of Belinda, the meaning behind Belinda shoving her tit in her face was not lost on Ouka as she managed to get to her feet. The wheels of revenge were already turning in her head.

Hunching over as she waited for Belinda to rise, raising her hand to gesture Belinda getting up as she took a quick second to rub on the back of her neck, with a strained look on her face. She would smile out as she would rush forward, jumping up as she tried to catch Belinda with a thesz press and tried to force Belinda down onto her back. On the floor, Ouka would shove her breasts out right into her opponent's face as she pinned her to the mat as she reached back to try and grab Belinda's legs to keep her folded up!

"Here's some real tits girl!"


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:13 am

Belinda shook her head a bit as she started to rise up towards her feet, seeing Ouka having risen up a but more than the Swede and gesturing her to get up towards her feet. Belinda would smirk a bit as she got up and raised her arms, but to her surprise Ouka came rushing in towards her and then leaped up into the air.

The redhead came crashing into the Swede with that Lou Thesz press and downed Belinda. The generous rack of the green eyed woman pressing down upon Belinda's sweaty face. The Swede groaned out as her legs were folded up and grabbed, with the ref-girl came sliding in next to the two and started the pin count again.

" One!..Tw-" This time Belinda didn't let it go any further than a half way two count. The Swede bucked up and out of the pin attempt and push Ouka to the side as she would start to roll in the opposite direction, panting out. Ouka was proving to be more than a handful....


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:35 am

Smiling as she caught Belinda in the quick pin, she would hold onto Belinda's legs to prevent them from being used to kick out but from her positioning it left her pin a little awkward and caused her chest to rock from side to side, mashing her boobs even more into Belinda's face. Not that she mind, the whole point of this pin was to get back at her for that breast in the face hold. Not even attaining a two count, Ouka was forced off as she was rolled to the side, Ouka giving little resistance in staying in the pin as she got to her knees.

Wiping away the sweat on her brow, that smile of hers was on full display as she stood up, hand shooting the the back of her neck as she rotated it. Approaching Belinda, she would try and grab a hold of that blonde hair. "What's wrong blondie? Having trouble keeping up with a real woman and real wrestler?" she spat out, trying her best to continue insulting teasing Belinda.

Looking to keep Belinda on the defensive in this critical point in the match, she attempted to lift her knee right into the chest of the Swede, continuing to keep her winded and continue to punish those breasts that never deserved to be on the same level as hers!


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:47 am

Belinda panted out as she moved up towards her feet, or at least halfway up to her feet before the red-haired Ouka came and took a handful of her short damp blond hair. Pulling the Swede up towards her feet and letting out those words, words that caused Belinda to seethe with rage. The Swede would grit her teeth and attempt to ready herself as that knee came up.

She would wrap her arms around it. It drove into her chest and caused her to cough out spittle but both her arms would wrap tightly around that leg, soon it would only be her left arm though as her right would snag up around Ouka's head. Attempting to pull her new-found rival's head in under her right armpit. The Swede would then try and yank Ouka off of her feet and throw the Japanese redhead down onto her back in an arch with a quick Fisherman's Suplex!

Quickly attempting to bridge and go for a pin on the busty heel.


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:22 am

Ouka's eyes widened when she expected to smack Belinda back down to the mat but realized that Belinda wasn't going to take it, wrapping her arms around the leg as Ouka was forced to hop around on a foot while using both hands to grab onto Belinda's head to keep herself standing. Her knee did go through, but Belinda managed to power through it and go straight for the counter attack as she tucked Ouka's head underneath her arm.

Before she knew it she went flying over head in a quick Fisherman's Suplex as she went flying over, crunched up and smashing into the mat. Groaning out as she was hooked on the mat, Ouka wasn't down and out enough to let Belinda get a pinfall over her so easily, quickly beginning to thrash while trapped in the pin.

"One! Two!" A two count, not as quick as Ouka wanted as she bucked up out of the pin attempt and rolled onto her stomach, breathing heavily as she began to slowly push herself up. This Swede didn't know when to give up!


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:30 am

Belinda wasn't about to be bullied around by Ouka, she was looking to win this match after all. As she wanted to win, especially after how much Ouka had mocked her and belittled her. The redhead seemed more interested in facing her sister than her, and while she was sort of used to that by now...Ouka's way of talking about it had riled the young Swede up.

The blond took a hold of Ouka and tossed the redhead over head down onto the mat with a quick and painful Fisherman's suplex, bridging with that leg hooked up. She held her breath as the ref-girl started the count. Only managing to get to the two count before Ouka kicked out and rolled onto her stomach. Belinda flopped down onto her back, panting out as her generous rack heaved up and down with each heavy breath that she took.

The Swede rolled over onto her front and pushed up to her hands and knees, pushing up to her knees as she'd reach out for a handful of Ouka's hair. Pulling the redhead up towards her feet as she tried to get the both of them up, facing each other. Belinda would try and wrap her arms around Ouka's ribs, pushing their large racks up against each other. Belinda would attempt to squeeze with all her remaining might, trying to lock in a hellish bearhug on the redhead.


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by OmegaVan0 Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:23 am

Belinda was definitely a challenge, Ouka was never going t odeny it. She was serving a perfect challenge for Ouka to handle....before heading onto Cecilia! The strength of Northman, Ouka was slightly in the lead. She needed to train on that in order to fit the older sister who was most likely more stronger than her younger sister. Belinda being the younger one, Ouka felt that she was way more determined than Cecilia since she had something to prove to match her older sister.

That quick Fisherman's Suplex had definitely proven to Ouka that Belinda had much more tricks in the bag than she thought as she laid on her stomach, having fallen back down while pushing herself back up. Her ragged breath was any indicator, she was quite winded at this point as she felt Belinda grabbing at her hair, growling out as she was brought back to her feet. She didn't have much problem with that, Belinda just making things easier for the red head, or so she like to think. That was until she felt Belinda wrapping her arms around her and started to squeeze her in a bearhug!

Her shot open as she threw her head back, sweat flying off of her hair as she let out a cry. At this point in the match a bearhug was devastating to endure as she gritted her teeth, moving her arms down to grab at Belinda's biceps. Trying to pull them off of her, she realize that Belinda wasn't going to let go so easily as their busts mashing into each other. The two pairs of pairs of breasts were fighting it out in the limited space, the pain that existed in Ouka's chest continued to flare up as she stumbled in Belinda's grasp!


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

Post by LunarWolf Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:44 am

Belinda was going to show Ouka just what happened when you underestimated the Shooting Star. The Swede had pulled Ouka up to her feet and now wrapped her arms tightly around Ouka's body, hugging and crushing those ribs of the busty redhead as hers and Belinda's generous racks were grinding and mushrooming up against one another. The Swede winced out a bit because of the pain that was already dwelling in her bosom.

Yet, Belinda wasn't going to let that slow her down, as the two sweaty frames were pressed firmly up against each other. Belinda would lean back and squeeze as hard as she could upon Ouka's frame. " Raagh! Come on Ouka! Tap out!" Belinda shouted out, she didn't know how long she'd be able to keep up this bearhug, but the longer she did, the better her situation against Ouka would be as this hold had to hurt the redheaded heel quite a bit by this point.


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Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman - Page 8 Empty Re: Ouka Shumisen vs. Belinda Northman

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