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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Romance of the Shadow Furries

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by SimplyMoon Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:20 pm

"Father!" Yori shouted as she tried to pull away, seeing her father's face be under the heel of one of these nefarious hoodlums. She squirmed under the panda's strength, unexpectantly strong as she pushed herself to escape to the best of her abilities, yet the fox wasn't strong enough, unable to leave his clutches.

She faked genuine tears, playing up the act as her mother did very much the same, crying out for her husband, "I'll do it, please, don't hurt him. His heart can't take such stress!"

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by Jackster Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:24 pm

Giving her the phone that laid on the wooden table, the ringleader was a bit enjoying himself how things were going smoothly "Then you better start talking to whoever this husband of yours to come quickly and sign the paper" This paper was of utmost of his desires since it connected to the Takibi estate, and if it was signed "Willingly" This he might avoid the law enforcement of any unnecessary troubles in the future.

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by SimplyMoon Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:00 pm

Yori knew what she had to, looking as if as she typed on the phone like she was going to die from a trembling sadness that would take over her, playing up the sob story that she had made as cover for what she was doing. Whatever she had to say was needed to be worded carefully and practically to make sure that Hairou knew something was rather off about what was going on. Even taking a big breath as the dial tone played for calling was made with utter purpose as to sell the idea of a newly made housewife.

"O hi honey," she spoke in that trembling way, naturally letting a tear come down from her eye to look like she was barely holding on, "How are you doing, my dad was wondering if you could come over and help with the tv. He can never seem to get the contrast just right."

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by Jackster Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:12 am

The wolf man was in the middle of making a delightful supper for both him and the neko ninja. It was getting dark outside as he thought making a quick fiery meal would be nice to warm themselves up around this cold forest. Demonstrating his skills with the frying pan as the fried rice was being rotated like a roller coaster while humming leisurely.
His moments were cut short as his blue apron adorned with a front ninja logo "忍者" pocket was buzzing. Taking his hidden cell phone, he answered "Hello Yori, seems you reached......what?" The cooking was getting slow as the wolf ninja was hearing her words. His mind was clustered between confusion and questions as the vixen ordered him to come by to ix her fathers tv, not to mention calling him honey!? "Yori? What are you saying?!" It was either a weird joking gesture or something else.

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by SimplyMoon Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:03 pm

"Dad wants to get the TV ready, he is having company over and well he doesn't want to get all embarrassed," she gulped on the phone, unsure wither he was catching anything yet. She never called him, ever at all, not even after making amends from their initial meeting. It had taken everything not to cringe saying it beyond that as well. Even more so, the wolf had never met her family beyond hearing them on a telephone call

"If you can honey come over, I think mom has plenty of food made up for you, I think she even made something with melons for dessert," continuing to lie to him. She took a deep breath, rallying her thoughts to try for anything else, "We could really use the help and I'm sure it would be nothing you couldn't handle."

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by Jackster Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:26 am

The wolf man would stand idle letting his frying pan almost still as the phone was held onto his shoulder and head. His expression was still yet sharp as if pondering about all these weird little comments his hearing. Not to mention it was like Yori was talking to someone else, calling him honey, inviting him for dinner, needing some help.....If that was a prank call then it was a clever one.

"Yori?.........." Hairou would answer with a worried tone, his brain was clustered and mangled with too many ideas as to what was going on.

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by SimplyMoon Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:02 pm

"Hairou..." she spoke, trying to put on the happiest of voices, but it partially trembled just a bit, hoping that it would be what finally signaled that something likely was wrong. This was likely her last hope, too beat up after taking far too much damage from being ganged up on.

"I'm... I'm sorry..."

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by Jackster Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:13 am

At that moment the gang boss would take the phone before closing the line on purpose, a back hand fist crashing into her face that as she rolled away from the table "Were you trying to signal your husband?! Do you take me for a fool?!" Said the enraged dragon as he flicked to the sumo bodyguard "Take them to the basement and make sure she stays there gagged and roped!" Nodding silently the young vixen would be hugged tightly along with the blue knife kitty who dragged both her parent by the collar like an old rug. 

Hairou would be standing still with a cold expression, gut wrenching from something and he was sensing something bad in the motion. Yori's last pleas has struck him like a broken record. the grey wolf tossing his apron away and closing the gases flames to postpone for the nightly meal. And like an afterimage he ran past the corridor and a Kuroneko who was really in need of the meal, shocked to see his partner/mentor passing by him and right outside the dojo. Reluctantly followed in pursuit just in case anything was wrong and out of curiosity. The quite dark forest rumbled silently with light footsteps that bounced between the tree lines, a shadowy figure hoping above into the night sky obstructing the roundish moon with his silhouette, a two finger shinobi gesture placed into his lips and a paw clasped onto his back sword, Hairou's eyes gleamed with a golden aura determined to venture into the cause of this chaotic night.

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by SimplyMoon Sun Apr 24, 2022 3:54 pm

"Gyaahh!" she cried out as she was backhanded from the leader, rolling back partially away from the table. She'd move quickly, trying to get to her parents to defend them before the panda grabbed her once again, pulling her into his familiar embrace, "Let me go, let me go!" she cried out, squirming as she was taken away with her parents gagged and roped against her will.

It was up to Hairou now, all her hopes on him as she waited in the darkness. In the meanwhile, Yori wouldn't be just some damsel in distress, even if she was at the moment. Her family were ninja after all, a small knife falling down from her sleeve as she began to slowly work at the heavy ropes. Her mother did the same, always prepared, while her father rested. He closed his eyes, almost in a meditative like stance as he sat bound on the ground. If help came, they'd be ready.

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Romance of the Shadow Furries - Page 5 Empty Re: Romance of the Shadow Furries

Post by Jackster Mon May 02, 2022 7:12 am

The once tender hearted wolf man was racing like a crazed beast a top the many tree lines between him and where Yori resided. His heart was beating harder than ever and mostly because his mind was playing games with him. Is she alright? Was there something wrong? Why was she talking like that!? Too many answers that was worrying to no limits. His eyes blurred like a bizarre light effect from the hyper speed of his movements, fangs grinding silently beneath his mouth, his body's temperature was between heated yet cold at the same time. Indeed, the shinobi wolf was not like himself anymore.

Kuromaru who followed in pursuit on the ground was a bit unsure what's happening as his training partner was agitated for some reason. Better stick close just in case anything dire occurs.

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