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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:42 pm

Yumiko feels enough with the clinch ,she starts to feel a little bit awkward with Setsuna's bouncy chest on hers. It's not like that she had never clinch before with a female boxer but it's just feel awkward for her.

Not so long after she bucks Setsuna away from ,she comes up with a short uppercut that pretty much rocks Yumiko's head around and sending a thin trickle of spittle flies out of her mouth. She stumble a step backwards and Setsuna doesn't allow her to shake that cobwebs out of her head. Yumiko does swing a left cross aiming for Setsuna's head but it sails passing the back of Setsuna's head as she keeps her head low and pretty much bending her body into half.

"Unnngghhh!!!" a grunt escaped from Yumiko's mouth as the glove lands squarely on her ribcage and sending the ribcage shudders inside of Yumiko. It leaves another red mark and dishing another type of pain on her body before a heavy right hook lands home turf and snapping Yumi's head hard to a side ,forcing another trickle of spittle flies out of her mouth and heavily stunning her temporarily.

Yumiko keeps stumbling backwards after taking that solid punch with her left cheek and without her knowledge at all ,her back is already hitting the ropes and Setsuna use the opportunity well ,planting her head under Yumi's chin and instantly limiting Yumi's head movement before a barrage of uppercut landing over and over on her abs and knocking the air out of her bit by bit.

"Unnngghhh!!! Ooofff!!! Unnnnggghhh!!! Unnngghhh!!!" gasped Yumiko as she tries to hold on for the remaining seconds of the round. Her knees are shaking constantly and cold sweat are running down on her cheeks with steady flow as every punch lands home and unblocked by Yumi's arms. Yumi then without thinking twice looping her arms around Setsuna's back and immediately clinching with Setsuna ,in hopes that Setsuna will be stopping her relentless and brutal attack and save her from a knock down.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:28 am

Setsuna smiled as she manged to score quite a few hits as her foe was now forced to cling to her for life. Setsuna clinched back as well getting her arms to hook underneath Yumiko's as she got better control of her opponent that way.

"Lesson one about clinching..." She said between breaths as she slid her right glove between Yumiko and herself while her arms were around her, "When you clinch try to get at least one arm underneath your opponent's arm."

Setsuna shoved her right glove at Yumiko's chin forcing her to turn her head away and loosen the hold on her clinch giving her enough room to through some heavy body uppercuts with her dominant left hand.

Last edited by 863 on Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:24 am

Yumiko's eyes are wider than it should be ,she barely moves a muscle while she is clinching with the youngster ,she thought she'll be secured in this tight clinch and Setsuna will be forgetting about those body shots but she is deadly wrong about it.

Setsuna ,in fact easily breaks the clinch and teaches Yumiko stuff about clinching. The unexperienced Yumiko hears the lesson from the youngster humbly and forgetting the fact that she is still in a match. As a result ,Yumi was getting shoved on her chin by one of Setsuna's gloves and she was pretty much forced to lost her grip on Setsuna's body and the clinching itself before the youngster rapidly raining heavy uppercuts onto Yumiko's abs ,not showing any stopping indication.

"UUUNNGHHH!!! OOOOFFFFF!!!! OOOOOOFFFFF!!!!" gasped Yumiko loudly ,her face looks awful with that painful expression on it. Her knees shaking greatly and she seems couldn't hold any longer and finally sinking her knees on the fresh canvas ,coughing heavily several times with one arm across her aching belly and the other solidly planted on the fresh white canvas.

More and more cold sweat are running down from her forehead ,she seems to be in a world of pain. Her good chin even couldn't hold that heavy uppercut launched by the foe ,she tries to get up while her lost in the past keeps flashing inside her head.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:12 am

Instead of letting her opponent collapse on the ground, she held her up off her knees with her left glove lifting her up with her chin as she held her against the ropes. Setsuna smiled down at Yumi with a smug smile, as she looked up at the clock. "Not bad..." Setsuna said as she would nod her head approvingly, "You manged to survive the first round...."

Setsuna tilted her head locking at her opponent's face with a slight twinge of guilt. "So... do you want to give up, or continue?"

The younger girl didn't mean it as insult or a taunt, the distance of their skills were quite obvious as Setsuna suffered only a few blows and some of them weren't even dead on. She was worried for the well being of Yumiko as a boxer as careers in boxing tend to be short especially for boxers in their 30's.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:51 pm

Yumiko feels herself at the mercy of the youngster. Otherwise ,she'll just use the opportunity and knock Yumiko out hard. Yumiko wasn't able to get up by herself ,Setsuna helps her with the glove on Yumi's chin. The knees are still buckling and Setsuna had to hold her against the ropes so she won't fall down.

She heard Setsuna's praise and question afterwards and with the gasping breath of hers ,she replies "Thanx" and answers "I...i....i....never...give up". Yumiko then rests her head on Setsuna's right shoulder ,using every seconds to rest herself and waiting the throbbing pain on her abs to fade away while blowing the hot wind out of her mouth continuously.

" rest...for a while" continues Yumi ,requesting a time to have a break even she doesn't have to ask Setsuna for it cause it's really break time but she just being polite and nice to the youngster ,half of her thanking Setsuna for the tricks and lessons that she taught her and part of her eager to use all of the tricks and lessons taught by Setsuna in the first round to repay Setsuna's vicious uppercuts.

Last edited by 6123 on Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:19 pm

Setsuna smiled and shrugged, "Its just a spar, technically you're not really giving up..."

The girl nodded as she walked to her cornerputting her back against the turnbuckle as she looked at the state Yumiko was in. Perhaps, she shouldn't have been so rough with her but, when you're in the ring you forget who you're up against sometimes you just can't stop yourself. It was a fighter's mentality and it was deeply engraved in her nature. Setsuna took long deep breaths trying not to get herself winded and recover slowly.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:27 pm

Yumi feels relieved ,she gets the break that she wanted all the time during the first round when Setsuna gave her the proper beating. She feels so low and unconfident to continue the spar but something inside of her keep encouraging her to do so ,to continue the spar.

Anyway ,she rests herself first ,sitting right on the canvas and leaning her back against the corner post with the arms on lowest ropes and breathing heavily as Setsuna probably can see from her rapidly heaving chest and uncontrollable breath for a moment.

"This...young girl is tough" thought Yumi ,looking straight at the standing Setsuna who is clearly proud of her work at the moment. Somehow ,she felt like really want to wipe that small smile of Setsuna out of her face for once and for all for doing that to her but Yumi realizes ,it's just a match and nothing personal in it. Sometimes ,you just can't control your fists and they just don't listen.

Yumiko then hold her thought about hurting Setsuna seriously but she keeps thinking a way to prove Setsuna that she is still worth to spar and fight with. Yumi hauls herself up with both of her gloved hands by using the help from the ropes and pulls herself together ,staring Setsuna with the eyes of the tiger but still maintaining a friendly act and stare between before she pounds both of her gloves hard and begins to bounce lightly on the tip of her toes ,switching to the unorthodox stance which she should have use in the first round.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:51 pm

Stepping toward the ring, she gave a breath raising her hands normally rather as opposed to the bob and weave style she used earlier. Setsuna wanted to be textbook, clean form nothing fancy, no tricks just a conservative style. Setsuna was a well conditioned fighter but, she was always wanted to be efficient when using her strength. With her lead right hand, she gave a nod to tell her opponent that the match had resumed.

Setsuna inched closer noticing the shift in Yumi's stance, she's more cautious this time around knowing never to underestimate her opponent. Although young, Setsuna was mature and experienced as a boxer.

Setsuna threw out a few jabs not to ht yumiko but, rather to look at her defenses and to use it as a ruler to measure her striking range.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:35 pm

Yumi with left arm beside the left side of her face and right arm low on her right side but still on the chin-level ,adopting way new different fighting stance with a way new spirit and one goal in her sight and mind.

Setsuna came with the jabs ,testing Yumi's defense and seeing if there's any gap or hole to launch more powerful punches but Yumi won't fall for it this time. She begins to move her "stone" legs and start hopping ,trying to pay full attention to Setsuna's shoulders cause there's where Yumiko believes that all of the punches came from.

So far as she notices ,Yumi knows Setsuna is still going to try her defense further and getting this knowledge makes Yumi doesn't waste any opportunity and gives the youngster a taste of a brawler's power.

She plays the bob and weave style ,mostly to confusing her opponent but the moves seem so heavy as she does it. She keeps doing it anyway before retaliate it with a strong left cross to Setsuna's right side of the body ,the right to the other side and a straight to her soft but strong abs.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 3 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:49 pm

Setsuna smiled watching as the brawler started to move around and stop being so flat footed, "good...."

The boxer was pleasantly surprised as she saw her opponent to begin to bob and weave. "Better..."

As the brawler stepped forward, Setsuna noticed a shift in her stance as she targeted her body. The boxer took a powerful blow to the abdomen, Setsuna cringed as the force blew her back but, she was still standing up right knowing it would be bad if she doubled over. Setsuna grit her teeth as the other girl's fist was driven into her stomach but, as powerful as it was, Setsuna was no push over, it would take more than one punch to the body to take her down. Setsuna lifted her left hand and ould swoop down with a downward hook to try and send the girl's head toward the mat with her head being so low.

"N-not bad..." Setsuna wheezed out not beeing able to breathe properly.

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