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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:43 am

Setsuna sighed, "If i told you it wouldn't work... now would it? But, fine... since it's a spar..."

The girl pressed herself agaisnt the ropes and closed herself up as she was fully defensive, her stomach clenched as that was the only place that was open. "Muhammad Ali used it to beat George Foreman, arguably the best brawler, of all time. Ali leaned himself agaisnt the ropes and would be just like this as Foreman attacked with full out strength. the entire match ali was trash talking Foreman to hit him! But, by the end, Foreman was soo gassed up, he couldn't even throw one decent punch and was knocked out."

Setsuna pressed herself back on the ropes, "It's a contest to see who'll win out, my durability or your stamina. Throwing punches consecutively without rest is very tiring especially if you're opponent isn't moving and is an easy target....aaand... round's up!"

Setsuna pointed at the clock as she was luckily enough in her own corner.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:20 am

Yumi hears the youngster's explanation and paying an extra attention on it since she doesn't know too much terms in boxing except for the Dempsey Roll which she had watched from a video in YouTube. The time goes by when Setsuna explains what does rope-a-dope mean to Yumi while keep looking at the clock ,Yumiko did notice that the youngster look at something behind of her for several times during the explanation ,it was the clock Setsuna keep looking at and when the explanation is up ,the round is up as well.

"Ohhh...alright , i guess i need a rest too since my arms are feeling a little tired itself" Yumi said it innocently ,unrealized her opponent might be utilizing her weaknesses against her.

She walks back to her corner ,pretty much tired and wiping the sweat out of her forehead by using her right glove before she leans her back against the corner pad and eventually sitting on the canvas ,breathing heavily and shaking the numbness out of her hands at the same time.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:30 am

Setsuna wasn't as tired as she was hurt, those blows were getting to her as she stood up straight feeling her abdominal muscles strain her. feeling the bruises they accumulated over this last past round. She snorted, and Muhammad Ali made it look so easy taking those shots but, then again she was "the greatest of all time". Setsuna noted, she'd had to be more careful going into the last round. She'd have to look out for anybody blows and would have to find a way to use that power against her foe.

The girl would grin evily, a nasty counter would do it...

Setsuna suspected her foe would have less stamina at this point so, she decided to swarm and crowd her with punches in bunches. Then get her to throw one of those wild punches and would counter her to end the fight that was her game plan. She liked it.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:42 am

"Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!" The Japanese mom would sounded as she repeatedly trying to suck the air in the corner to fill her almost empty lungs while sweat soaks her black tank tops entire and feeling not comfortable with it. Her boobs are sweating along with the other parts of her body but there's no way she would taking off her tank tops ,her pearly white bra and wiping the sweat off her boobs and body just like that in front of Setsuna.

"Take it easy ,it'll be over soon" Yumi thought in her mind. Six months without any training sure make the single mom felt overwhelmed to face Setsuna even in a three rounds spar but she knows she injures with a series of relentless pounding to the youngster's abs but in the end ,it's just a spar ,she had nothing against Setsuna especially when the other girl had taught her something new and useful for her.

Sure knockout sounds great but sending the youngster off to the emergency room after this spar ,no...that thought never crossed her mind at all. She isn't a bloodthirsty fighter like some of the AFW fighters ,she is fighter with a mercy and wouldn't likely to strike anyone excessively unless it's necessary to do so.

Yumi during the break keeps eyeballing the clock that hung on the wall behind of her ,the single mom doesn't think about a single plan on fighting the youngster in her mind while waiting for the third round in their very private of spar. It maybe one of her weaknesses but thinking about strategies often confuse her so it's best to keep it out of her mind and fights with everything she had right now.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:39 am

Setsuna closed her eyes and breathed in with her nose and out with her mouth, at first it was hard to do but, it slowed down her heart rate. Little tricks like that were always part of the trade, she was lucky to be ablt to still do that as she avoided any blows to the nose, thankfully. She relaxed herself, she was still in control of the fight and she had a solid game plan. Setsuna would come out of her corner and slowly come out to meet her in the ring as she opened her eyes. Not bothering to look at the clock, she had been in the ring so many times, her body had gotten accustomed to taking minute breaks. Getting into her fighting stance, she would shoot out her right lead hand for Yumi to tap as a show of good sportsmanship.

Afterwards, Setsuna would take a step back and start by picking up her footwork and would come in gun's blazing. She was going to throw everything she had at Yumi except the kitchen sink! Setsuna would step forward with a quick one two but, would hold out her left arm as she would lean into the punch causing her to be hunched over to the side, putting her in a position to throw a mean body shot at Yumiko's ribs with her right hand. She would pull that fist back and try and catch her by surprise by throwing a right uppercut right between her glooves. Throwing a right hook at Yumiko's face as she stepped back with her back leg as that put her in a wider stance so, she could finish her 6 punch combination with a powerful right straight to the face!

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:04 pm

Break is over for the fighters ,the time for the third and the last round approached them. Yumi have never felt so tense and excited like this at the same time ,it's like she was fighting in a real competition with a girl who intends to hurt her. She feels so alive ,with another deep breath the single mom hauls herself up by pulling both middle ropes and never felt much ready than this. This single mom eager to finish what she started with Setsuna and she is going to finish it hard ,sinking the other girl into the canvas if she could ,spits them "impossible" word on its face and shows Setsuna what she is really capable of.

Yumi gets into her fighting stance along with Setsuna ,shooting out her right glove as well to tap Setsuna's as a show of a good sportmanship before the match resumes.

Unexpected series of events would occur ,the single mom was shocked that Setsuna is suddenly coming at her and raining her with everything she's got. Yumi is far too overwhelmed by the youngster ,she have a trouble to put up the right guard as the youngster is crowding her perfectly.

"Why in all of this sudden??" Yumi thought but never got a chance to answer it by herself when the youngster's punches swarm her. "OOooff! pooooofff!!" The quick one two send the single mom's head rocking back and forth before a mean body shot pays Yumi's ribs a visit "THUDD!!!!" with a loud meaty thudding noise ,adding some red marks on it and almost forcing the poor mom to double over. The mom doesn't even get a chance to defend herself before a right uppercut penetrates her weakening defense and went through the gloves ,bashing between the tip of Yumi's nose and her mouth before she stumbles backwards. "POOOOFFF!!!" The mom would sound.

Poor Yumiko ,she doesn't know Setsuna had already planned everything to finish her in this round ,all that she can do is just keep taking and taking. The worst part is ,it doesn't over yet. A hook comes to Yumi's unprepared face and Yumi is forced to eat it on her left cheek ,adding the swelling on it before the mom would stumble backwards to the ropes and a right straight will bash her right on the middle of her face and printing a huge red mark! on the heavily stunned mom's face. "THWACKKK!!!" the sickening noise of the impact filled the empty gym for a moment before it fades away less than a sec. The poor mom barely could feel her face at the moment but amazingly she's still standing despite the pain on her entire body.

Yumi looks awful with a huge red mark in the middle of her face and bruises everywhere around her body but instead of giving up ,she limply shoots up a right straight herself to Setsuna's face ,not so much power behind of it but enough to buck the girl away from her.

Last edited by 6123 on Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:42 pm; edited 2 times in total


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:16 pm

"Come on defend yourself!" Setsuna cried.

Setsuna tilted her head away from the punch as she threw a left hook as Yumi threw the punch. Setsuna's punch wasn't meant to hit her foe but, rather to trap Yumi's arm as Yumi's wrist would be snagged between Setsuna's neck and arm and because of her leather glove being to big, she wouldn't be able to pull it away. Setsuna used her right hand and began throwing clean and crisp body shots to her opponent's stomach. Pummeling her foe's ribcage and belly with her fist as she punished Yumiko. Setsuan would then shove her gloove in her opponent's face to shove her away not wanting to get into a clinch. If successful, Setsuna would get back into her stance as she would come toward Yumiko again planning not giving her any chances to breathe.

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:02 pm

Yumi knows Setsuna doesn't mean to insult her with those words ,she knows that she was just to slow in spotting those punches but she retaliated at least even it doesn't do her any good. In fact ,her right arm got trapped by Setsuna's left after she swung a left hook. It was a smart move ,Yumi doesn't realize that and now she is vulnerable to Setsuna's attack as the girl rains her down with a series of midsection punching that would buckles her knees and knocking her air out of the lungs bit by bit.

Yumiko instead of letting those punches landing square without any defense ,trying hard to block it one by one using only her left arm. The single mom is really having a hard time in the terms of defending herself ,she misses 3/4 Setsuna's punches and that those 3/4 rocking her ribcage belly and liver perfectly ,sending a relentless wave of pain to Yumi's entire body before the seemed endless beating stop at last when her opponent shoves her glove on Yumi's face and shoving the mom away from her so she won't be getting into a clinch with her.

Back on the ropes ,the mom would try to catch some breath but Setsuna is coming for her. The youngster clearly doesn't give her too much of a break time ,Yumi isn't fully ready yet but Yumi shows no sign of giving up and moving forward with terribly aching midsection. Yumi pays a great amount of attention to Setsuna's gloves but she wastes no time in circling the other girl and would dive inside of the other girl before shooting out two short straights to Setsuna's midsection.


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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Oathkeeper Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:49 am

As Setsuna sprang forward, she let out a gasp as her eyes followed Yumi as she circled out of the way. Her head turned to her as she knew she needed to turn back but, her bosy didn't let her. Setsuna thought the other girl was far too damaged to be be able to maneveur out of the way so quickly but, her assumption would cost her big time as the both blows hit home. They buried themselves right into her stomach causing Setsuna to reel back as she opened her mouth feeling a hot choking sensation rise up from her throat. The girl fell back clutching her stomach rather than forward afraid she'd eat another of the other girl's punches that way. Expecting to fall onto the canvas, she was saved by the ropes instead.Clinging onto the ring with her right arm hooked to the top rope as her left arm and the left side of her body stayed off the canvas.

"Haa....Haaa.... Haaa..." Setsuna panted as she manged to stop herself from hitting the mat.

Last edited by 863 on Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi - Page 5 Empty Re: An unusual sunday morning at the gym when Setsuna meets Yumi

Post by Vivian Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:29 am

Yumi feels her energy boosted seeing Setsuna is in that kind of vulnerable position. A chance to knock Setsuna down is in front of the eyes and it's not up to Yumi whether to use it or not. Yumi is just so excited just thinking about when her gloves sink into Setsuna's stomach over and over before she pounds the youngster in the head before sending her into the canvas with her spectacular kindergarten shot. Yumi just couldn't shake that thought out of her mind ,she is coming for the heavily stunned youngster with cocked back right glove and ready to strike.

"Eat this Setsuna HYYAAAA!!!!" This first time ever that the mom screams out and charging forward like this. She sacrificed her defense and eventually shooting out the most powerful straight that she ever possess ,aiming it right into the middle face of Setsuna and trying to knock the girl out instantly wherever she is.

Last edited by 6123 on Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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