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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:50 am

Songbird still smiled at how Rain was progressing, she truly was becoming quite a fighter and perhaps her strength can impress a few boys. But she wasn't against saving energy for the latter as she replied, "That's fine with me, Reyna. I have a couple of drinks and snacks to eat, and towels to help dry us off."

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:59 am

Rain gave a sigh of relief and relaxed herself, laying on the mat for a moment. That workout took a lot out of her, but it felt good to be this tired. It was a sign that she worked really hard and was able to learn some new things. "Whew, I'm all worn out." She said, laughing softly. Breaks, yay~! She thought, sitting up, looking to Songbird. "That sounds great Alice, if you have anything grape-flavored that'd be awesome!" The blonde said, getting to her feet. The thought of getting something to drink after the workout gave her a second wind. She walked out of the ring and sat on a nearby bench. "Hey Alice..." Rain said, her tone a little more serious. "Um... you're the first Friction wrestler I fought, and... are all Friction wrestlers as strong as you?"

The Azure Squadron

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:13 am

Songbird went to get her bag at the nearby bench to get the things that she was talking about. She took out two sports drinks, one that is blue raspberry while the other was grape for Reyna. Next, she took out two chocolate chip protein bars and two towels. Hearing Reyna's question, Songbird answered, "Well, for some, yes, others are either stronger than me or have ways to go. For me, I had to train so much under my father since he once was a pro wrestler before he married my mother, who was a martial arts expert. So you can say that fighting runs in our blood." Offering Reyna, the drink, snack, and towel, Songbird would twist open her own drink and started sipping away.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:35 am

Rain was amazed by Songbird's background. It must had been tough having such strong parents and living up to their expectations. Rain learned to fight out of interest, but still wanted to get stronger. "Wow, that's so cool Alice!" She said with a smile. The girl grabbed the things offered her, taking a sip of her sport drink and wrapping the towel around her neck. "Um, so..." She didn't know what to say, and silence would had just been awkward. "What was your training like?"

The Azure Squadron

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:48 am

Songbird continued, "Well, a lot like how I am helping you out. Dad started me off with getting my physical attacks down from punches, kicks, and even headbutts. From there, he would show me a few good techniques that I have to practice weekly and it took me time to get my body in shape to do them including the butterfly twist kick. I trained in gymnastics after school, so I wasn't only smart but I was also strong to compete with the men. Hmhmhm, if you know what I mean." She would take another sip of her sports drink and bite of her protein bar to rest her mouth a bit.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:36 am

It sounded like Song's training was intense. It made Rain wonder about her own past training. Most of her martial arts training continued even after she left the dojo and joined the martial arts club at her school. Though now she wondered if she should had made an effort to join other sports teams like gymnastics or wrestle to give her more variety in her fighting style. Though hearing Song's laugh after her explanation made Rain blush a little. "Oh, uh... okay..." She said, turning away. "Um, you don't mean in Hentai match, right?"

The Azure Squadron

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Mon Oct 15, 2012 7:45 am

Songbird almost coughed when Rain mentioned the kind of match that she was rarer repulsive about. "Hentai? Heavens, no! I would never try to fight for perverted purposes. I'm saving myself when my true prince would come, even though he would come in old rags. It is the heart in a man that counts no matter what he does to impress a girl. Heck, I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Do you, Rain?" Songbird spoke the truth and she wanted to be an example for women to stand up for themselves and not be used by men.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:12 am

Rain gave a laugh at Song's reaction. It seemed she had the same idea about Hentai matches as she did, which made her feel a lot better. It was comforting to know that not every fighter here had to take part in matches like that. Thought she was shocked to hear that Song had never had a boyfriend before. For someone so strong and cool like her, Rain figured she had many boys try to date her in high school. The fact that she had been single for so long. "Actually, I do have a boyfriend. Or at least I did until I move to Japan." She started to explain. "We were a really popular couple during our senior year, but we decided to break up after I came here. I kind of miss him..."

The Azure Squadron

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by Dynamo44 Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:06 am

Songbird took a couple more bites of her protein bar and drank more of her sports drink as she was listening to Rain's story. Looks like she did have a boyfriend at first before breaking up when she moved to Japan. Songbird gulped from eating as she asked, "Pardon me if I'm asking this at the wrong time, but did something go wrong in the relationship or did you feel he may not be the one for you?" She didn't want to hurt her feelings or anything, but she just wants to know.

Focusing on good old fashioned basics and just having fun. Nothing else and nothing more.

The World of Dynamo

Posts : 11529
Join date : 2010-04-14

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Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp) - Page 5 Empty Re: Rain's Training with Songbird (for dlamp)

Post by dlamp Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:29 pm

Rain gave a light laugh at Song's concern. "Ha, no, it wasn't anything like that. When I first came to Japan it was during a class trip, that's how I heard of the AFW, and decided to stay here. My parents send money each month to help pay for my rent and stuff, but my boyfriend couldn't stay, so we decided to break off 'cause long distance relationships never work." She explained, giving a nervous laugh. It wasn't a touchy subject with her, the two got along well, but they never expanded the relationship above dating, so it was okay. It was puppy love, even though her ex-boyfriend was nice to her and everything, that was all it was. The blonde took a few bites of her protein bar and washed it down with a swig of her sports drink. "This is pretty good," She said, changing the subject. "So Alice, think we should call it in for the day? I'm kinda' beat."

The Azure Squadron

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