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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by anegge Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:08 pm

Sally desperately held out despite her inexperience, at least long enough to plan her next move. Shel teased her a bit as she dug down into her titflesh. "You're damn right I'm good at this." she licked her lips, "I can feel your nipples poking out."

Sally dropped down a moment quicker than Shel could react and pushed her away using her knees and calves like a coiled spring. Shel fell onto her plump backside and coughed for a couple seconds as Sally finally got her chance to recover. "Good move. But when I do pin you down, you aren't getting out 'til I get some of your honey." Shel slipped back to her knees quickly. She wanted to pursue the big fighter while she was still somewhat disoriented from her new arousal.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 GXChUKwHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 1BElGMIHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 UR8UylU

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by TekRobo Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:01 pm

And disoriented Sally was! She sat up unevenly, wrapping her arms around her poor, sensitive breasts, breathing heavily and feeling uncomfortably aroused. She reached up to brush a lock of hair out of her eyes (she should really wear her hair in a ponytail) and tried to give Shel a confident grin. "We'll see who gets... *Huff Huff*... who's honey, lil' missy!"

Despite Sally's show of confidence, she wasn't ready to get into another direct confrontation with the black beauty! She had the advantage in raw power, but she lacked skill or technique. If she could figure out a way to overpower her opponent, that would work, but her mind was distracted by the feeling in her chest and the curious heat in her crotch... so for now, she merely scooted backwards, eyes widening in a way not unlike a deer in the headlights!

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by anegge Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:49 pm

Shel laughed as Sally's response. "Oh, I like you." She shuffled forward on her knees carefully snatching up Sally's ankle and starting to twist slowly, not to cause pain, but to forcefully roll the leotard wearing lady onto her tubby tummy.

If Shel could do that she would then crawl up and sit down on the girl's big butt.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 GXChUKwHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 1BElGMIHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 UR8UylU

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by TekRobo Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:50 am

Sally, off-balanced and embarrassed by how the match had been going so far, was unable to properly defend herself from Shel. With a confused squawk, her ankle is grabbed and she's slowly forced onto her belly, letting out an embarrassed oof as her sensitive rear is used as a seat! She's glad this spar is rather private - she's been having a very poor showing in this match so far, and wouldn't want anyone to see it...

"You, uh, seem pretty cool too..." The buxom girl would reply, half muttering, red faced. She'd then try and get her knees on underneath her - she's a very strong girl, and is probably able to lift Shel's 168 lbs. if she can get her act together...

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Age : 29

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by anegge Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:33 am

Shel grinned as Sally bumped butts with her dragging herself up off the ground even from beneath Shel' sitting position. "Oh, you going somewhere?" asked Shel slipping her legs around the grizzly girl in a waist scissors as she got up on her knees.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 GXChUKwHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 1BElGMIHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 UR8UylU

Posts : 2926
Join date : 2008-04-10

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by TekRobo Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:23 pm

Sally let out a small cry as Shel caught her stomach in a tight waistscissor, the tight hold squeezing the wind out of her. She rested on her hands for a moment, her chest rolling with every deep breath as she tried to recuperate, her long, curly brown hair falling over her face, pretty face with eyes half closed breathing deeply as she tried to regain her bearings. "Gunna go... right on top of ya... pin ya down, win the spar... that's where I'm plannin' on goin'!" Sally would try and reach back with her right arm, trying to grab on something of Shel's, be it an arm or a leg or anything, and try and jar her from her triumphant perch on her rump. She doesn't figure she can pull the experienced amazon off her entirely, but she hopes she can make it so she has a much less secure position!

Sally may be able to lift Shel, but that doesn't the black-skinned apartment wrestler is easy to carry! She doesn't want to let her strength get sapped by lifting her up when it isn't necessary, so if Sally is able to tug Shel off her secure perch, she'll try and roll in the direction Shel is leaning, hopefully putting both girls on the ground next to each other. If she succeeds at that, she'll try and roll on top of Shel, hoping to reverse who's on top of whom. The leg scissor will probably come back to cause trouble for her later in the match, but it's better than being leg scissored while under her opponent!

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Age : 29

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by anegge Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:19 pm

Sally grasped Shel's arm wrenching her from her seat with pure power. Shel dug in with her legs trying to prevent the shift but Sally was just too powerful. Even with Shel digging her thighs in to the girl's flabby belly Sally was finally able to sling her onto the mattress.

"Whoa" huffed Shel in surprise and bemusement. She was now on her side and Sally's bulk could easily slide on top of her into a full body pin. At least the ebony girl had managed to wear her down a bit as she forced herself out of her python like thighs.

Last edited by 121 on Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 GXChUKwHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 1BElGMIHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 UR8UylU

Posts : 2926
Join date : 2008-04-10

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by TekRobo Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:23 pm

Sally would try to stand instead of going for the full body pin - Sally has been knocked entirely off balance during this match, and so instead of using her greater physical strength to try and control what's going on, all she can think of is making space between herself and her opponent. If she had went for the pin, perhaps she could've put the kabosh on the match - but as it stands, all she's doing is giving Shel time to recover!

The brown-haired beauty would deliver some scathing taunt or engage in some clever dirty talk, but was much too busy focusing on breathing and watching her opponent like a hawk to partake in banter...

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by anegge Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:01 am

Shel narrowed her eyes, unsure of why her opponent had backed off on her when she had such an obvious advantage. Shel kipped up right off her flattened ass and onto her feet. "What's so interesting up here, big girl?" she asked, dashing forward towards Sally for another lock up and trying to push her back towards the couch behind her.

Well.,I think the dust has settled, any other skateboarders around here? - Sparkplug71

NEWS FLASH: the Archergurl who you speaking of is not part of AFW anymore and she's currently working in production for new game titles in Japan. I'm her Canadian friend who she gave her PC due to mines has crashed. She was nice enough to give it to me to help a friend in need. So she got a spared one that she uses for the things I've mention above. BTW, Anegge and Alexandra be sure to check the E-mail adresses carefully. As Archergurl and me aren't the same thing.

My wrestlers
Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 GXChUKwHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 1BElGMIHoney Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 UR8UylU

Posts : 2926
Join date : 2008-04-10

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

Post by TekRobo Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:37 pm

Brown would grunt as Shel locked up with her again, her ebony opponent quite quick on her feet. "Just gettin' some breathin' room..." she'd mutter, off balance from the sudden rush, stumbling backwards - but regaining her footing just at foot of the couch!

Grunting, Sally dug her feet into the carpet and braced her heels against the bottom of the carpet, the large girl digging in and bringing to bear her strength to hold still against Shel's push. Gritting her teeth, she'd start to try and push Shel back, her body tingling with excitement and a thin sheen of sweat.

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Age : 29

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Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel - Page 2 Empty Re: Honey Trap: Sally vs Shel

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