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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Hawthorne22 Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:52 am

Lia was already well outside her comfort zone. But she was army strong, dammit. She was going to crunch the hell out of this and show that tiger girl she was the biggest, baddest girl in the room!

Or at least that was the plan. The only solace in the agony involved in trying to lift this plate was the fact she could see Fallon's little grin fade to as much pain as Lia herself was suffering trying to lift this stupid weight. This was the perfect opportunity to show her up!

With a final long groan of effort, Lia finally just fell back. Her abs burned in agony and she could not get this stupid plate more than a scant few inches off the ground. "Ow..." She whimpered, chalking this up as one of a long series of bad ideas she had engaged in recently. Slowly sitting back up, she looked at her foe and smiled cutely. "Nice abs." It was true.


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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Daaharu Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:23 am

Fallon struggled ferociously, and loudly, grunting and groaning as she tried to lift this weight plate up. She knew that her abs were up to the task—it was just a matter of her arm muscles, and whether or not they could support it at an awkward angle like that. She had confidence in them. But, after a minute or two of struggling, she couldn’️t lift the plate more than a few inches off of the floor. Her abs felt as if they were on fire. Dejectedly, she fell back, letting go of the plate and taking a few deep breaths.

After a few seconds, she would sit back up, her eyes meeting those of her rabbit-eared rival as the girl initiated the first direct contact between the two of them, complimenting Fallon’️s abs. The brunette grinned widely, showing the bunny girl her pearly white teeth. “You, too!” she replied, forming a pistol shape with her hand and pointing it at Lia, giving her a cute wink at the same time.

Something occurred to her a second later. “Hey, wait, so you really were looking at my abs, then?” she asked. While she had been admiring the bunny girl’️s abs and comparing them to her own, she knew how comparatively rare her fetish was, and how most girls liked to stare at others’️ boobs and butts. The fact that she had found someone else who liked the bellies best was actually pretty incredible. “Awesome!” she added, scooting a couple of feet closer to her pretty, bunny-eared counterpart.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Hawthorne22 Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:54 am

When the tiger girl made her finger gun, Lia's own formed in her hands with lightning speed and pointed at Fallon. "Aha, bang bang, baby!"

Lia took a few seconds, panting heavily, admiring her opponent. She was hot, totally a physical specimen in all the ways Lia liked. And Lia still had not forgotten she was checking her out earlier.

As the sexy little tigress scooted closer, Lia grinned coyly, "Maaaaybe..." The way the girl's eyes lit up clued Lia in. The tiger girl with the totally awesome abs did indeed share Lia's love of a good, firm core. Simply wonderful. She leaned back, both to stretch and to show off. "Don't get me wrong, your boobs are totally cool as well." Lia scooted a bit closer herself and leaned forward to offer her hand to shake, "And the ears, too. Nice ears. I'm Lia, by the way."


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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Daaharu Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:18 am

Fallon giggled as the bunny girl tried to beat her on the draw with a finger-gun of her own. “Bang! Bang!” the tiger-themed wrestler exclaimed, her hand jerking as she made the noises. “Too slow! I gotcha!”

She laughed as Miss Bunny Ears answered her question noncommittally. Fallon was not always the most intuitive girl in the room, but it was pretty clear that, in this case, “maybe” meant “yes.” And that meant that she really had found another belly lover like herself! Fallon felt giddy, like she could jump for joy. She admired the way the bunny girl stretched back, showing off her abs, her cheeks gaining a little color as she got a chance to admire the girl’️s physique up close and without pretense.

“Your boobs are great, too, Lia!” she replied, using the girl’️s name for the first time. “And those bunny ears are super-cute, too. Actually, before I knew your name, I was calling you Miss Bunny Ears in my head. I think it fits you!” She chuckled, thrusting out her hand and grabbing Lia’️s, giving it a firm, long shake. “My name’️s Fallon!”

Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Hawthorne22 Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:46 am

Lia jerked back as she was shot by the tiger girl but caught herself. "Gah, well-played."

The tigress had a cute laugh. And a cute attitude. And a cute pretty much everything else. It was hard for Lia to not think of things she wanted to do to this girl's sexy tummy, especially with the oh-so-cute way she stared with rapt attention when Lia showed off. Lia liked this girl already.

"Why thank you!" Lia's smile was genuine. There were few things she enjoyed more than having her boobies complimented. Well, no, there were several, but she still loved it all the same. Getting the ears complimented was even better, for instance. "I think I kinda like Miss Bunny Ears." She giggled as she shook Fallon's hand. "Fallon, that is a pretty name. Miss Tiger Ears is a bit of a mouthful..."

Lia shifted in her seat as she tensed up, "Well, Fallon, that was a fun workout but NOBODYBEATSMEINAFINGERGUNDUEL!" With frightful speed, Lia had lept to her feet and drew two sets of finger guns! "Pksh! PKSH!" She shouted as she blasted at Fallon, leaping back and diving to the mat behind the weight rack.


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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Daaharu Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:18 am

Fallon laughed along with her new rival as the two of them shook hands. “Yeah, I guess that isn’️t quite as easy to say,” she said. “So you can just call me Fallon. I don’️t always wear my tiger ears—actually, I usually just wear them in the ring. But sometimes—like today—I wear them other places.” She paused, glanced around to make sure that no one else was in earshot, then added, almost conspiratorially: “Usually just when I, like, want to be noticed. When I want to attract attention, you know, and get girls to stare at my butt and my boobs and, of course, my belly.” She winked. “It seems like they worked perfectly today!”

Lia tensed up, and Fallon wondered whether the girl was sitting on something uncomfortable, perhaps, or whether she needed to go to the bathroom, maybe, when all of a sudden the bunny girl leapt to her feet, forming two finger guns with her hands and opening fire. “Waaaagh!” Fallon yelped, throwing herself onto her stomach on the floor, ducking her head and letting Lia’️s shots pass over her before drawing her own two finger guns and rearing up again, firing at the bunny girl as she retreated behind the leg curl machine for some cover. “Take this! Pkkkow! Pssshaw! Pyow pyowww!”

Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Age : 29

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Hawthorne22 Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:24 am

Even though they drew eyes from the other gym goers, Lia did not care. She tossed her two handguns aside and pulled an imaginary grenade from her side. Biting the pin out of it, she tossed it out of her cover at Fallon behind the machine. "Fwoosh, clink, clink, cliiiink!" She called out as she reached behind her back and produced two SMGs and aimed them at Fallon. "KUHDUDUDUDUDUDUDU!" She let both guns fly at Fallon as she slowly stepped out of cover.


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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Daaharu Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:14 am

Fallon’️s eyes widened as Lia pulled the pin on the imaginary grenade and tossed it from behind the weight rack. What was the bunny girl trying to do? Blow up half of the gym? As the grenade hit the front of the leg curl machine and bounced once into the air, Fallon ducked low, getting below the machine and covering her head as the grenade went off. The sound—had the grenade been real—would have been deafening, and the brunette’️s head was spinning as she saw her purplish-haired opponent step out from her cover with a pair of SMGs.

“Guahh!” Fallon cried, as the bullets ripped through the air above her head. She had to admit, Lia’️s composure in this warlike situation was impressive—and her tactical knowledge was a little intimidating. Fallon wondered whether this girl had any sort of experience in this sort of situation. She, herself, had never even held a real gun in her life—though she had seen plenty of gunfights in the movies, which gave her a pretty good idea of what to do.

Right now, she needed to try to stop the stream of bullets that, even now, were ripping through the air hardly a foot above her pretty face and precious belly. Taking a deep breath, Fallon would pull out a sniper rifle. She checked the silencer to make sure that it was working properly. Then, she would take aim, poking the barrel of the gun through one of the small openings in the leg curl machine. With a medium-volume “Pyah!”, Fallon would try to hit Lia’️s hand and knock one of the SMGs away, cutting in half the number of bullets that were flying.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Hawthorne22 Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:40 am

Lia's triumphant grin as she approached Fallon's cover pouring hot lead down on her turned into a wide-eyed gasp of shock when she saw what Fallon was doing. At this distance, the rifle would be a game changer. Lia immediately dove but she was not quick enough. The bullet clipped her hand in mid-air, knocking the SMG free. She scrambled back up, nursing her hand, leaving the other half-spent SMG behind as she dove behind the weight rack. Shaking her hand loose, she glanced back toward Fallon quickly. Not good. With that position and that rifle, Lia would be a sitting duck. She had only one option. Reaching behind her back, she produced a hefty bazooka. Extending the sights and checking it, she took a deep breath to steady herself and rolled out of cover. Coming up in a crouch, she would heft the launcher up to her shoulder, aim at Fallon's cover, and unleash hell. "Fwoosh.... BLAM!"


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Something something something Abs (For Daaharu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Something something something Abs (For Daaharu)

Post by Daaharu Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:29 am

Fallon’️s plan went through just as she had hoped. Lia had not expected her to break out the sniper rifle, and, before the bunny-eared girl could react, the brunette fired off a quick shot, hitting Lia’️s hand and knocking the SMG which that hand held away, reducing Lia’️s firepower by half. Fallon smirked and stuck out her tongue as she watched her foe beat a hasty retreat, leaving all of her weaponry out on the battlefield and diving behind the weight rack once again. “Take that!” she quipped, knowing what an advantageous position she was in right now. Lia could do little in terms of fighting back, unless she had some sort of…

Fallon’️s face paled as she saw Lia rear up, her gestures clearly indicating what she now held in her hands. The sound of the bazooka launching its deadly payload caused Fallon to panic. She threw away her rifle and dove out from behind her hiding spot, just before the whole area was incinerated. She was not able to get away entirely, however, and she would fall in the middle of their battlefield, flat on her hard abs, moaning a little as she clutched at her wounded body. “Uuuhhh…”

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

Officially caught up to my AFW replies as of January 23, 2021.

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