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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:02 pm

What's up with the crowd...? What did they see that was worthy of such critique? Cicilia had watched enough wrestling to know that such a blow was well-practiced by bot heels and faces alike, used to get out of locks they really didn't want to participate in. If they were mad with the German's brutal tactics, she wondered why they turned up to watch her at all. Her strategy was to end fights as quick as possible, no dishonorable targets. She never directly struck the eyes, the sensitive woman-parts or ears... all these places were off-limits for a reason and since she didn't hit any of those... she had to wonder what their problems were...? She was a STRIKER! She was going to STRIKE!

Whatever, the German's fist drove into Belinda's face, sending her stumbling back and leaving her open for a take-down... except that the blonde recovered quickly enough to attempt a counter-attack! She really WAS tough... on par with Ouka in terms of durability for sure... and by extension, herself! Still, the Boxer tried to lower her weight, to make it as hard as possible for the swede to lift her up off the ground... but she was strong... and she managed to lift up the juggernaut despite her resistance!

"GAH!" She growled as she was SLAMMED hard into the ground, a fitting punishment for that knee to Belinda's gut if the audience was to be believed. They cheered on their champion readily, happily, clearly on her side when it came to this battle.

The boxer would quickly get back up to her feet, not in the least stunned (But perhaps a little shaken) by the impact of that unusual suplex! She had taken far worse, after all, and still kept fighting! Still, the German did not continue with her tried and true strategy of bulldozing, instead actually choosing to back off... to test the waters first.. see where she went wrong.

...because if the fans didn't approve... then the woman they cheered for likely didn't either. The last thing she wanted was to lose Belinda's respect... not after she had only just earned it!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:33 pm

Belinda had managed to fight her way closer to the side of Cicilia and then wrapped her arms around her waist, before she hoisted her up into the air and throw her down right on her shoulders, the impact had the crowd cheering and it looked as if they were behind the fan favorite face. Not that everyone was against Cicilia but there was a bit of a divide there.

After her suplex, Belinda would be the one to rise up first. Watching Cicilia get up right after her, but Belinda had no intention of feeling things out. The second that she even saw Cicilia start to rise she had already taken off towards her.

Rushing in at full steam, the blond would smash her forearm into the face of the rising raven haired fighter. Trying to catch her off guard with some good old fashioned speedy action! If she managed to smack that forearm into her face, she would quickly drop down and try to grab a hold of both of Cicilia's legs, attempting to pull them out right from under her and try to send Cicilia onto her back with those legs in the grasp of the Swede.

The Shooting Star would then try and pull those legs in under her armpits and started to try and turn Cicilia over onto her front, going to try and lock in a Boston Crab Submission hold!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:17 pm

Belinda was surprisingly relentless in this fight, coming at the German with a vicious forearm strike towards her head! She was a trained boxer, however... these wrestling strikes meaning nothing to her! As the swede's arm came around in it's cutting arch, Cicilia's hands would shoot up to protect her face, ducking down LOW and to the side so that her opponent's arm would pass over her head! The most the champion would hit would be Cicilia's long dark hair, her arm impacting with the edge of Belinda's arm as her attack came full circle. Reacting to these kinds of attacks were her LIFE... It had been the only thing she knew how to do for most of it back home. If Belinda thought that Cicilia would just roll-over and take her attacks, she would get another thing coming!

...A lotta things actually!

Cicilia roared, firing of a vicious straight RIGHT at Belinda's face should she turn to face her... or the back of her head if she didn't. Why did Cicilia, a German, just growl the japanese word for "Useless?" Because it WAS useless to try and take her down!... Also, she was a huge geek at heart and always wanted to channel her inner favorite villain in any show ever. Cicilia would let of a barrage of punches both fast and STRONG, steadily stepping forward as she did so to back her opponent into a corner! She wanted to get Belinda into a situation where she couldn't help but walk inter her punches to progress... an option that would tear her DOWN!

"Mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda!" She chanted in time with her punches before throwing a MASSIVE uppercut into Belinda's stomach, aiming to double her over! "MUDAH!"


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:24 am

Cicilia's smooth movements were quick to remind the Swede that she was fighting a well seasoned boxer, as her forearm strike soared over that head of her foe who ducked underneath her strikes, strands of hair whipping through the air as the Swede's arm smacked into them. She watched as Cicilia ducked and rolled through ending up at her side and then threw her arms up.

That fist of Cicilia finding it's mark in the Swede's cute face, smacking her cheek to the side and causing the blond to stagger back, she grunted out as she would then feel another strike come up and smack into her head. The blond being forced to raise her arms up to the side of her head, setting up a standard guard as punches started to rain down upon those arms.

Heavy strikes smacking into her guard, a few slipping through and hitting at the side of her head. Hearing that chant of hers foe's as she continued sending strikes her way...Belinda would grit her teeth, try and fight through the pain and step forward! Entering in close, into that personal space of Cicilia in a brief pause between the strikes. Trying to get in between those strikes and fire up one of her own! Aiming it right at Cicilia's jaw, before trying to fire up another right into Cicilia's other cheek! Trying to start slugging it out with Cicilia! She doubted she'd be successful in this en devour...but she was for damn sure going to try!

Throwing punch after punch to try and match Cicilia. " Ora!" The Swede cried out, entering into a chant of her own as she was very astutely aware of what reference that Cicilia was making! "Oraoraoraoraora!!!" She was the Shooting Star after all!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:42 am

Cicilia's fist SLAMMED into Belinda's face, a precise strike perhaps even Elfrida would've been proud of... and yet, her opponent still stood! Better than that, she managed to raise her guard fast enough for the German's MUDAMUDAMUDA to slam into them instead! That was annoying... but Cicilia was never the kind of person to just break off from a challenge!

"Mudamudamudamudamudamuda!" She chanted loudly, as her fists rained down upon the champion's guard like The World upon a road-roller, aiming to hammer her into the GROUND with this attack! It was as if her chant emphasized the futility in the swede's attempt at self-defense, informing her how she would inevitably fall to her! Yes... fight! Make it interesting! But in the end, it would all be for nothing!

Useless, Useless, Useless!

"Mud-UGH!" A fist connected with the German's face seemingly out of nowhere, cracking her well and hard across the jaw! The sudden appearance of such a strong blow stunned the boxer, giving Belinda ample time to smack another one across her cheek, Jerking her head to the side! Okay... so now they were even... It didn't matter! It was useless to try and stand up to her!

"Rrrrrgh..." She growled, turning back to face her foe, letting off a more POWERFUL barrage of fists!

"MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" Cicilia roared, aiming to establish dominance in the airspace as well as in the ring!... Ah, but she didn't miss Belinda's response... how could she?? She was mimicking her.... no... She wasn't... The snarling expression on the boxer's face did a complete 180 as she realized what Belinda was doing, her lips curling up in a wide smile as the two of them traded punches rapid-fire just like two of the most badass punching-ghosts in anime!

However... their fists didn't always connect like they did in the show... Nobody in reality could be that precise!...and even if they did... she was pretty certain they would break each other's hands real quick... Instead, most of their blows moved past one another, many SLAMMING into the German's face, chest and forehead, seemingly wild blows that came at her with all the power within the Shooting Star! Belinda was such a geek in the same way Cicilia was herself... Badass and strong but still loving the finer things in life!

While Belinda personified her inner Star, Cicilia channeled The World in as many ways as she could in the moment, aiming to match the stand's FEROCIOUS strength and speed as she rained HELLFIRE upon her foe! Despite the heavy... and admittadly intimidating attack-rush of Belinda, the German pushed on, determined to bring her down!


The German cocked back a fist, focusing her power into one more mighty blow to finish off her combination... a straight punch aimed RIGHT at Belinda's jaw!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:41 am

Belinda fired away as she started her counter attack against the experienced boxer, she was pretty certain that this a fools errand, Cicilia had already proven how much power she packed in those punches, but with the way she was going about this the inner geek in Belinda just couldn't step away from this situation. She had to meet Cicilia head on and try and overwhelm her foe, even if that was unlikely!

She would fire punch after punch! Getting in a few good hits as the two of them continued to launch might blows at each other's torso's and skulls. " Urgh!" Belinda grunted out as those strikes of the fore smacked into her head and chest. The blond did her best to keep it up, but the strikes of Cicilia started to slowly overwhelm her, as she tried to match that ferocity and continue to strike. She was then finally nailed in the cheek with a mighty finishing haymaker straight to her jaw!

The blow snapped Belinda's head to the side, and almost took her jaw clean off. As she staggered back and would then her back hit the ropes. Panting out as she had been overwhelemed in that little punch off between the two, panting out as she leaned against the corner, trying to shake the cobwebs out of her now somewhat dazed head.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:07 pm

"HA!" Cicilia laughed as her last punch sent Belinda stumbling into the corner. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She just... couldn't stop laughing! Oh, it wasn't at the Swede's expense... No, she wouldn't just laugh at a champion's suffering! But... How utterly ridiculous this all was! She couldn't believe that the tag-team champion Belinda Northman knew what Jojo's Bizzare Adventure was! Not only that, but she was willing to humor Cicilia by returning her "Mudamudamuda" with an "Oraoraora!" She just couldn't believe it! Oh boy... if this was all over and they both got out of it alright, Cicilia was going to invite her over to her place! She had all the seasons of Jojo in both manga and anime form as they came out and she was DYING for someone to geek out over them with!

For now, however, she had a fight to win... to finish in this incarnation what her previous one could not!

"To slow, to slow!" Cicilia quoted, doing her damndest to mimic Dio's Japanese voice! "The World is the ultimate stand!" She crossed her arms, wagging a finger chastizingly at her defeated opponent, smirking in dark satisfaction... ah, Lord Dio was with her today! "Even without it's power to stop time, it's speed and power FAR exceeds that of your Star Platinum!"

"I wanted to try a little test to find out just how much more powerful The World was compared to your stand... Though it appears a test was hardly necessary." If there was any doubt how much of an utter nerd Cicilia could be, here she was quoting her favorite villain word-for-word in the final boss-battle, wanting to keep this little reenactment alive! She had never gotten an opportunity to geek out like this with ANYONE before, even when festivals and gatherings of like-minded individuals came to town! She was just... too self conscious! Now, though... now that she got to see that someone GOT it... She wanted to milk it for all it was worth!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:03 pm

Belinda had been sent into the corner, her arms draping over the ropes a little, groaning out as she would move her jaw around a little, she gathered her vision and looked on at Cicilia for a moment. Hearing her recite the lines of Dio...the Swede having missed what would have been a cue for Jotaro, but she would start to straighten up and glare over at the raven haired fighter.

She would keep her eyes on Ciclia and bring her hand up to rub her cheek. " A test? Is that what you call just patting me, and not even enough to hurt?" Belinda replied to the raven haired woman as she would step forward and look to fire off a right hook towards Cicilia's head.

As much as she wanted to stand and quote Jojo, this was a match after all...and she had already learned to a straight up brawl wasn't going to be enough to defeat Cicilia. She would pull her right arm back right before impact and instead try and kick up her leg to slam it hard into Cicilia's hip with a roundhouse.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:27 am

"Hmph..." Cicilia snorted as Belinda fired back with her jotaro-line. Granted, it had to be modified to fit the situation but, nevertheless, The German couldn't have been having any more geeky fun in a fight as monumental as this! She was fighting a champion, THE Belinda Northman and it seemed that they could do very little but reference the greatest anime of all time! It was stupid... it was crazy... it was Bizarre... and Cicilia loved every moment.

"...Why is it you Northmans are so stubborn about admitting-" Suddenly, the German was cut off, the blonde lashing out with a hook right at Cicilia's head! She barely managed to bring an arm up in time, the fist instead SLAMMING into her arm instead! The impact was jarring... reminding the German that she wasn't just here to play! They had a match on the LINE here!

...But even so, Belinda couldn't help but reference The World with her kick, striking Cicilia along the hip and leaving a burning STING as her skin immediately flared RED where it impacted! Whether she knew it or not, the spirit of one bizarre adventure was within them.

She finished with a hiss of pain, a shiver flashing across her leg as it took such a powerful strike! While it didn't make her contort the same way Star Platinum had when it was struck, Cicilia's leg did shift slightly inward, weakening her stance exponentially! Letting out a growl of frustration, Cicilia would wrap an arm around Belinda's leg, pulling it up and against her side, attempting to trap it!...

She was also suspicious of her other leg, having seen enough wrestlers fall to a sudden and predictable drop-kick from the other foot!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 2 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:35 am

Smacking her leg right into the hip of Cicilia the blond seemed to know the raven haired fighter back into the world of the match, it was great to know that her opponent was as big of a nerd as she was, maybe even bigger so...but that didn't meant that the blond was going to hold back or let herself be caught up. After all, she knew how dangerous Cicilia was after seeing her go toe to toe with Ouka and watching the redhead just barley come out of that whole thing on top.

After she kicked her leg up though, that arm of Cicilia wrapped around her leg. Still, that didn't matter too much for the blond, she had a plan already! Her hands quickly reached forward for the back of Cicilia's head. Looking to make use of some close combat as she aimed to kick up her other leg and drive a knee into Cicilia's gut.

Quickly bringing that leg down to stand on it again, she wouldn't waste more than a moment to jump up again, this time trying to latch that leg around Cicilia's waist and interlock it with her other limb, her arms would shift. Trying to force Cicilia's head in under her left armpit and attempt to lock in a Guillotine hold, as she would try and yank and pull them down onto the mat with Belinda on her back and hopefully that deadly submission hold locked in.


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