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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:24 pm

And like that, Belinda was down! The blonde, Swedish tag-team champion was THROWN from the ring as the boxer-clotheslined into her, the poor girl tumbling down into the floor rather ungracefully! Cicilia didn't spend much time celebrating her victory, however, slipping down between the ropes and jumping to the floor beside her opponent, not wanting to give her any room to get her momentum back up! Belinda was a tough woman, someone Cicilia could respect and that was why she wasn't giving her any slack... If her opponent remained docile, the Juggernaut would grab the champion by her shoulders and PULL her up to her feet... after all, there was no use punching someone while they were lying flat on their ass!

Should she managed to get Belinda up again, she would throw a HUGE uppercut into the other girl's stomach, intending to sink her fist DEEP into those abs the champion had honed... to make them buckle in one mighty blow! Should it connect, Cicilila would then grab her rival by the back of her head... and attempt to THROW her against the side of the the ring, the sharp edges of which would do additional damage!

"Lets take this up another notch..." The German muttered, intending to egg on her opponent and get her fired UP! It was always when her opponents started to tire out that the match began to lose it's interest for Cicilia... She wanted her grindstone to stay STRONG as she honed herself against it... to be TOUGH!

...and if anyone could be tough... It was Belinda Northman.

"Lets go, Northman. Show me why you're the champion!"

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:25 am

Belinda had fallen out of the ring in a rather ungraceful manner, stumbling and bouncing onto the apron as she then went down to the barley padded floor. The Swede groaned out as she would place her hands against the floor, starting to try and push herself up....though before she could do that, Cicilia was already on her, grabbing her by her shoulders and yanking her up to her feet.

The blond was forced to gasp out! Spittle and air rushed out of her mouth, that fist digging deep into her well trained abs as she was forced to double over. Then she was grabbed by her head and then made to run into the ring apron, her shoulder and side hitting it first as she fell down into a heap.

Coughing out, she would shake her head....moving her hand up to grab at the ring apron and start to pull herself up towards her feet with the help of the apron. She panted out as she would narrow her eyes, Cicilia was really trying to egg her on it seemed...and Belinda wasn't planning on disappointing the German, as she would try and step forward away from the apron and throw a right hook, aiming it straight into Cicilia's pretty face!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:06 pm

Of all the intelligent and skillful ways Belinda could've responded to the German's taunts, of all the ways Belinda could've fired back with something sharp and jagged... She fired back with something as simple and blunt as the Juggernaut her self was: A hook-punch RIGHT into the boxer's cheek! Simple, Elegant, told Cicilia ALL she needed to know!

...She could respect that.

Indeed, Belinda's punch hit home, striking the boxer across the face DEAD ON, shooting her head to the side as a spray of saliva escaped her lips! It was funny how the champ wasn't even a boxer and she could throw a punch like it was her main profession for years... If the Swede actually dedicated herself to the craft, Cicilia was fairly certain she would go FAR in tournaments if not out-right win them with that punching arm!

...Maybe she'd suggest it to her after she won... It'd be nice to have someone to trade fists with every once-in-a-while...

That was for later, though. THIS is NOW!

Cicilia fired back with her own hook at Belinda's jaw, trying to hit her back HARDER than the blow she had taken, to pin her opponent against the edge of the ring and dominate the space! If her punch connected, Cicilia would throw ANOTHER hook with her opposite hand, attempting to SLAM Belinda's head left and right!

...All the while the Ref began to count... initially stunned by this turn of events!

1! 2! 3!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:42 am

Having retaliated with a punch of her own, smacking it onto the side of Cicilia's face and snapping the boxer's head to the side, it felt pretty good....but she knew that something far worse was coming her way. Cicilia was without a doubt a capable boxer, which meant she was a more capable striker than she was. Though, Belinda knew that she could hold her own, the only question was for how long.

She raised her arms up as a guard as Cicilia came towards her, though she wasn't quick enough, the first fist smacked her head to the right and the second smacked it to the left. Causing her to back up against the apron once more. She grunted out..though she stepped forward!

Arms up now, she would throw a right hook of her own aimed right at Cicilia's, trying to hit her right at the left side of the jaw of the German, before she'd step forward and aim to drive in a left handed uppercut into Cicilia's chin! If it hit she'd quickly try and latch out for Cicilia's head, wrapping her arms around it and pulling the woman in close, pressing their heads together as she'd try and drill a knee up into Cicilia's well trained abs!

All the while the referee was still counting!

4! 5! 6!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Wed Mar 27, 2019 11:37 am

Cicilia's punches connected solidly against Belinda's face, sending her head jerking THIS way and THAT, her blows PINNING Belinda against the edge of the ring once more... But Belinda was tough... DAMN tough and she wouldn't be put down by a few simple punches! She had taken so many of the Juggernaut's crushing blows thus far and hadn't even flinched so why would she now? Her stamina was absolutely beyond reproach! At this point, the slugfest the two of them were having, at least in Cicilia's eyes, were to make a point instead of doing any real important damage... If multiple hits to Belinda's face wouldn't stall her, she doubted a few more would! On the other end of the coin, half of the German's over-all strategy was to outlast the opponent and while the blonde's blows hurt for SURE... it was nothing she hadn't felt and beaten before. It was like two immovable objects and unstoppable forces hammering it out against one another, believing they could get the other to shift before they themselves did! What neither of the knew... or perhaps chose to acknowledge, was the such a goal was simply beyond their ability at this point!

The other girl was just too determined!

Belinda struck BACK with a hook of her own, followed up with a brutal uppercut, but the blonde wasn't content with simple 2-hit combos! No, she wanted to take it up another notch! She wrapped her arms around the boxer, pulling the two of them close enough so that their foreheads pressed together! With a sharp raise in her leg, she BURIED her knee in the German's gut, forcing her COUGH up a large bit of air from her lungs... maybe or maybe not in Belinda's face.

...Was her fault for getting this close to begin with!

....Speaking of getting close...Cicilia fired back with a MONSTROUS HOOK to her opponent's ribs, striking them as HARD she she could from this stupid angle! Clinches... how she hated STUPID CLINCHES! She couldn't PUNCH RIGHT when she was this close to someone!


Cicilia's eyes widened...

"Damn it..." She cursed. a hand reaching up to grab the back of Belinda's neck and YANK it back, aiming to PRY THE BLONDE RIGHT OFF OF HER!


If Cicilia succeeded in forcing Belinda to release her grip, the boxer would practically HURL HER right at the ring in an attempt to get her back inside before THROWING herself in as well... barely sliding back inside as the ref counted...


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:18 am

Belinda laid into Cicilia just as well as the boxer was doing to her, slugging it out with the raven haired fighter, before she snatched that head and clinched them together. She knew she needed to take away the main way for Cicilia to fight back, which was those lethal punches of hers, in this clinch...when they were so close together, Belinda could work over those abs with a knee, which she did!

Though Cicilia showed that she was still capable of putting the hurt on her as she drove her fist into Belinda's ribs, getting to blond to grunt out. She would then feel Cicilia push her into the apron, as the count was reaching upwards. Suddenly, the raven haired woman pulled and hurled the Swede into the ring, sending the blond rolling a little bit.

She would push up onto her hands and knees as she looked over at Cicilia, both of them just getting in before the count reached 10. The Swede would push up, as Belinda rose up she would try and charge at Cicilia and try and jump up! Aiming to hit a drop kick straight into Cicilia's chest, trying to drive her boots into the German and send her bouncing back against the ropes!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:53 am

Just in time... Just BARELY in time did Cicilia manage to get them both back into the ring... But that didn't mean she held much of an advantage! Their trade-off outside did very little to even slow down Belinda as the MOMENT she was back in the ring, she had hopped up to her feet and CHARGED down Cicilia, LEAPING UP and landing a DROPKICK to the boxer's chest!

"GAH!" She growled as she was THROWN against the ropes with this sudden attack, The German's arms folding across her breasts as if to soothe them from the boots that had SMASHED into them! Cicilia's lips curled into a snarl as she leaned against the edge of the ring, bringing her hands down from her chest and instead folding them in front of her in her boxing guard... There were very few things she disliked more than to be kicked in her DAMN CHEST, a place where something a girl should hold dear rested! She knew that she was probably alone in this sentiment, but that didn't stop her from getting mad about it being violated!

If Belinda was slow on the counter attack, Cicilia would SHOVE herself off the ropes, springing from them with the aid of their elastic nature, attempting to BRING Belinda down by simply... running into her! Nothing special, nothing fancy... just a pain-train of devastation!

If Belinda was faster on-the-draw than that, however... the German would be little else but subject to her mercy!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:21 am

Pushing herself up to her feet as quickly as she could, Belinda rushed forward and jumped up! Driving her feet straight into Cicilia's chest and shooting her back into the ropes, with that dropkick of hers. She fell down onto her side and quickly pushed herself up, as she would face off with Cicilia.

She had expected the raven haired woman to be a bit more out of it, but it looked as if Cicilia had other plans! Pushing off of the ropes, she rushed in towards the Swede and tackled her! Driving that body of hers into the blond's as Belinda would be taken off of her feet and down onto the canvas with a thud.

She grunted out as Cicilia came down on top of her...quickly trying to grab onto Cicilia's shoulders and with it trying to roll them over so she could end up on top. Trying to pin Cicilia down against the canvas and aim to straddle her.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:08 pm

Cicilia took Belinda down to the floor as quickly and swiftly as if she had trained for such a move her entire life! With the two women now on the ground, the German loomed over Belinda, her hands moving up to interlock with hers and PIN them to the floor so that she could snag the win... But in a quick JERK to the side, the champion had taken control of the situation, turning the tables and, instead, straddling Cicilia and pinning HER to the floor instead!

Her sanguine eyes widened in shock as she suddenly found herself on the bottom end of this exchange, her lips curled up in a snarl as she desperately struggled to push herself free! The Ref instantly threw herself over beside them both, sliding deftly on her front until she was before them them, slamming her hand on the ground!



"NO!" Cicilia roared, PUSHING UP AS HARD AS SHE COULD before making a move to FLIP Belinda over again, this time with Cicilia on top, pinning her to the floor!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Mar 31, 2019 11:02 pm

Belinda was able to roll Cicilia over and with it take the raven haired fighter by surprise, having gotten the top position and with it the referee was quick to move in and start the pin count! Getting all the way up to a two count until Cicilia shouted out and pushed up! Breaking the pin count and even rolled the Swede over!

Those hands of Cicilia grabbing onto her shoulder and with it pinning the blond down onto her back! Eyes wide, she heard the referee slam their hand down against the canvas and shouted out!


Belinda was ready though, pushing up with all her might to shove Cicilia off of her. Right after she would quickly try and scramble up towards her feet, arms raised!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 5 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

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