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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:40 pm

The crowd seemed to love not only Belinda's more fantastical moves, but how the two women were now rubbing up against one another, taking quite a bit of pleasure in how close and personal they fought! However, what was once an even match was now clearly taking a turn in the blonde's favor as Belinda hoisted herself off of the German, making a dash for the ropes! Meanwhile Cicilia was struggling to rise herself, barely managing to pull herself  up to her hands and knees... when the swede's forarm CRASHED into her cheek, knocking her SO hard on her back, the floor beneath them briefly quaked with the amount of force Belinda had put into her attack!

Cicilia groaned, loudly, raising her hands to her face to cradle the spot where she had been struck! God, what was going on... Things weren't this one-sided a moment ago! What the hell... Cicilia had taken the early game in this fight, but that didn't matter if she couldn't maintain her advantage into the late! Belinda had taken complete control of this fight and was now hitting her with her special moves like they were gifts on Christmas!

...they were nothing to laugh at either... Cicilia was tough but these hits... How the hell was she supposed to DEAL with this!?

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:16 pm

Belinda came charging in at Cicilia at full speed and before the raven haired German had been able to figure out what was going one, she drove her forearm straight into the chin/cheek of Cicilia, smacking her back down onto the canvas. The blond would slide about a foot or so more after smacking into that chin, before she'd rise up. Wobbly for a second or so.

The damage that Cicilia had done to her was still showing it's effect and it wouldn't go away any time soon! For now she just had to let Adrenaline be her fuel. She would move in towards Cicilia. Looking to take a hold of her by that raven colored hair and start to pull her up to her feet. Hoping she was dazed enough, she would try and move her own head in between the legs of Cicilia.

Grabbing a hold of the back of the German's thighs, she would aim to rise up to a stand! Trying to lift Cicilia up along with her and then aimed to swing her down onto the canvas in a rough manner as she would throw herself forward! Trying to slam Cicilia down onto the canvas with an Alabama slam!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:44 pm

Cicilia growled softly as Belinda kept up her offense, taking a big FISTFULL of the German's smooth, raven hair to TUG the boxer to her feet! It wouldn't be a quick and easy lift, Cicilia's weight and her fighting against the champion's grip would make every inch that Belinda tried to control a true fight... But eventually she would DRAG Cicilia (metaphorically) kicking and screaming up to her feet!

It wasn't unreasonable for the boxer to blush as her opponent pulled her head down, slipping it between the German's legs, Cicilia so dazed after those last couple of attacks, she couldn't even think of what she could do with this! Belinda was putting herself in quite the vulnerable position by moving herself down there... had her attack been any less effective, the champion would've found her throat CRUSHED between the thighs of the Juggernaut...

...But Belinda was hitting just TOO hard... Her defenses were starting to crumble!

Before she knew it, Cicilia found herself hanging down behind Belinda like she were part of some kind of lever-hammer, her legs acting as the arm with Belinda's arms wrapped around them as the fulcrum!

"Wh... What in the..." Cicilia mumbled, trying to clutch onto the Champion's legs for stability's sake but before she even could...


Cicilia was SLAMMED into the floor with SUCH a brutal Alabama Slam, the German's eyes were practically spinning around in her head!

She groaned, laid spread-eagled along the floor, completely and totally vulnerable! Damn it... that was a great move...

...she was going to have to steal it...

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:35 pm

Belinda pulled and dragged Cicilia up towards her feet by that raven colored hair, getting her up to her feet where the blond tucked her head in between those strong thighs of the Boxer. She would place her hands onto those thighs, letting her fingers squeeze them as she lifted Cicilia up off of her feet.

Raising her up high before throwing her down brutally so with that Alabama slam! She watched that body bounce and those arms fall limp onto the canvas. Panting out a bit, sweat dripping from her chin, Belinda would turn and look at the ropes. She knew that she could go for a pin now, and let Cicilia recover, she knew she could go for a finisher and perhaps risk throwing out a big card and failing....she had a better idea than both of them.

A risky idea, but a better one! She would turn and run towards the ropes, vaulting over them and dropping down on the apron, turning around she would hold onto the top ropes. Waiting for Cicilia to start to rise, impatiently bouncing on her toes as she waited for her to move up towards her feet!

The second that Cicilia found herself up to her feet, Belinda would pull and jump up onto the top ropes, before leaping off of them and coming flying straight towards Cicilia! Aiming to launch her right forearm straight into the cheek of Cicilia for a nasty phenomenal forearm, or one of her Signature moves where it was called the Sky Arrow!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:20 am

Cicilia groaned heavily as she brought her hands up to her face, wiping the annoying sweat that was dribbling down from her forehead and into her eyes... She could only imagine a few times where she was laid out like this... and only a few others that she wasn't seething with RAGE at her own weakness! She was frustrated... And she WAS seething... But it was more in a competitive way than it coming from a place of hate! No... all this did was make the German respect Belinda greatly... A beautiful nerd of a champion that was able to beat down someone who dubbed herself a Juggernaut... and with style as well! She fought like a Panzer tank, defended like a soldier in the trenches... and with the grace of a dancer who had been honing her craft for years. She had been nothing but respectful to Cicilia and because of that, she had the German's in return...

...But that didn't mean she was going to lie here like a test dummy for all of Belinda's special little moves! As fun and fantastical as they were to the audience (judging by how they cheered and cried for the Swede), the German wasn't going to take this lying down... or standing up for that matter! It was time she got SOMETHING on Belinda so she didn't completely flop this end of their fight! Cicilia dragged herself up from the ground as if she were a ghoul rising from the earth itself, her movements slow, sloppy and loose... as if she would collapse under her own weight! She was still dazed after that MASSIVE forearm the champion had given her... but at least she was SOMEWHAT coherent now! Her sanguine eyes flicked over to Belinda who stood atop the ropes, just waiting for this moment, LUNGING off of them and coming at Cicilia, forearm cocked back and prepared!

...No. Not again.

Cicilia's eyes ignited with energy as she leaned back, thrusting her BOOT up to connect with Belinda's face as she came down at her, SMASHING into her cheek with a MASSIVE high-kick! Should it connect, the force of the strike would instantly push the German down on her hands and knees, huffing and puffing, her body shining with sweat... but a small smile would flicker across her lips... that she wasn't COMPLETELY out of this yet!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:18 am

Belinda saw Cicilia rise, she watched and waiting, keeping her eyes peeled at the German as she observed her rise up towards her feet, watching her rise up like a zombie from a grave, Belinda was ready! She was primed and prepared and her arm was ready to blast into Cicilia's face and take it clean off! She jumped off of the the top ropes and came flying towards the Boxer!

The crowd cheered loudly as they saw her fly...but as she came closer and closer there was an ominous feeling. It was as if she could see the word written on the atmosphere around Cicilia itself. Then in a flash she saw those eyes light up and suddenly a boot connected with her face! She'd come just an inch or so away from making impact with Cicilia before that boot of the Boxer caught her right in her jaw!

Her body fell back in air and flipped, sending her crashing down onto the canvas in a heap as she landed chest first onto the mat! Bouncing slightly from the impact, her jaw feeling as if had been taken clean off...for but a moment before the immense pulsing pain hit her jaw, or would have if the kick hadn't left her utterly groggy.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:19 pm

It was an utterly brutal attack the German had connected, all of Belinda's unstoppable momentum working against her as her head ran DEAD ON into her boot! Cicilia almost felt BAD the way Belinda SLAMMED into the floor, her body falling like a sack of bricks... and she wasn't even writhing in pain either!

...But against someone who had taken the advantage from the Juggernaut so cleanly, the boxer didn't have time to feel bad. All she had time to do was finish this fight! Cicilia grunted loudly as she gathered her strength, pushing herself up to her feet and moving towards the fallen champion. She would step around her face-down form before grabbing the woman's arms, PULLING her up to her feet... and with her mighty strength, LIFTING her off the ground! It wasn't going to be the same as the Alabama Slam... Not many things could rival such a powerful throw...

...But this...? This might shake her up a little!

Cicilia roared, bringing Belinda DOWN in a monstrous Glam-Slam Face-buster, aiming to FLATTEN that (admittedly) pretty face against the canvas and take the fight out of her all in one move! Should this finisher connect, the German would quickly flip the champion over and drape herself across her... trying to pin the swede and end the match with Cicilia's victory!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:06 pm

The blow she had taken by that kick had knocked the taste of her mouth for sure, Belinda was currently down on her front, groaning as she tried to get her senses back. Though as she was trying to recover and get a clear head, she felt how her opponent reached down and took a hold of her arms and started to pull her up towards her feet.

Head shaking slightly as she tried to focus her vision, feeling rather fuzzy after that kick she wasn't sure what was going on right now. Before she was pulled into a double chicken wing hold from behind. Her eyes would open and widen. She felt herself being hoisted up high into the air and she knew just what was coming her way, but with her arms trapped she had no way to brace for the impact to come!

Suddenly the rush of air hit her sweat covered frame as she was brought down! Slammed face and chest first into the canvas! Her body flopping up upon impact, practically bouncing as she released a loud grunt. " Uuurgh!!!" The devastating Impact of Cicilia's Glam-Slam Style Facebuster leaving her listless!

Her body was quickly rolled over onto her back as Cicilia draped herself over her, pinning her down with the weight of her body across the chest of the blond.

The referee was quick to slide in next to the duo and with it raise her arm up, staring the count with a loud call of. " ONE!..."


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:01 pm

TWO! The Ref counted!

Cicilia couldn't help but smile just a bit... Was it possible? Was she truly about to beat one of the AFW's champions? Granted, this was no title match... There was nothing at stake beyond a mark on one's record and fan-service to the audience... But it would only swell the German's pride if she had managed to take out Belinda Northman! She could probably count the number of people who had managed to do so on her fingers! The blonde had put up an excellent fight against her, even nearly having her believe that she was about to lose more than once...

But now, it was over.

The Ref raised up her hands a third time, giving the pair a quick once over before bringing it down, ready to count out the final number that would indicate the German's victory!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 7 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:04 pm

The count of two had the crowd now on edge, thinking this might be the end as the referee's hand came up into the air once more. The crowd held their breath as they watched the hand descend....coming lower and lower before...

Belinda's body would suddenly buck! Shooting her right shoulder up off of the ground and with it her right arm up high! Showing her signs of life as she would break the pin under Cicilia, while the raven haired woman stay lay on top of her.

The referee was forced to throw herself onto her shoulder to avoid smacking her hand down against the canvas, such a narrow count. Breaking the pin at a 2.8 count! Just avoiding defeat.


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