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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:44 pm

With Belinda taken to the ground, Cicilia moved in to trap her head under her arm and lock her legs around her waist, trapping the blonde swede in a strong, if inexperienced hold there on the floor! This was where she needed to be, to control this fight instead of simply running over it. Belinda hit hard, her side STILL aching from that kick... and her skill was obviously superior. With enough time, the German feared, she would eventually grind herself down into unconsciousness with her bull-like assault strategy, rending herself against an opponent of superior agility and strategy.

Still, even though the German was trying her best to hold onto Belinda and keep her trapped in her iron grip, she was Cicilia wasn't used to this kind of combat. Despite knowing HOW to grapple, it wasn't one of her more refined types of combat, usually preferring to hammer her wins home instead of wring them out her her rivals like a snake! Such an unbalanced preference would be her undoing as her lack of a firm, seasoned grip would allow for the swede to swiftly TUG her head free, exploiting the German's lack of skill in the successful motion to pull herself out!

"Rrrrrgh!" Cicilia growled brushing Belinda's hands off her shoulders as she solely focused on the vice-like grip of her legs... and fighting the resistance Belinda gave them!

"You're not escaping me... that easily!" She vowed, this simple vice being much easier to pull off then the headlock from earlier!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:45 pm

Cicilia's grip was least at first. The German certainly had a lot of power behind her, which caused her holds to be quite painful no doubt...yet, Belinda started to notice the weaknesses in how she had locked it up, feeling around with her arms along Cicilia's was all she needed to find those hands and start to break her head free from that headlock!

Despite managing to free her skull from the crushing pain of the woman's arms squeezing it. Now she just needed to find a way to free her waist! Though hearing Cicilia's words and determination she knew that it wasn't going to be easy to break it...wincingg out from the pain, Belinda would shake her head a little.

Gritting her teeth, the Swede would reach out with her arms from Cicilia's shins...sliding her hands down to those feet, she'd try and work those ankles off of one another to try and weaken Cicilia's hold. Trying to in turn, grab onto the Boxer's right ankle and start to wrench it! Aiming try and lock in a hold of her own to counter-attack!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:16 am

Cicilia growled with frustration as Belinda began experimenting with different ways to get the Juggernaut to relent her grip, the champion discovering the weak-point that was the tip of the clamp: Her ankles! This was where the power was weakest, the easiest place to pry apart the lock and the Swede went about exploiting that fact with due haste! Attacking one of them with all her attention, the Swede began wrenching at it with her hands, twisting the joint this way and that in a counter-hold! Cicilia's sanguine eyes widened as she hissed in surprise, not expecting something like this!

...Probably an easy way to tell how green she was when it came to this stupid sport...

"Grrr..." She growled softly her hold being forced open by natural impulses, as if such a thing would convince Belinda to stop! She had hoped Cicilia's grip had been weakened...? It had been! Substantially! Her other leg was simply draped across her side of her opponent as the boxer was left virtually helpless against the assault upon her foot! She couldn't reach her with her arms like this... One of her legs was locked up...

...How the hell was she supposed to get out of this!?

"Dammit... Let me go!"
She demanded, channeling her inner Ouka!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:21 am

Forcing the hold open and then wrenching on that ankle of Cicilia, the Swede quickly turned the Boxer's hold against her and made her give up on squeezing her, twisting and turning the ankle of the raven haired girl, Belinda got a good ankle lock variation locked in.

She would start to push herself up to her knees as she kept the hold, turning so she faced Cicilia and got further out of the reach of the raven haired woman. Now that she had the German where she wanted her, Belinda would try and twist and turn Cicilia over onto her front and keep wrenching on that ankle! Pulling it close to her own chest to lock in a standard traditional ankle lock!

" Only if you tap!" Belinda let out as she would try and put as much pressure and pain that she could put on the German's ankle! Trying to make sure that even if Cicilia got free, she wouldn't have an easy time standing on that foot.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:10 pm

"I... don't... TAP!" Cicilia insisted, brushing off the conditions Belinda so generously offered. Never once did the German just give up... No matter how much pain was inflicted on her, no matter how tired she was, it was against her code as a fighter to submit to pain. Being knocked out was one thing... that was beyond your control. But to openly admit that you were too weak to take a little submission?

Screw. That.

She didn't care WHO Belinda was... No little ankle-twist was going to get her to give up this fight!

Speaking of ankle-twisting, Belinda took it upon herself to flip the German around on her back, giving the other woman better leverage with which to fiddle with her foot! Bah! This had gone on for LONG enough! While Belinda did everything she could to make her foot as useless as possible, the German took her free leg... and wound it back, harnessing all the flexibility she could as she leveled her boot right at the Swede's head...

If Belinda was too focused on working on the German's head, Cicilia would lash out with a a massive kick straight at Belinda's head, slamming her heel as HARD into the blonde's head... wherever it would connect! She needed her OFF... so Ciclia would CRUSH HER! If her kick was well aimed and strong enough to send the tag-team champ reeling, the Juggernaut would pull herself up to her feet... one foot holding significantly more weight than the other!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:35 pm

The confident and tough words of Cicilia were probably true, the raven haired fighter probably wouldn't tap....though she would only weaken the longer she stayed in this hold, which was why Belinda was intent on keeping her locked up tightly! Gritting her teeth a little as she looked down and kept a close eye on what Cicilia was trying to do!

She was already moving and trying to do something with her free leg! When she saw that leg coming up towards her head! Belinda quickly recoiled back! losing her grip on that limb of Cicilia but managing to escape the strike from the boxer! She hadn't expected Cicilia to be this flexible but live and learn!

Backing up a few steps, she would narrow her eyes, panting out a little as she would bend forward a little. She'd gesture for Cicilia to come up to her feet and come at her, so they could continue this epic match of theirs!


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:24 am

Cicilia's kick did not quite achieve all it was intended to, missing the Swede by a LARGE margin but it DID force her off with the attempt! The boxer pushed herself up hissing softly under her breath as her wounded foot cried out for relief! It couldn't support her full weight after Belinda was done throttling it... Hell, she could already feel her ankle start to swell a bit but none of that mattered. Pain wasn't anything new to her... It was practically tattooed all over her body... In fact, it was cut into it. Scars covered her upper body (specifically her stomach and sides and wrists), one cut down across her eye, indicating extreme damage. So what if Belinda twisted her ankle...?


The Juggernaut glared daggers the champion's way, the Swede gesturing at her as if to egg her on! The boxer's eyes narrowed, her outward anger slowly simmering off until Cicilia was seemingly calm again! At Belinda's beckoning, the German approached one step at a time, leaning on her undamaged foot...

As soon as she got within arm's reach, however, Cicilia made her move! Suddenly, she would lunge out at Belinda like a spider lashing out at nearby prey! Her hands would shoot out to grab at Belinda's shoulders, tugging her in for a knee-strike right into her stomach from the boxer's wounded leg! Just as quickly, a forearm strike from the boxer would fly at her opponent's face followed by another strike, a SLICING uppercut ripping at the champion's stomach! Each punch and strike built off one-another, a combination of blows meant to deflate that seemingly swelling ego as well as build the Juggernaut some meaningful momentum!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:52 am

The two women had now created a bit of distance between each other, Belinda had gestured for Cicilia to come at her and it looked as if the boxer was about to answer her call. As she stood firm, hands clenched as fists, she awaited Cicilia....she was prepared this time, ready to take the German on.

Then suddenly as Cicilia got in arms reach the raven haired woman lunged in, surprising speed behind her those hands grabbed onto Belinda's shoulders. Instantly the blond braced up, expecting something like a knee to her gut, those abs of her flexed! The powerful knee of Cicilia smashed into her abs, those well trained muscles absorbing most of the impact as she grunted out a little from the strike, doubling over just slightly.

She didn't cough, she'd managed to brace for the impact rather well. Though she wasn't fast enough to stop that forearm strike that smacked the blond straight in the face, snapping it to the side and then she took yet another one! The Swede grunted with each strike, before that final uppercut smacked straight into her chin, knocking Belinda up straight and then sent her stumbling backwards, right into the ropes. Arms looped over the top ropes, as she would pant out, wincing in pain and glaring over at the raven haired boxer.


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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by Cicilia Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:51 am

It was like a gift delivered from god the way Belinda fell back into the ropes, resembling a boxer FAR too rocked to even defend herself! The blonde's arms were wrapped over the ropes, her body was left exposed for a nice, big, beat-down and that was just what the Juggernaut had for her! ...Damn did it hurt to walk on her ankle, though... She could feel the swelling beneath her skin, the tightening of the muscles... She had to limp everywhere she went and it was REALLY STARTING TO PISS HER OFF! She hated not being able to move when she wanted too, especially since she was such a stead-fast and stalwart force! It was a restraint she didn't need or didn't want... and now she was probably going to have to hobble around for a few days, win or lose!

...On impulse, her frustration turned on the blonde that had caused this, that had damaged her foot in this way... She wasn't wrong to be mad, she could see that even through her anger... but that didn't mean she wanted to be. Belinda was one of those rare people in the AFW that didn't have some sort of manic psychosis, one of the few girls that didn't want to drink her blood or bathe in the pain Cicilia would eventually inflict upon them. She was fucking NORMAL!

...And after the fight's she had and the things she'd seen? She couldn't really wouldn't allow herself to get angry so easily when fighting someone like that... They surely didn't deserve the naturally explosive temper Cicilia had on hand... They were just trying to win and, in Belinda's case, do it with style and grace!

...Couldn't really fault her for any of that.

THIS DIDN'T MEAN, however, Cicilia would let her win! After taking a second to cool her jets, Cicilia would lunge RIGHT at Belinda Northman, arm raised in a clothesline to REALLY place the hurt down on the champion against the ropes!

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Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman vs Cicilia De'Reignhardt

Post by LunarWolf Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:19 pm

Belinda had been sent reeling back towards the ropes, and might have fallen on her back if they hadn't caught her, she panted out, arms over the top ropes...her chest heaving with each breath that she took, she was readying up...gathering her senses as much as she could, but it looked as if Cicilia wasn't done with her yet!

Rushing over towards the blond, she managed to clear a lot bit of ground rather quick despite that hurting ankle of hers! Rushing forward and smashing that arm of hers right into Belinda's chest and neck! " GUUAH!!" Belinda gasped out, her legs kicking up and the impact of Cicilia's arms smacking into her caused her lower body to fly up and flop over the ropes, being vaulted over the ropes...the Tag Champion was sent tumbling down.

Her side hitting the ring apron on her way down as she bounced down onto her her side on the barley padded floor outside of the ring.


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