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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:35 pm

Lea's elbow connected precisely how she desired; forceful, sharp, and of course abrupt. No warning given, so no chance of the violet even bracing herself for it, let alone outright stopping it. Only, her foe did something that whilst didn't at all shock Lea, would go so far as to colour the sadistic blonde impressed.

Now finding Jessica gazing up at her, Lea's fearless mannerisms as ever became apparent, as she simply adopted a wide, scary grin, eyes somewhat widening as it became apparent Lea was becoming very interested in the Violent Violet indeed. After all, you don't take a elbow right to the back of the neck without having something about you. Licking her lips, as the grin went for a moment, Lea would find her foe reasserting herself back into the match before her interest could be taken further with her opposing powerhouse, at least for the moment.

With force applied, Lea wouldn't go far given solely the fact her foe was pushing from an inferior angle, before Jessica's legs whipped out the ground beneath her and attained more than the shove could ever have done alone. Landing flat on her back, the blonde would give the first signs that the girl was actually human as she let loose a lowly pained grunt. She'd soon begin to rise, turning to her side as she prepared to push up, but given that Jessica was already on her knee's, it became evident who hold the advantage, if by a little.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:15 am

Jessica was ready to breathe a sigh of relief. For the first time in this match, something good had happened to her. Or more appropriately, something bad had happened to Lea. But that was very much a distinction without a difference as far as Jessica was concerned, as she was grateful to finally have something going her way. From her vantage point, she was well on her way to capitalizing on this. It didn't matter that she had been forced to her knees.

The Violent Violet immediately went back down to the mat. She tried to sidle in behind her opponent and wrap her arms around her neck. Maybe she wouldn't get it, or maybe she wouldn't get it for long, but she had to try, damn it. This woman seemed awfully strong. While Jessica was pretty sure that she was not going to be overpowered by anyone on earth, but still, she didn't want to risk it.

Jessica tried to concentrate. Angel was a threat, sure. But even she didn't start off this well against her. All her other losses seemed to pale in comparison to this woman. Then Jessica shook her head and tried to banish those thoughts. She was going to win this match. Lea was just a rookie who happened to get off to a hot start. This rear naked choke was going to cure her of a lot of this nonsense.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:58 pm

Lea didn't care if the move was but a gentle shove or Jessica's signature match ending technique. She had dared to lay hands on her against her will, and Lea quickly turned beyond irate. Grunting as she rose to her knees, she'd find the sudden addition of two thick arms locked around her neck halting her advance quickly. In fact, Lea soon found herself dropped to her rear, briefly sat with Jess behind her as if she was a lover giving embrace.

In response, beyond a fierce muffled grunt into her foes thick biceps that sounded something familiar to a muzzled dog, Lea would latch her hands to her foes arms. She was strong, no doubt, but Jessica was no weakling, or even close. The blonde knew she couldn't waste time testing which was the stronger brute; any time put towards such was time given to Jessica to choke the life from her. Instead, she'd simply latch, and try to use Jessica to brace against as she opted to rise.

She certainly wouldn't come close to breaking her way free from her foes grip, but she knew she'd be several steps closer towards such if she could find her feet. All the while her foe wrenched her neck, as if her arms were a snake catching prey.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:23 pm

This was good, Jessica thought. She had secured the choke on Lea's neck, and it was a lot easier than she had imagined it would be. The Violent Violet half-expected Lea to bite her or something, so when she reacted like a normal human being, she was relieved. Moreso because Jessica was stronger than basically anyone she knew. This blonde woman looked fierce, but Jessica was entirely confident that she could overpower her, especially given that she was in the dominant position.

Then the world shifted. That was weird, but whatever. It gave Jessica more space to strengthen the hold, and punish Lea even more for her imaginary transgressions. When she left the canvas, she wrapped her legs in front of and around Lea's legs to limit her movement. Jessica usually wasn't much of a submission specialist, but if Lea wanted to let her be a human backpack, so be it.

Jessica was wrenching the choke as hard as she possibly could now. She wanted to throw Lea off balance, to make her shutter to a halt, to knock her the fuck out. She was doing all she could to throw this lunatic off her game and get things on Jessica's turf.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:17 am

A choke in any given form was nigh-always a effective manoeuvre once synced in. After all, one could not exactly put effort towards strengthening their neck in the gym, as one would perhaps put to their abdomen to resist scissor, or arms to resist wrenching. It probably added somewhat to the effectiveness that Lea would of preferred if air was allowed free access down her wind pipe, of course.

The Violent Violets addition of a leg lock threw Lea off partially, but the move was not unexpected. After all, had positions being reversed, Lea would of done the same thing. Albeit, most likely sooner given her sadistic love for the complete embrace of a foe as the light is somewhat choked or pressed from their eyes. The blonde's grunts would only continue, nostrils now flaring as Lea's eyes widened. Her breathing was becoming more laboured, but so too did her adrenaline begin to pump. Choked out in the opening minutes of her opening match? Lea would of likely chewed through her own flesh had it somehow bared release.

Luckily for the more family-orientated viewers in both audience and at home, such was not the case as Lea found her feet, despite increased wrenching from a woman who could likely bend iron in her given grip. Now, all the blonde psychopath had to do was figure out a means of escape. Eyes setting to the nearest corner, Lea would begin to sprint at what pace she could given the 140lbs backpack forcibly equipped to her. Had it been anyone else in such a scenario, the predictable course of action would be for said individual to turn at last moment and give Jessica a momentum-fuelled pressing against the corner. And such course of action was the one that Lea followed. With a shocking twist.

At speed and closing to the corner, rather than turn, Lea instead found an alternative option that both puzzled viewers and somewhat shocked them.

She jumped straight into the turnbuckle as if performing a spear like manoeuvre. Only, with the force added from her feet, the blonde would attempt a full 180 flip. With this course of action, Jessica would surely find herself not only body-pressed against the corner, but soon find herself falling to the canvas with her head leading the drop. But then again, so would Lea.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:55 am

"Just. Go. Fucking. Down. Already." Jessica was pulling on Lea's neck with all the force she could muster. Her hissed words were completely exasperated. Other girls would have been knocked out a couple of seconds ago, but here Lea was, still standing with her eyes very much open. There wasn't much more Jessica could be doing to ensure her foe's timely exit to this match.

Lea, on the other hand, seemed to be totally full of ideas. The woman lurched to the corner, and then broke out into something approximating a full on sprint. Jessica marveled at the woman's strength. Running with ten pound weights was terribly difficult. Running with a 141 pound Jessica seemed like a task so arduous no one could pull it off. But sure enough, both of them were moving, and Jessica was fully braced for Lea to turn around and slam her into the turnbuckle.

Little did Jessica know that she would be flying through the air like an astronaut experiencing zero G. The move was entirely too much for her. When Jessica's back hit the turnbuckle, her arms and legs flew in all directions as if Jessica had been hit by a bomb. She was totally stunned by the move, in a physical sense and in a figurative one.

How the hell did she pull that off... Jessica was face down in the corner, doing her best to collect herself. So far, she had managed to push herself to her hands and knees, but could not make it much further. The pain surging through her back crippled her attempts to get standing, and her mind still could not completely wrap around what had just happened.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:36 pm

Hissed words into the blondes ear only made Lea's face continue to redden in the mix of anger and lack of air through to her top half. The roar only becoming somewhat fiercer, Lea's grunts alongside her foes profanity were soon the only vocals that filled the air.

Apparently two powerhouses somersaulting in mid air towards a hard surface was reason to simply sit and watch, it seemed.

Forcing the violets back to hit the surface first in brutal fashion, Lea would try in vain to cover her own vulnerable head as she fell near flat on it. She'd do her best, but given Jess would be somewhat falling on her as well, there was simply no way to avoid a noticeable amount of damage.

Landing on all fours after the initial self-inflicted pile driver of sorts, Lea would slide back on her knees to create a little bit of distance between herself and the woman in front.

Nostrils flaring, the damage Lea received in the head first collision and short-but-sweet choke became apparent as she lifted her head up; the colour of the beauties face now a pure shade of beetroot. Combined with the baring of teeth and the fierce pants for air, Lea appeared like a woman possessed!

Slowly finding her feet, the blonde would straighten up as her knuckles tensed tightly. She might of been mute, but the body language of the woman somewhat screamed that she wanted Jessica to rise and face the now furious blonde, face to face.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:40 pm

Jessia pulled herself up. The thing about the average person's back was that it was most of your body. So when it hurt, it was hard to move quickly, react quickly, think quickly. But slowly but surely she found her feet and crouched into her stance: feet wide, hands up. Usually, when she adopted this stance, it meant that she was ready to take on anything. But there was very little she could do to get ready for this. Jessica had dealt with a whole bunch of unorthodox styles and strong women, but this was a combination she had not seen before.

But that didn't mean she couldn't win. The Violent Violet dug her foot in and breathed in deeply. If this woman wanted to go for power against power, fine. Jessica was one of the strongest women at AFW, if not the strongest, and she was sure as hell not afraid to mix up with any woman on the roster. This woman, crazy as she may be,had it coming to her in a big way. A wave of hatred subsumed all of her other desires. Who the hell did this woman think she was, to toy with Jessica as she was currently doing?

Jessica pitched forward, shooting her right shoulder towards Lea. This woman had clearly watched all of her matches before, as she recognized that Jessica liked to start off her attacks with a punch. She used those to launch into more complex throws, which presumably Lea also knew. Only this time, she was faking. Her right fist flew towards Lea just enough to make the psycho blonde worry, but her fist would never reach that pretty face of Lea's. Instead, Jessica wanted to use her momentum to spin around and launch a spinning front kick into Lea's tight abs, to knock the wind right from her sails.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:19 pm

Jessica wouldn't take much time to follow suite with her foe as she too soon rose, only for the violet haired powerhouse to find a pacing psychopath with loud breaths flaring through nostrils upon her rise. Lea's eyes would flicker between her already hated foe and random-spots in the crowd, bringing up a hand to push a stray lock of hair that had fallen in front of her gaze.

Again, Lea didn't have to break silence for a clear image of what the girl was thinking to be presented.

How dare she fucking touch me.

After a short moment, Lea would seemingly remember her place as she turned back to the now standing Jessica; her foes manoeuvre already in motion. As the powerhouse before her ducked, Lea would instinctively raise arms and cross them in front of her collar bone, partially tucking her head into her defence.

She didn't have to be familiar with the woman before her to read what was occurring.

An attempt at a shoulder tackle surely. Or given the rotation of shoulders, a hard jab at worst.

You can imagine the blondes surprise then, when Jessica would but twist, offering foot to abs instead.

Push-kick connecting solidly to un-flexed, unprotected abs, a loud gagging noise was audible from the blonde even back in the cheap seats. Jessica may have been infamous for her strikes and powerhouse-esque manoeuvres, but such a frame would likely be able to kick with force akin to a mule when attempt was made. And it sure did, as Lea would force her eyes shut under a potential fear that the sheer force of the strike would force her eyes to pop from head.

Stumbling back, Lea would drop to a single knee before Jessica, arms now crossed in front of her previously beaten gut, eyes wide in pain.

Or perhaps just shock. Shock that Jessica dare touch her once more.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 2 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:33 pm

The feint worked like a charm. Her opponents had a tendency to underestimate her and write her off as just some big bruiser who relied on sheer strength to carry her through matches. Jessica was a fan of using her tight and awe-inspiring muscles, of course, but she had a brain in her head and a decade's worth of experience going for her as well. So when Lea bit on the fake, Jessica was already thinking ahead.

Jessica finished her spin, and was already moving. This was her chance to seize the match by the throat and not relinquish it until the bell went off and the ref girl declared her the winner. Jessica's legs churned as she dashed forward, closing the gap between her and Lea with every passing moment. The crowd were on their feet. They had never seen the Violent Violet like this, down against a large woman, trying to claw her way back into a fight.

When Jessica got moving, there was very little stopping her. She was somewhat slow in the grand scheme of things, but her sheer size and unwavering fury meant that she could only be slowed down by something the size of the Great Wall of China. And even then, not by much. The Violent Violet went to the air, swinging her knee forward as she did so, hoping to catch the downed Lea with a shining wizard and put this blonde bitch in her place!

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