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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:11 pm

A even mixture of shock, anger and of course outright pain left the blonde beauty completely susceptible, her eyes wide yet still. The pain was something her body was already dealing with on its own. The breath lost to the kick quickly fining its way back into her lungs. The fact Jessica had laid hands, and now foot, upon her?

The blonde wouldn't recover from such as quickly.

Her foe seizing advantage by throwing momentum completely at her, a shot of spittle would find its way from Lea's lips and onto the canvas to her side as shin met cheek-the debuting powerhouse brought completely flat to the canvas. Only, rather than lay like a good victim, life would amazingly find it's way back into Lea's eyes notably quick for someone who'd just been hit by a Jessica Wright assault.

Forcing her hands to her side in something of a press-up position, Lea's eyes would stare near literal holes into the mat right below her. Coughing and spitting another small amount of spittle, she'd ever so slowly begin to push up, albeit at a pace one could easily capitalise on.

The speed of her rise didn't matter. Lea simply aimed to prove a point; she wouldn't stay down.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:14 pm

Well, damn. Most women would have been knocked unconscious by such a blow, and it did down the blonde. Not for long, though. The blonde titaness was on the move, but Jessica did not really feel like waiting back and admiring it. Jessica knew how dangerous Lea was when she was on her feet, and she did not want to allow the woman to fight on her own terms.

Besides, Jessica could be quite dangerous in her own right. The Violent Violet closed the gap between them incredibly quickly and was looming over her opponent now. Her muscles, hard and round as cannonballs, demanded action and Jessica was going to do everything in power to sate their dark urges. She jumped a little bit, and aimed her rear for the small of Lea's back. That will surely be enough to plant her onto the ground, she thought.

And then she could really get to work. Jessica tried to wrap her hand around Lea's chin, and then proceeded to yank upwards. Camel clutch, the move was called. For whatever reason, it was such a popular move in women's wrestling that nearly every single fighter had it in her repertoire. Jessica just wanted to put Lea in a ton of pain, and let everyone in the crowd marvel at those very healthy titties of Lea.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:05 pm

Lea's rise was of a methodical, almost robotic pace, impressive guns on show as she began to heave her way upwards. She knew that Jessica was most likely writing a mental book on how to seize the advantage further, but such a fact didn't appear to matter to Lea. Whatever the Violent Violet would dish out, she'd simply power on through. Albeit, that was most likely the same strategy many of Jessica's prior victims adopted...

Nonetheless, Lea simply focused the issue before her rather than forward planning; the issue being her lack of stance. Trying her best to correct such, she'd feel the somewhat pleasant feeling of a firm rear on her own back, albeit the feeling was more forceful than anything. Gagging in a very minuscule manner, more caught off guard than anything, Lea's lower half would drop but her arms would remain rigid.

Evidently, it appeared Lea thought Jess had already taken enough.

The moment Jessica almost softly curled around her chin, Lea forced herself to quickly rise. Turning, she'd trying to slide her arm in between Jessica's thighs, in an effort to aid in hoisting the woman up. If all went to the blonde's loose idea of a plan, she'd hoist the Violet right onto her shoulders in a fireman's carry, standing tall!


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:06 am

Jessica thought she had it made. She was going to stretch this total bitch of a woman, and make it hurt a shit ton in the process. Plus, there was the added benefit of subtly display that wonderful rack for the audience's benefit. Jessica had just gotten seated when the world around her shifted. The blonde woman was in the process of getting up with Jessica on her back, and there was nothing Jessica could do but hold on.

There was a very strong arm splitting her legs, and Jessica could do little but look at the white canvas below her and wonder. She was usually the one pulling power move after power move, and here she was hauled up in the air as if she were nothing at all. The Violent Violet was not sure what was coming next, but she was sure it was going to be painful.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:00 am

Now that Lea had the woman up on her shoulders, the question quickly arose. What the hell to do with her?

Lea's own pain from the Violets abuse was presented for all to see as the blonde held her like a trophy; a modest red line around Lea's neck, which had played the role of nut moments ago with Jessica's arms playing that of a nutcracker. Had Jessica targeted Lea's waist or limbs, her toned figure would of provided a powerful buffer against the compression's of the violet. Regardless of how hard one tried, it was nigh impossible to train your neck for such.

With the prior question still on Lea's mind as she carried Jessica, wobbling for but a moment before her stance corrected itself, the blonde pondered trying to roll Jessica in her grip, so that she could apply a bending motion that would surely make the Violet struggle, torture rack style. Instead, rather than risk wasting time giving her powerful foe time to shake or squirm her way free, she opted for something a little more sudden.

And painful.

Lowering herself for but a second, Lea's hands would come to Jessica's neck and thick thigh, as Lea turned her foe into something of a barbell. Her frame performing the motions a bodybuilder would upon going for that final jerk in a clean lift, Lea would for a moment attempt to lift Jessica up for all to see, gorilla pressing the beauty.

Rather than parade Jessica for a moment longer than she needed to, she'd try to bring the woman in-front of her head as she came down to the ground.

Bending down as she did, her body lowering as Jessica fell. Attempting to bring knee to gut, in vicious fashion.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:29 am

Everything slowed. The Violent Violet was unaccustomed to being in a position such as this one. She was very much on the thick side, and not easy to lift. And even then, it was rare that she found herself in a position where she was susceptible to be lifted like this. Jessica was all about offense, offense, offense, and even when one of her opponents got a lucky shot in it was rarely something of this magnitude. But here she was. As experienced as she was, she knew very few ways to get out of this particular mess.

The Violent Violet then reckoned she could thrash her way free. That plan came to a grinding halt when Lea grabbed her neck and thigh. Should Jessica have struggled even a moment sooner, she might have earned herself her freedom, but the second those strong hands clamped down upon her she knew she was doomed. The blonde maniac had her now, and all Jessica could do was steel herself for whatever bumpy ride was to come.

Jessica would not have to wait for long to see what horrible fate would befall her. Lea hoisted her into the air, and Jessica was already grimacing. There was only one way she could go, which was down. And that is exactly where she went helped along by Lea's powerful muscles. On the way down, the fierce blonde added insult to injury by kneeing her on the way down.

The Violent Violet had not been in this much pain in a wrestling match in a long time. Her back hurt, her head hurt, her everything hurt. Her mouth was agape, and her back was arched with pain. For the time being, the savage, terrifying, powerful Jessica was down. The crowd stood in awe.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:00 am

Hoisting up Jessica Wright in such a posture was beyond difficult yes, but it could be done. The fact Lea did such without so much as a squeak, let alone grunt at the effort?

Somewhat unnerving.

Even after Jess had fallen from Lea's knee, Lea did not give vocal response. Her arms hurt from the strain, no doubt. Her knee from having such a iron figure fall on it? Throbbing, almost visibly.

Still, the only response the blonde gave was her sadistic grin, teeth showing from ear to ear. She'd tilt her head once more, as if to inspect the fallen prey before her. Jessica was far from done, and this match was most certainly not decided. Yet given Lea's glare, you could somewhat believe the blonde was under the impression she had just outright snapped the Violet haired beauty in two. And then some.

Heart racing over the idea of having just broken the infamous Jessica Wright, Lea would give a motion with her leg to test if she had just done that. Pushing the currently writhing Jessica onto her back was no effort for the blonde even with the Violets dense figure, as she raised her leg slowly up after doing so. Jessica was hardly in a state to resist after all.

Nonchalantly, she'd place her foot painfully on the busty powerhouse's chest. Not with a stomp per-say, but she certainly wasn't holding back on the pressure she was applying to those large orbs, nearly forcing them to erupt from Jessica's own one piece. To everyone, perhaps even Jessica herself, it appeared as thought the blonde was simply groping her vulnerable prey in sadistic fashion.

To everyone, bar one that is, one who saw exactly what Lea was intending, and responded to accordingly...



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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:14 am

The lights above her seemed a thousand miles away. Jessica had been here before, but not in this situation. The ring and the arena and all the yelling fans had come to know her as a swaggering badass who had few scruples and an unshakeable desire to win. Now they saw her as the victim of a series of brutal power moves, the likes of which Jessica usually pulled off on other girls. No one in the crowd was particularly sad about the fact that Jessica was getting her comeuppance, to speak frankly.

But Jessica didn't care about them. The Violent Violet was always looking out for number one, and things were not looking too good for her right now. Jessica expected some sort of pin attempt, but she did not expect it to come like this. A force was pushing down against her breast, and after a moment Jessica realized what it was. Lea was going for the foot to the chest pin, a sign of complete dominance and disrespect.

And there was no way in hell Jessica was going to go out like that. She was in a lot of pain, sure, but the blatant lack of respect this crazy blonde woman had for enraged the woman like she had never been inflamed before. Immediately her shoulder shot up, as if from a force outside of herself. Jessica then grabbed Lea's ankle and twisted with all her might. And given how many hours she had spent honing her body, the force was incredibly impressive.

Jessica was going to make a comeback, and if she had to twist her opponent down to the mat to do it, so be it. It was not a glorious move that would earn her the front of a whole lot of magazines, but it may be enough to begin her resurgence. And when Jessica was on the rise, she was a shooting star, tearing a hole through the sky as she burst through going a thousand miles per hour.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:23 am

The moment Lea saw the Violent Violet writhe from her gorilla press drop, she knew she was going to make the pin attempt. She was barely a wrestler by any definition of the word, but she was more familiar with the tactic of forcing your opponent to remove your frame via force to waste their energy. Lea certainly wasn't expecting an actual match end from her pin, hell, she certainly didn't want one. She was having too much fun.

And as to why Lea pressed her foot rather than a hook of the leg? Well. Why come down to the ground and make the effort? Especially with such a view of her violent foes mushrooming breasts?

Such a lack of effort on Lea's part cost the blonde, who not only found her hard pushing-pin broken, but with a arm latched around her leg to boot. The sudden twist not only dropped Lea to the ground, but force her to instantly turn onto her front as she struggled immediately in her opponents quick ankle lock.

She'd quickly make efforts to the ground with what she could, pulling with the limbs that were still freely given to her. Would she make a rope break anytime soon? Likely not, given Jessica's own notable power versus a woman literally on her knees. But still, she would jostle and struggle so much that her foe might release out of pure frustration, even as Lea barely struggled to contain a scream from the pain in her foot.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 3 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:08 pm

Jessica was fairly adept at submission. It wasn't her favorite thing to do here in the ring, as it lacked the violent outbursts that she enjoyed so very much. But she had this lunatic of a woman by her toe, and even if she hollered, she would not be let go. The ref looked on queasily as Jessica tested the breaking point of Lea's ankle. She was on her back, and the crazed blonde woman was right there with her. While it was not quite as bad as it was a moment ago, with Lea's foot on Jessica's chest, it was still not a position that Jessica wanted to be in.

So the Violent Violet gave that strong ankle one last little twist before she rose from the canvas like a phoenix from the ashes. Her breast still ached, but Jessica recognized a somatic pain when she felt one. And the violet haired vixen sought to heap more than phantom pain upon this woman. The tips of her fingers tingled with anticipation, and sweat oozed from every pore of her body. Her body, the crowd, the world demanded action, and Jessica was more than elated to give it to them.

Jessica bent over and grabbed Lea's hair. The judge looked like she was on the verge of saying something, but kept mum. That was incredibly wise, for her part. What was perhaps unwise was poking this blonde bear of a woman, but Jessica was eager to prove that she was to be respected in her own right.

The second she got Lea to her feet, she sent a powerful kick to the blonde's stomach. All of her rage, all of her frustration, all of her doubt was imbued in the kick, and she kept nothing back. Once she got her opponent doubled over, she was quick to act, looping her arm around this crazy woman's neck and hitting her with a quick bulldog, for one of her signature combos!

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