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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:36 am

In overall context, it was extremely likely that her foe was in truth, the superior wrestler. An equal quantity of strength coupled with a much greater array of moves and level of experience meant that overall, Jessica Wright was probably the better of the two women standing in the ring. So why was Lea controlling the match so thoroughly now? She had the strength to match Jessica, but not even half the experience or repertoire. Perhaps it was the latter that made her so dangerous; the fact the woman did not know official wrestling stratagem per-say that every match she was in resembled more of a street brawl than a controlled flourish of moves and grapples. That, and the obvious fact.

How could one ever expect one as brutal as Lea?

It was the first time the blonde had appeared before these particular masses after all.

Tiring, but running too much on adrenaline and pure bad intentions to halt herself now, Lea found herself resting upon Jessica for but a moment as she dangled in the corner. Such a rest was not intended to be so sensual; the pressing of mighty, muscle bound figures against one another was not simply a moment of rest by Lea.

Bending down with her own face pressing precariously to those mighty bare breasts, her arms soon embraced the thighs that carried Jessica, hoisting her up onto the turnbuckle almost as if she was hoisting a child onto her shoulder to see the parade.

If her foe remained docile enough, and steady enough sat upon the corner, Lea would soon make her way through the ropes right next to her.

Whatever she had planned evidently involved herself been on the ring apron, and Jessica being on the turnbuckle. With a firm grip upon her, of course.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:32 pm

Jessica was so, so tired. It was nice to lean up against the turnbuckle, for even a split second. She knew that it was not going to last forever, her rest, but it was pleasant to experience this for however long it was going to last. But in the back of her throbbing, pained head, she knew that this little slice of what could barely be called enjoyment would come to an end, and come to an end very rapidly. Sure enough, Lea pressed her face against Jessica's bare breasts, much to her shame, and wrapped her strong arms around Jessica's thighs, much to her consternation.

And then she was moved to the top of the turnbuckle. She swayed a bit once she got there, and it looked like she was going to fall over backwards. She held herself upright, but otherwise, she was a sitting duck. Her blonde opponent moved up next to her. Whatever happened next was not going to be good. She was fairly confident of that, at least.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Sat May 06, 2017 8:39 pm

In hindsight, with what Lea had in mind, it might of been best if Jessica had fallen so awkwardly off the turnbuckle backwards, the moment she was placed atop it. The fall would of been equal parts awkward and dangerous, and there was next to no chance she'd be shrugging off such a monumental drop even if she had been fresh, let alone with consideration to what the Violet and Blonde haired beauties had done to one another.

Such spoke volumes for the levels of pain Lea was planning to deliver.

With her feet steady upon the ring apron, outside the ropes, her eyes would gaze down. First, to the announce table, which from her point of view appeared too great a distance for anyone that was not of a luchador nature. Next, her eyes would fall to the open space before her, long cleared of cameramen and officials. It was padded of course, but it was by no means as soft as the ring canvas they had been fighting upon. The mat itself was barely a few inches thick, with solid concrete underneath.


Without consideration to anything else, Lea would turn her head back to her foe, hand already in motion. Latching it upon that thick throat of her foe, she couldn't resist giving it a strong squeeze, in an effort to leave the currently motionless Violet with even less restistance. She didn't spend long throttling her though. Not much more than second in fact.

From there, she simply jumped, with her grip in tow.

Trying to chokeslam Jessica Wright straight down!


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Mon May 08, 2017 9:01 pm

It felt like an eternity up there. Jessica was just waiting. Something truly terrible was about to happen to her, she was 100% sure of it. It was only a question of what. Suddenly, a strong hand flew up to her throat, and forced her up, and back. She was dangled out over the concrete floor of the arena, her naked body on display like a pinata for the whole crowd to see. Her mind, which had been dulled by the continued repeated slams, went into overdrive. She reached up to clutch the hand that was holding her whole body up by her throat, but it was far too late.

Jessica crashed down, head first. Her arms flew out, and her legs bounced once before she lay there, motionless. The Violent Violet was out cold. Blood started pooling behind her head, and the crowd gasped as they looked at the naked woman in front of them.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Tue May 09, 2017 11:12 pm

In a weird way, this was the nearest thing to a move describable as 'athletic' as Lea had ever done. She had never clambered onto the ringside before in the hopes of finding a move, yet Jessica's position had left her seemingly open to such. The Violets status in the match was seemingly enough for the blonde to even perform her extreme manoeuvre, completely ignoring the fact that Lea too had now jumped off onto the outside canvas.

She'd land wonky, falling to her knees immediately, hearing that monstrous thud besides her. Her ankles hurt from the impact, but not at all comparable she imagined, to the pain seemingly present in the now Violent Crimsons skull. Lea of course, only had one reaction.

She stood up, on unsteady feet at first, before raising her arms wide. Evidently, she was beside herself. And wanted the crowd to know it.

Laughing that sadistic cackle as her eyes fell to the ceiling with head rolling all the way, Lea soon motioned her skull to the figure besides her, as apparently the referees count towards a count out snapped her out of her malice. Grin as wide as it could be, Lea would bend besides her struggling foe, before tucking her arms. Hoisting the beauty up, for a moment the two appeared to be lovers; Lea literally cradle carrying the now unconscious Wright, before dumping her on the side of the ring. With a quick motion, she'd push the muscle bound figure inwards, atleast a good distance away from the ropes.

Following suite, again she'd stand atop the side of the ring, gazing at the crowd. For obvious reasons, they were far from chirpy.

Stepping through the ropes, Lea didn't waste any time, immediately dropping to her knees besides the sleeping Violet. One hand to a bare breast, the other to her thigh, she extended her gaze around yet again now with tongue extended.

As she tried to pin Jessica Wright.



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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Fri May 12, 2017 5:07 pm

There were a lot of things that Jessica wanted to be angry about. She had been stripped, for the first time in a long long time. She had been knocked entirely unconscious, which was another first in a long long time. And then she had been picked up and dumped at the side of the ring as if she were a bag of potatoes. Finally, Lea had a pin over her, and was grabbing her breast in it. It was the final shame in a long line of humiliations.

But Jessica could not be mad. She was still entirely unconscious still.


There was nothing she could do about this.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Fri May 12, 2017 5:59 pm

Lea simply could not believe it. Sure, she was confident, animalistic even, and savage. But even she knew when her opponent was something akin to a brick wall. Such was that time now, where she faced a woman that if likely prepared for the force that was Lea, would be in her position now. But even the craziest, most insane of fighters knew that a win over Jessica Wright was huge. A win over her in your debut?

Absolutely massive.

And she certainly did it in style too.


The moment the referee's hand fell down that final time, Lea sat up suddenly. Her hands would come to her face, mouth wide as the nearest thing to a smile since she came down to the ring formed. She had just beaten a titan many couldn't defeat after numerous attempts in her first try, her first match. She simply could not believe it.

After what felt to be an eternity sitting besides the naked beauty, Lea would stand, arms shooting up as the crowd split itself with absolute silence and mild boos at the outcome. The blonde didn't care; parading with her own chest still on show for a moment, doing something of a lap of honour in the ring, before heading to the ropes. Ducking her head through, hand to the middle, her briefly innocent smile slowly would turn to one of outright malice, as she laid eyes on the ramp.

Turning, she'd find her foe still completely out cold. A prize before her, almost calling for her to take it. Straightening up and stepping back into the ring, something quickly became apparent from the blonde.

She was not done.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Sun May 14, 2017 12:52 pm

No one had ever seen Jessica like this. Not in a long long time. Her eyes were still closed, nearly cemented shut by the awesome power of the slam. She was naked except for her boots and arm gauntlets, and there were still no signs of life from her. The only sign that she was in fact alive was the fact that she was still breathing, as evinced by her chest rising up and down. And you can bet that every camera crew in the building was very intently focused on that.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Mon May 15, 2017 12:19 pm

Lea liked the sight before her.

Very much.

A nigh fully nude figure, with powerful assets and equally immense muscles was laying before Lea, ripe for the taking. There was just one problem in the blondes mind. She fully intended to have fun with Jessica, but she wanted the Violet to be awake for such. To respond.

To remember it.

Although, she certainly wouldn't be leaving much room for a great response; control was still to be hers, completely and absolutely if she had her way. Bending down besides the figure, she'd latch a hand to the right arm of Jessica, with a hand to her right leg. Dragging the woman as if positioning her for a top rope manoeuvre, Lea would instead aim to drag the beauty towards the side of the ring as opposed to a corner.

A small part of her suspected Jessica might of been awoken by the sudden forced movement, but wouldn't exactly of been shocked if she stayed in her slumber. That became apparent, as the moment Jessica was under the ropes, Lea would exit the ring, and take a water bottle to hand. Fully intending to pour the entire contents over the Violet's good looks, to make sure she could not maintain slumber.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 8 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Tue May 16, 2017 9:23 pm

The doctors had gotten to her by now. Surely, that was what was happening. The Violent Violet remembered being slammed into the concrete, but that was it. After that, it was all oblivion. That meant that she had gotten knocked out, and that in turn meant that she had lost. But Jessica's mind was not moving quickly enough, nimbly enough to recognize those facts. Instead, she only recognized pain. Tons and tons of pain.

The Violent Violet could not even move. Water splashed over her, and that only slightly cracked her eyes. Her head was ringing still, and her nerves had been dulled by the sudden and intense pain that sent her to la la land. "Wha..." she stammered out. Other than that, there was no response from the fierce and depraved Violent Violet.

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