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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:25 pm

Lea didn't so much move with tactile precision as she did with outright luck. Had Jessica been revolving the other way, she would of seen the blondes movements clear as day, and likely rewarded her for such. No one liked their prey fighting back after all.

Her lift was quick yet ruthless, hoisting Jessica up before she'd even established a complete lock on the beauty. Such a thing would usually hinder the one performing the move, not only forcing them to pour more strength in to achieve the lift, but also removing control from the move; namely, where Jessica would land.

Lea was more than happy to simply match the necessary power required, throwing Jessica up with everything she had in her currently. As to where she'd land? There was only really one place.

Hearing that satisfying collision of flesh to turnbuckle, alongside Jessica's cry, Lea couldn't help but smile as she soon found herself sliding from underneath the Violets back after throwing her. She'd take a moment to recollect herself on her knees, hand gripping the rope for a while before forcing a rise...

The blonde would try to move with a sense of haste, albeit felt a little overconfident as she made her motions. Apparently, she believed Jessica to be all but prey ready for the slaughterhouse after that monstrous suplex.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:24 pm

The Violent Violet clearly did not know what she had gotten herself into. She felt the crazed woman sliding out from under her, which meant that her next destination was the mat. It could only ever be the mat. Her vision was blurred, and her head was pounding with pain. She received other sensory information, but it did not matter. Everything that she felt was vague and had been dulled by the intense ache in her skull.

But at least it was not continuing. She could vaguely sense her opponent looming over her, but she did not feel her rough touch. Jessica was quietly grateful that she was no longer being pained, and took a deep breath in. She had been hurt, but she kept going. For a woman as prideful as the Violent Violet, there was no other choice.

She was on her front now, and rolled a bit to shake off the pain. Jessica wanted to face the center of the ring to make sure she could see what was coming. Her first push to get herself up was totally in vain, but soon she gathered strength to get herself up to her knees, at least.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:05 am

Having already begun to use the ropes to aid in her rise, Lea couldn't help but smile. Her arms hurt like hell from Jessica's earlier short but powerful barrage of strikes, but she was convinced the Violet beauty was paying for it now in buckets. And whats more, there was more parts to Lea besides her arms that she could use to continue her assault and fully seize the advantage on her foe. Jessica couldn't exactly use another part of her body to obtain the focus Lea had just suplexed out of her.

After giving one quick gaze to her side to make sure her foe had stayed relatively placid, Lea would suddenly burst into a spring.

In the complete opposite direction to Jessica.

Almost panting like an excited dog at the attack she hoped to deliver, she'd rebound from the ropes with much more force than she put in, returning towards Jessica with monstrous speed. When the distance was right, she'd aim to completely jump off her feet altogether, directly towards a certain Violent Violet.

With knee raised, apparently aiming yet again for that reddened face of Miss Wright.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Sat Mar 11, 2017 4:48 pm

Jessica was almost breathing normally now. She was on her knees, clawing her way back up by hook or by crook. Her vision was similarly returning to normal, slowly but surely. A few blinks made the world less vague, more distinct. Still, her vision was a bit hazy, and her blurred, impressionist version of the world yielded a Lea that was nowhere in sight. It could have been the fact that she had been repeatedly bashed in the head, but that did not make sense to her. Jessica simply could not have just lost, as she could not lose to a rank and file rookie. Maybe the blonde girl decided to quit while she was ahead, and DQ herself, lest she face the bloody retribution of Jessica.

And then the world made sense again. She saw her opponent approaching, with one breast exposed, straight at her. Before she could bring her hands up to defend herself, a knee collided with her nose and sent her whole being back. The initial pain was bad enough, but was compounded by the fact that her head shot backwards, straight into the turnbuckle. The concussive blow caused her eyes to close, and made her body slump.

Her breathing returned to the long, slow breaths that she had done not even 30 seconds ago. The fighter in her recognized that she ought to get up, and get moving that she not be dead meat for this crazed girl to do whatever horrid thing to her. But she was just so tired, she was just so out of it, she was just so beat.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:56 am

In all honesty, Lea had completely forgotten about her indecent exposure. With that being said, right now she could of been wearing the most crudest of attires, or nothing at all. She had the Violent Violet on the ropes. No pun intended.

Returning with force greater than she set out with thanks to the aid of the ropes, Lea sent herself towards Jessica like a cruise missile, knee extended. The blonde didn't particularly aim to force her foes skull back into the corner post behind her, but she certainly didn't complain. Hell, in fact, she couldn't stop smiling.

Landing awkwardly onto one leg before correcting herself with the aid of the nearby ropes, Lea gave the audience one fine sadistic smile, before setting herself out on the small task of revenge. By now, she could of covered up, quite easily in fact, albeit after a bit of fidgeting with her attire.

But why bother? Time spent adjusting her outfit was less time to lay into Jess.

And less time to even the odds; her hands already going to Jessica's shoulder straps, apparently keen on evening the odds by rendering the beauty topless!


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:59 am

Jessica's head was facing down. Sweat was dripping off of her face, and her mouth hung open. Lea was targetting her head, to great effect. The Violent Violet had not gotten her bell rung so many times, in god only knew how long, and it did not look like the'fun was going to stop anytime soon. Hell, she had gotten her head hit twice last attack, which meant that she was not in a good way at all.

Still, she felt two hands accost her. It was not to pick her up, and throw her. No, the intention here was worse. The blonde woman was trying to humiliate Jessica, and she was getting away with it. Her top was undone, and now Jessica's two large pendulous breasts were available for the whole world to see.

She was out of it, but she was not quite that out of it. The roar of the crowd woke her a bit, and she moved to try and cover herself, to spare herself a bit of shame.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:21 am

Lea had countless chances now to adjust her own outfit; to fix it not so much that she was covered as she was before, but at least to the point where the crowd could not see the majority of the goods.

With a tongue extended, licking amongst those sadistic lips, it seemed apparent she was otherwise focused elsewhere, as her eyes didn't leave those sizeable assets of her foe for even a moment once they became fully visible.

Pressing her forehead against Jessica's own, she'd aim to not headbutt her foe repeatedly, but simply kept her pressed back against the corner.

Apparently, she didn't want to stop at revealing Jessica's chest. That was made apparent, as Lea's hands went to tear apart what fabric there was holding in the rest of the Violet's skin.

Albeit, she'd do the next stage of the stripping noticeably more fiercely. Smirking with her face pressing the beauty, she'd suddenly rear her head back, giving space for her to raise her leg; stomping it clearly and cleanly into Jessica's firm stomach! Using that as a brace as one would hold their leg to a wall whilst opening a jammed door, she'd pull with all the force in the world.

Not only did she want Jessica's outfit off her. She wanted it completely destroyed!


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:55 pm

Jessica felt Lea press her forehead against Jessica's own, and looked into her blue eyes. She did not see any signs of mercy, or doubt, or life. Only a vague inscrutable insanity that guided all of the woman's actions. It was quite frightening, all things considered, especially because Lea was so damn strong. While the woman was not an overly technical wrestler, her sheer brutality was carrying her though this fight.

And dead god was it carrying through. Jessica was a terribly tough woman, but she was having a hard time dealing with all of this. A hard stomp to the gut ended her nascent attempt to protect her dignity, and then push really came to shove. For the first time ever in a match, Jessica was stripped naked, save her red boots. The crowd jeered at her. Usually, it was her doing this to other girls, and then taking them backstage and fucking them senseless.

And now Jessica had to comprehend a world where that would happen, to her. She lay on the mat, moaning in pain, completely helpless in front of the crazed blonde woman. Jessica looked up into her, not quite sure what would happen next. She could not possibly imagine that the result would be good, however.

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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by scorn53 Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:50 am

Teeth bared like a mad, frothing dog, Lea didn't waste anytime in dumping what remained of her opponents outfit over the side. Not that there was anything left for Jessica to use to cover her, she simply wanted her hands free. Especially for what came next.

Latching her hand to either giant, firm breast, Lea would use her perverted grip on the busty beauty to pull her from the corner. She didn't imagine the feeling was at all satisfying nor erotic, but this was Lea.

Why the hell would she care?

Dragging Jessica away from the safety of the ropes, she'd aim to plant yet another firm knee into the beauties gut. Aiming once more right for the sternum, a spot victim to that vicious extended push-kick of Lea's a second ago, the blonde would make efforts to wound the now naked beauty for the fun to come.


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Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings - Page 6 Empty Re: Lea Vs Jessica Wright - Brutal Beginnings

Post by LtLukas Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:29 am

Two hands graced her breasts. In normal circumstances, she would find it nice. Erotic, even. But these circumstances were far from normal. It was the first time Jessica had been stripped in the ring, in large part because Lea had her on the back heel. She groaned as Lea used her impressive rack to get her away from the ropes, and salvation. It occured to her that she should be fighting back, but she was still so woozy.

And Lea had just made that exponentially hard. A hammer of a knee slammed into her sternum, forcing all of the air from her lungs once again. She honestly could not recall another match where she was like this, just a sitting duck. The Violent Violet was a strong, brutal woman. Never in her life did she imagine she would find someone who was just as strong, and just as brutal. If not stronger, and more brutal...

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