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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Brawling and's a new day.

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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by LunarWolf Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:36 pm

Cecilia managed to grab onto Angel and then pulled her up into the air, she then slammed the girl's back down and took Angel down onto the mat, seeing her the girl yelp out and arched on the mat with Cecilia over her, Cecilia would then move up onto Angel and attempt to playfully humiliate Angel a bit, as she would attempt and grab a hold of Angel's wrists and then attempt to pin the girl's arms down over her head, she would then attempt and move down so that she was almost lying on the girl but a bit above her, all so that her breasts would be placed right about where Angel's face was.

Cecilia would then attempt and envelope Angel's face with her breasts and place Angel in a breast smother against Cecilia's large soft orbs. Where Cecilia would crack a bit of a joke. " Looks like you aren't doing so well, seem to recall you thinking my breasts were fake ? can you still claim that Angel-pie ? " Cecilia said with a teasing tone as she would attempt and reach down with her legs and attempt to pull them in around Angel's and try to trap the girl up completely.

About this time a young beautiful and famous girl, had walked into the gym and was looking around, the girl was Aoko Reinhardt, a famous actor turned wrestler, who was looking for a great wrestler to be her teacher, she was looking for wrestlers that were put in the top 10 wrestlers of friction. And chance would have it that Aoko would come across two of them that were fighting on the padded floor of the Gym. " Uhmm ? What's going on here ? " Aoko let out as she looked down upon the two for a bit away.


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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by Alexandra Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:22 pm

Angel's arms were easily pinned to the floor, but when the blonde girl mounted her, her breasts hovering above Angel's face, she knew what was coming. She had used the same smothering technique many times in the past herself. Luckily for herself, she knew how to fight such a thing, as Cecilia was about to learn.

When Cecilia moved in closer, Angel opened her mouth partway, waiting for the blonde to move in closer. Once she did, once she lowered them fully onto Angel to try and smother her, Angel went to close her mouth, letting her teeth bite down on Cecilia's tits. She tried to dig her teeth in deep, wanting to cause Cecilia as much pain as she could to make her back off of her faster.

She would hear Aoko as she entered, but wouldn't pay her any sign that she knew she was there. She was too busy dealing with Cecilia for now.

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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by LunarWolf Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:08 am

Cecilia managed to put Angel down and pin the girl to the ground, even going as far as wanting to put the girl thought a bit of a humiliation finish, as she tried to place her breasts on Angel's face and got for a breast smother, planning to keep it locked in until Angel passed out. Though as she went down and was just about to engulf Angel's pretty face with her breasts. Cecilia felt a sharp pain that caused her to yelp out and then shout out.

" Aaaagh! Stupid bitch! Don't bite me there !" Cecilia shouted out as she would try and lift her breasts away from Angel's face, but tried to keep her wrists pinned above her head.

Aoko though would walk up a bit closer as she looked on at the two fighting girls, and would then say " Uhm...should you two save it for the ring ? " Aoko said as Cecilia was struggling to pull her breasts away from Angel's face, whilst keeping the girl down and pinned against the floor.


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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by Alexandra Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:11 am

As soon as Cecilia tried to lift her chest, Angel let her breast go, calling up at her. "Don't put 'em where I can bite 'em then, chica!" She yelled up at her. She struggled with her arms for a moment, trying to buck and jerk her body to throw Cecilia back off of herself again.

When she heard Aoko though, she called back in response to her. "I'll kick this bitch's ass whereever I want, thank you!"

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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by LunarWolf Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:18 am

Cecilia glared down at Angel for a while after she said what she said, and to be fair it had caused Cecilia to get a bit angry. She gritted her teeth and soon though, when Angel started to try and buck Cecilia off her, the mighty Hardcore Queen would attempt and press Angel down a bit more, forcing her weight down on the girl completely and even pushing down to keep her there.

Cecilia would then lean back with her head a bit, before she would attempt and send her forehead crashing down into Angel's attempting to hit the Latina with a vicious headbutt. " KH....gha dammit." Cecilia let out after as she would glare down at the girl.

Aoko would look on a bit concerned for both of them, " Uhm...sorry to ask, but what's the point ? no one will ever know who kicked who's butt and there will never be anyone who cared. Sure if one of you win here you can brag about it between each other, but the bad thing is if you have a match and the person that won here losses there....well that would then mean that this fight was completely pointless and that win too. " Aoko said as she looked quite ponderous while she was speaking about it all, trying to find a way to use reasoning to get the two girl's to stop fighting.


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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by Alexandra Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:13 am

Angel let out a cry as Cecilia's headbutt came down, each of the girl's foreheads smashing into the others. She glared right back up at Cecilia though, still weakly struggling to get the blonde off of her.

After Aoko's rant though, Angel's head whipped around towards her, yelling her way again. "I'll know, and it'll make me happy! Besides, it's not like I have much of a choice with this ape still on top of me!"

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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by LunarWolf Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:20 pm

Cecilia grinned down a bit at Angel as she heard what the girl said, " Little monkeys shouldn't make apes angry darling." Cecilia said as she would then attempt and move her head down a bit so it was just about where Angel breasts were. After a second Cecilia would bite down on Angel's breast and attempt to bite down hard very hard on Angel's large breast.

" Oh ?! H-hey... I can try and ....well..." Aoko said as she would look on a bit at Angel and Cecilia, before she would the attempt and move down and grab a hold of both of the girl's ears, one in each hand as she would wring them around and attempt to put a fair bit of hurt on the both.] " Now you two listen up! Settle this in the ring will you! Otherwise you are nothing better than pathetic brawlers." Aoko said as she would attempt to guide both girl up to their feet.

Cecilia didn't respond well to this though as she would have to let go of her bite if it got in and she would let out a fair bit of low " Ow ow ow ow.." as she was pulled up from Angel.


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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by Alexandra Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:13 pm

Angel let out a screech as Cecilia bit into her breast. She kicked her long legs angrily, screaming at the blonde atop her.

"NnnNNGGAAAH! I'll kill you, you dumb ape!" She screamed, jerking and thrashing beneath of Cecilia until Aoko came over and jerked the blonde up off of her, pulling the Latina up to her feet as well. Once she was back up, Angel began to rub her chest where Cecilia had bit her, glaring hate-filled daggers towards the blonde. "She started it!" Angel replied towards Aoko, never once taking her eyes off of Cecilia. "And that's exactly what she is! A big dumb brawler that thinks she can come in here, show off that trash belt of her's, and bully people around like she owns the place!"

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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by LunarWolf Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:45 am

Cecilia gritted her teeth as she looked on at Angel all after she had been pulled up to her feet, there was nothing that would stop her from glaring at Angel and show her just how angry she was at the girl. " Fuck this, you two can go play if you want. I'm done with you bitch, And I was right! You weren't much of anything at all." Cecilia said as she would then swat Aoko's hand away and then start to walk away from the two.

Aoko would look on at Cecilia as she left thinking that there she might have lost another one of the top ten fighters. It seemed as both Heather and Cecilia weren't going to be able to help her train. Though Aoko would then turn to Angel and look on a bit, " Uhm..sorry about that ear pulling. I'm Aoko by the way. Aoko Reinhardt. And you're Angel right ? I'm a big fan." Aoko said as she would extend her hand to Angel for a handshake.


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Brawling and's a new day. - Page 6 Empty Re: Brawling and's a new day.

Post by Alexandra Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:53 am

Angel took Aoko's hand, giving it a half-hearted shaking as she watched Cecilia leave, glaring at the blonde as she headed off. "Back at you, ape! You're nothing but a dumb blone after all!"

After Cecilia vanished from sight, she pulled her hand back from Aoko, almost as if noticing her for the first time. "Yeah, I'm Angel, that's right. Big fan, huh?"

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